
Charles E. Tucker Jr.

Most Influential Person Now

United States general

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Why Is Charles E. Tucker Jr. Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Charles Edward Tucker Jr. is a retired major general in the United States Air Force. He currently serves as the Co-Founder and Executive Director of two International Non-Governmental Organizations : the World Engagement Institute, Chicago, IL, USA; and the Sustainable Capacity International Institute, Arezzo, Italy. In these capacities, he develops and promotes the fundamental rights of peoples around the world through education, research, documentation, capacity building and advocacy. He also engages in post-conflict justice capacity building programs and large-scale human rights documentation projects throughout the world. Tucker has also served, since October, 2019, as Interim General Manager of Lyric Opera of Chicago.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Charles E. Tucker Jr.?

Charles E. Tucker Jr. is affiliated with the following schools: