
Chris Difford

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British musician, singer, songwriter

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According to Wikipedia, Christopher Henry Difford is an English musician. He is a founding member and songwriter of the rock group Squeeze. Musical career Born in Greenwich, London, Difford has written lyrics for over 40 years, most notably in partnership with Glenn Tilbrook. The two were primary members in Squeeze and Difford & Tilbrook. According to Difford, he stole 50p from his mother's purse to put a card in a local sweetshop window advertising for a guitarist to join his band, although he did not have one at the time. Tilbrook was the only person who responded to the advert and they met for the first time shortly afterwards. Some of their best-known songs are "Tempted", "Pulling Mussels ", "Black Coffee in Bed", "Cool for Cats", "Up the Junction" and "Annie Get Your Gun".

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