
Christian Settipani

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French genealogist and historian

Christian Settipani's Academic­ Rankings

Christian Settipani
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Christian Settipani
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According to Wikipedia, Christian Settipani is a French genealogist, historian and IT professional, currently working as the Technical Director of a company in Paris. Biography Settipani holds a Master of Advanced Studies from the Paris-Sorbonne University , received a doctorate in history in December 2013 from the University of Lorraine with a dissertation titled Les prétentions généalogiques à Athènes sous l'empire romain and obtained in June 2019 from the Sorbonne university an habilitation for a dissertation titled "Liens dynastiques entre Byzance et l'étranger à l'époque des Comnène et des Paléologue" . He collaborates with the U.M.R 8167 "Orient et Mediterranée - le monde byzantin" laboratory from the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique .

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