
Chia-ying Yeh

Most Influential Person Now

Canadian sinologist, Educator

Chia-ying Yeh's Academic­ Rankings

Chia-ying Yeh
Political Science
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  • Political Science

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Why Is Chia-ying Yeh Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Florence Chia-ying Yeh , also known as Ye Jiaying , Jialing , and by her married name Chia-ying Yeh Chao, is a Chinese-born Canadian poet and sinologist. She was a scholar of classical Chinese poetry. She taught for twenty years at the University of British Columbia , and has been Professor Emerita since her retirement in 1989. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. After retiring from UBC, she has been teaching at Nankai University in Tianjin where she is the founding Director of the Institute of Chinese Classical Culture.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Chia-ying Yeh?

Chia-ying Yeh is affiliated with the following schools: