
Charles Lenormant

Most Influential Person Across History

French archaeologist

Charles Lenormant's Academic­ Rankings

Charles Lenormant
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is Charles Lenormant Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Charles Lenormant was a French archaeologist. Biography After pursuing his studies at the Lycée Charlemagne and the Lycée Napoléon, he took up law, but a visit to Italy and Sicily made him an enthusiastic archaeologist. In 1825 he was named sub-inspector of fine arts and a few months later married Amelia Syvoct, niece and adopted daughter of the celebrated Mme Récamier. He visited Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and accompanied Jean-François Champollion to Egypt in July 1828, where he devoted himself to the study of architectural works.

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