
Charles N. Sims

Most Influential Person Across History

American Methodist preacher and chancellor of Syracuse University

Charles N. Sims's Academic­ Rankings

Charles N. Sims
Religious Studies
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religious-studies Degrees
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  • Religious Studies

Why Is Charles N. Sims Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Charles N. Sims was an American Methodist preacher and the third chancellor of Syracuse University, serving from 1881 to 1893. Sims Hall and Sims drive on the Syracuse campus is named for him. Early life Sims was born in Fairfield, Indiana in 1835. He graduated in 1859 from Indiana Ashbury University and received a Masters of Arts degree from there in 1861. Sims served as the first president of Valparaiso Male and Female College for two years starting in 1860 before resigning to become a minister. He was granted a Doctor of Divinity degree from Ashbury in 1871. In addition, he received an honorary M. A. from Ohio Wesleyan University and an honorary LL. D. from Ashbury .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Charles N. Sims?

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