Christopher Peterson
American psychologist
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Christopher Peterson 's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Colorado Boulder
Why Is Christopher Peterson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Christopher Peterson was the Arthur F. Thurnau professor of psychology and organizational studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the former chair of the clinical psychology area. He was science director of the VIA Institute on Character, and co-author of Character Strengths and Virtues for the classification of character strengths. He was a member of the Positive Psychology Steering Committee and the International Positive Psychology Association board of directors, a senior fellow at the Positive Psychology Center and a lecturer for the Master of Applied Positive Psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a co-editor of Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being and the Positive Psychology Book Series Editor for Oxford University Press.
Christopher Peterson 's Published Works
Published Works
- Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (2004) (5082)
- Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. (2005) (4903)
- Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. (2007) (4484)
- Causal explanations as a risk factor for depression: theory and evidence. (1984) (1541)
- The future of optimism. (2000) (1505)
- Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction: the full life versus the empty life (2005) (1345)
- The attributional Style Questionnaire (1982) (1155)
- A Primer in Positive Psychology (2006) (1046)
- Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control (1993) (949)
- Development, Freedom, and Rising Happiness: A Global Perspective (1981–2007) (2008) (949)
- Attributional style and depressive symptoms among children. (1984) (692)
- Character Strengths and Virtues (2004) (663)
- Strengths of character, orientations to happiness, and life satisfaction (2007) (632)
- Pessimistic explanatory style is a risk factor for physical illness: a thirty-five-year longitudinal study. (1988) (621)
- Moral competence and character strengths among adolescents: the development and validation of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for Youth. (2006) (608)
- Shared Virtue: The Convergence of Valued Human Strengths across Culture and History (2005) (535)
- Character strengths in fifty-four nations and the fifty US states (2006) (386)
- Mental health promotion in public health: perspectives and strategies from positive psychology. (2011) (342)
- Explanatory style and academic performance among university freshman. (1987) (331)
- Suicide Among Soldiers: A Review of Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors (2013) (307)
- Character strengths predict subjective well-being during adolescence (2011) (297)
- Character Strengths Before and After September 11 (2003) (292)
- Character Strengths and Happiness among Young Children: Content Analysis of Parental Descriptions (2006) (291)
- Character Strengths: Research and Practice (2009) (284)
- Strengths of character and posttraumatic growth. (2008) (283)
- Attributional styles and life events in the classroom: vulnerability and invulnerability to depressive mood reactions. (1982) (282)
- Explanatory style and illness. (1987) (272)
- Zest and work (2009) (265)
- Attributional style and the generality of learned helplessness. (1984) (260)
- Greater strengths of character and recovery from illness (2006) (259)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS): Adaptation and Validation of the German Version and the Development of a Peer-Rating Form (2010) (255)
- Positive Psychology and Character Strengths: Application to Strengths-Based School Counseling. (2008) (243)
- When is the Search for Meaning Related to Life Satisfaction (2010) (239)
- Self-blame and depressive symptoms. (1981) (229)
- Learned Helplessness and Victimization (1983) (224)
- Character strengths in the United Kingdom: The VIA Inventory of Strengths (2007) (205)
- The Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Strengths. (2006) (203)
- Three Ways to Be Happy: Pleasure, Engagement, and Meaning—Findings from Australian and US Samples (2009) (202)
- Optimistic Explanatory Style (2009) (200)
- Purpose in life and reduced risk of myocardial infarction among older U.S. adults with coronary heart disease: a two-year follow-up (2013) (195)
- Character strengths in organizations (2006) (192)
- Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction in twenty-seven nations (2009) (191)
- The role of private prayer in psychological recovery among midlife and aged patients following cardiac surgery. (1998) (188)
- Purpose in life and reduced incidence of stroke in older adults: 'The Health and Retirement Study'. (2013) (187)
- A prospective study of positive psychological well-being and coronary heart disease. (2011) (182)
- Attributional style among depressed patients. (1982) (180)
- The Meaning and Measurement of Explanatory Style (1991) (180)
- Personal control and health promotion. (1989) (173)
- Health and Optimism (1991) (169)
- Positive clinical psychology. (2003) (168)
- RESEARCH: The Effect of Religious-Spiritual Coping on Positive Attitudes of Adult Muslim Refugees From Kosovo and Bosnia (2003) (166)
- Convergence of Character Strengths in American and Japanese Young Adults (2006) (166)
- Long-Term Psychological Consequences in Women of Witnessing Parental Physical Conflict and Experiencing Abuse in Childhood (1998) (164)
- Explanatory style and resilience after sports failure (2003) (156)
- Prayers, spiritual support, and positive attitudes in coping with the September 11 national crisis. (2005) (152)
- Optimism and physical well-being. (2001) (148)
- Child Sexual Abuse, Peer Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Assault in Adulthood: A Multi-Risk Model of Revictimization (2001) (146)
- Positive Psychology as the Evenhanded Positive Psychologist Views It. (2003) (143)
- Heart health when life is satisfying: evidence from the Whitehall II cohort study. (2011) (138)
- Cognates of personal control: Locus of control, self-efficacy, and explanatory style (1992) (136)
- Classifying and Measuring Strengths of Character (2009) (133)
- Strengths of character and well-being: A closer look at hope and modesty (2004) (132)
- War-Related Trauma and Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Adult Kosovar Refugees (2002) (127)
- Pessimistic Explanatory Style in the Historical Record: CAVing LBJ, Presidential Candidates, and East Versus West Berlin (1988) (126)
- Private prayer and optimism in middle-aged and older patients awaiting cardiac surgery. (2002) (124)
- Catastrophizing and Untimely Death (1998) (122)
- Positive Social Science (2004) (117)
- Personal control and well-being. (1999) (115)
- Assessment for the U.S. Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program: the Global Assessment Tool. (2011) (112)
- Group Well‐Being: Morale from a Positive Psychology Perspective (2008) (112)
- Character strengths in children and adolescents: Reliability and initial validity of the german values in action inventory of strengths for youth (German VIA-Youth) (2014) (111)
- Faith-based and Secular Pathways to Hope and Optimism Subconstructs in Middle-aged and Older Cardiac Patients (2004) (109)
- Character Strengths Among Youth (2003) (108)
- Ways to happiness in German-Speaking countries the adaptation of the german version of the orientations to happiness questionnaire in Paper-Pencil and internet samples (2010) (105)
- Healthy psychological functioning and incident coronary heart disease: the importance of self-regulation. (2011) (103)
- Pessimistic explanatory style and response to illness. (1990) (101)
- Attributions and depressive mood shifts: a case study using the symptom-context method. (1983) (100)
- Strengths of Character in Schools (2009) (97)
- Dispositional Optimism Protects Older Adults From Stroke: The Health and Retirement Study (2011) (97)
- Depressive symptoms and unprompted causal attributions: content analysis. (1985) (96)
- Character Strengths and Virtues of Developing Military Leaders: An International Comparison (2006) (95)
- Does it matter where we live?: The urban psychology of character strengths. (2010) (94)
- Optimism and flourishing. (2003) (89)
- Assessing psychological well-being: self-report instruments for the NIH Toolbox (2014) (87)
- Optimistic explanatory style and the perception of health problems. (1995) (86)
- Explanatory style as a risk factor for illness (1988) (85)
- Classification and Measurement of Character Strengths: Implications for Practice (2012) (85)
- Mea Culpa: Predicting Stock Prices From Organizational Attributions (2004) (84)
- Machiavellianism and spontaneous cheating in competition (1980) (82)
- Depressive symptoms among Vietnamese-American college students. (1993) (80)
- Patient behavior in hospitals: helplessness, reactance, or both? (1982) (78)
- Legal and social contexts and mental health among lesbian and heterosexual mothers. (2009) (76)
- The Attributional Style Questionnaire1 (1982) (76)
- Perceived neighborhood social cohesion and stroke. (2013) (74)
- An Attributional Style Questionnaire for General Use (1996) (72)
- Impact of employees' character strengths of wisdom on stress and creative performance (2012) (68)
- Life after trauma: personality and daily life experiences of traumatized people. (1995) (65)
- Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being Editorial (2008) (64)
- The Positive Perspective On Youth Development (2005) (64)
- Attributions and depressive mood shifts: A case study using the symptom–context model. (1983) (63)
- La Psicología Positiva: Investigación y aplicaciones (2013) (63)
- Depression, faith-based coping, and short-term postoperative global functioning in adult and older patients undergoing cardiac surgery. (2006) (61)
- Gender differences in best friendships (1993) (59)
- Pessimistic explanatory style moderates the effect of stress on physical illness (2002) (59)
- Validation of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for Youth (VIA-Youth) Among South African learners (2008) (57)
- A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Psychological Approaches to Mental Illness (2009) (55)
- Self-Serving Attributions for Individual and Group Performance (1987) (55)
- Achieving and Sustaining a Good Life (2009) (54)
- Long-term Adjustment After Surviving Open Heart Surgery: The Effect of Using Prayer for Coping Replicated in a Prospective Design. (2010) (53)
- Explanatory Style and Health (2001) (53)
- The Influence of Prayer Coping on Mental Health among Cardiac Surgery Patients (2007) (48)
- Pessimistic Explanatory Style, Stress, and Illness (1995) (46)
- Effects of faith and secular factors on locus of control in middle-aged and older cardiac patients (2005) (43)
- Life Satisfaction and Frequency of Doctor Visits (2014) (42)
- Uncontrollability and self-blame in depression: investigation of the paradox in a college population. (1979) (42)
- Learned helplessness and health psychology. (1982) (42)
- The Cultivation of Character Strengths (2008) (41)
- Positive Psychology and Physical Health (2016) (40)
- Pursuing the Good Life: 100 Reflections on Positive Psychology (2012) (37)
- Explanatory Style as a Risk Factor for Traumatic Mishaps (2001) (37)
- Explanatory Style: History and Evolution of the Field (2014) (36)
- Coping and depressive symptoms among Iranian students. (1995) (34)
- How gender affects psychological adjustment one year after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (1998) (34)
- Health and environment: A psychological analysis (1993) (33)
- Motivation and personality: The explanatory style scoring manual (1992) (33)
- Anger of women incest survivors (1996) (32)
- Strengths of Character and Happiness: Introduction to Special Issue (2006) (31)
- The moderating effects of explanatory style in physical education performance : a prospective study (2005) (31)
- Early Intervention from the Perspective of Positive Psychology. (2003) (31)
- Stress at Work (1999) (30)
- Positive development: Realizing the potential of youth (2004) (30)
- The Use of Prayer by Coronary Artery Bypass Patients (2000) (29)
- Explanatory style of schizophrenic and depressed outpatients (1993) (28)
- From Helplessness To Hope: The Seminal Career Of Martin Seligman (2000) (28)
- Social Support: Seek and Ye Shall Find (1989) (28)
- Explanatory style, family expressiveness, and self-esteem among Asian American and European American college students. (1997) (27)
- Further Thoughts on Explanatory Style (1991) (27)
- Attribution in the Sports Pages: An Archival Investigation of the Covariation Hypothesis (1980) (27)
- Health and Optimism: New Research on the Relationship Between Positive Thinking and Physical Well-being (1992) (27)
- Learning impairment following insoluble problems: Learned helplessness or altered hypothesis pool? (1978) (26)
- Explanatory style and coping with controllable events by student-athletes (1993) (26)
- The Values in Action Inventory of Character Strengths for Youth (2016) (24)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (2017) (23)
- Explanatory style and gambling: how pessimists respond to losing wagers. (1990) (23)
- On shortening the Expanded Attributional Style Questionnaire. (1991) (23)
- The Posthumanism to Come (2011) (23)
- Attachment Security and Its Benefits in Context (2007) (23)
- Psychological recovery from coronary artery bypass graft surgery: the use of complementary therapies. (1997) (22)
- Designing clinical trials on energy healing: ancient art encounters medical science. (2001) (22)
- Love and depression: the nature of depressive romantic relationships (1991) (22)
- Can Explanatory Style be Scored from TAT Protocols? (1994) (22)
- Gender differences in personality correlates of explanatory style (1997) (21)
- A Protocol for Teaching Resilience to High Performance Athletes (2004) (20)
- Is Optimal Functioning a Distinct State (2010) (20)
- Occupational Health and Safety in Australia (1999) (20)
- Faith Factors and Internal Health Locus of Control in Patients Prior to Open-heart Surgery (2005) (19)
- Can optimism decrease the risk of illness and disease among the elderly (2012) (19)
- Character strengths and the life of meaning. (2012) (19)
- Bestial Traces: Race, Sexuality, Animality (2012) (19)
- [Development of the Japanese version of the Values In Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS)]. (2005) (18)
- Private Prayer and Quality of Life in Cardiac Patients: Pathways of Cognitive Coping and Social Support (2009) (18)
- What Happened to Self-Actualization? (2010) (18)
- Beloved's Claim (2006) (17)
- The Strengths Revolution: A Positive Psychology Perspective. (2013) (16)
- Psychological interventions and coronary heart disease (2011) (16)
- Depressive Mood Reactions to Breaking Up: Testing the Learned Helplessness Model of Depression (1985) (16)
- Meaning and Positive Psychology (2014) (16)
- Minimally Sufficient Research (2009) (14)
- Entity and Incremental World Views: Some Lessons From Learned Helplessness Theory and Research (1995) (14)
- Self-care and psychosocial adjustment of patients following cardiac surgery. (1998) (14)
- Kindred Specters: Death, Mourning, and American Affinity (2007) (14)
- Risk factors for accident death in the U.S. Army, 2004-2009. (2014) (13)
- Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets (2013) (12)
- Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach (1996) (12)
- Differential Effects of Faith-Based Coping on Physical and Mental Fatigue in Middle-Aged and Older Cardiac Patients (2006) (12)
- The enduring value of the Boulder model: "upon this rock we will build". (2005) (11)
- Study Dispositional Optimism Protects Older Adults From Stroke : The Health and (2011) (11)
- Changes in technology use and adult attachment orientation from 2002 to 2012 (2014) (11)
- Learned Helplessness: Fundamental Issues in Theory and Research (1985) (11)
- Enhancing the Hopes and Performance of Elite Athletes Through Optimism Skills (2002) (10)
- Female Incest Survivors (1998) (10)
- A sociological analysis of chronic fatigue syndrome and the impact on family support structures (1998) (10)
- Monkey Trouble: The Scandal of Posthumanism (2017) (10)
- Stress among health care workers (2003) (10)
- A Positive Psychology Perspective on Post-9/11 Security (2006) (9)
- The Aping Apes of Poe and Wright: Race, Animality, and Mimicry in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and Native Son (2010) (9)
- Motivation and personality: Explanatory style (1992) (9)
- The Return of the Body: Judith Butler's Dialectical Corporealism (2008) (9)
- The Development of Indigenous Substance Misuse Services in Australia: Beliefs, Conflicts and Change (2000) (8)
- Symptoms, Religious Coping, and Positive Attitudes of Refugees from Kosovar War. (2005) (8)
- Gender differences in distress and depression following cardiac surgery (1997) (8)
- Helpless behavior. (1993) (8)
- Parental Sociopathy as a Predictor of Childhood Sexual Abuse (1999) (7)
- Depressive irrationality (2005) (6)
- Suicide in happy places revisited: the geographical unit of analysis matters. (2014) (6)
- Positive Psychology and Character Strengths: Application to Strengths-Based School Counseling (2008) (6)
- Positive Organizational Scholarship (2006) (6)
- Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire--German Version (2011) (5)
- Curiosity [Interest, Novelty-Seeking, Openness to Experience]. (2004) (5)
- The Magic Cave of Allegory: Lars von Trier’s Melancholia (2013) (5)
- The Haunted House of Kinship: Miscegenation, Homosexuality, and Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! (2004) (5)
- It’s not just the economy: The psychological well-being of an electorate also matters for election outcomes (2017) (5)
- Social Construction of Chronic Disease: Narratives on the Experience of Chronic Illness (2011) (4)
- The Observational Evaluation of Subjective Well‐Being in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (2009) (4)
- The Gravity of Melancholia: A Critique of Speculative Realism (2015) (4)
- The city where we live matters: The psychology of cities. (2014) (4)
- Slavery's Bestiary: Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus Tales (2011) (4)
- Short Reports Attributional Style and Depressive Symptoms Among Children (1984) (4)
- What prevention researchers and practitioners should know in the 21st century. (2002) (4)
- Optimism in Sports : An Explanatory Style Approach (2006) (4)
- Attributional style and coping among student-athletes during controllable stressful events (1993) (3)
- Contribution Of A Sociological Approach To The Concept Of Stress: A Reference To Occupational Stress (1994) (3)
- Increasing happiness in lasting ways (2009) (3)
- Specificity of Values and the Prediction of Prosocial Behavior (1980) (3)
- Parental explanatory style and its relationship to the classroom performance of disabled and nondisabled children (1991) (3)
- The home of Friday: Coetzee's Foe (2016) (3)
- The Monolingualism of the Human (2014) (3)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Problem of Legitimation (1999) (2)
- Recruitment and Retention of Rural GPs : The role of skill substitution and home and work balance. (2008) (2)
- Important Papers on Well-Being: Assessment, Science, and Culture (2012) (2)
- The Epidemic of Stress (2018) (2)
- Work-related Stress in Australia (2007) (2)
- Elementary Principal Wisdom: Teacher Perceptions of Leadership. (2017) (2)
- Using Private Prayer for Coping (UPPC): Its Role and Mechanisms in Adversities Facing Diverse Populations (2020) (2)
- La Psicología Positiva: Investigación y aplicaciones Positive Psychology: Research and practice (2013) (2)
- Introduction to psychology / Christopher Peterson (1991) (2)
- The Health Benefits of Nature: Introduction to the Special Section (2011) (2)
- To be or not to be: a study of ambivalence. (1987) (2)
- Comments on “attributional styles for helplessness and depression” (1984) (1)
- Steen Happiness Index (2012) (1)
- Learned helplessness and the generality of social loafing (1986) (1)
- Health Service Restructuring: Changes in the Roles of General Practitioners (1996) (1)
- Running head : Explanatory Style and Resilience Explanatory Style and Resilience after Sports Failure (2017) (1)
- Slavery's Bestiary (2012) (1)
- Keeping it simple (2010) (1)
- Occupational Health and Safety (2018) (1)
- Resilience and Leadership inDangerous Contexts (2011) (1)
- Helplessness and hospitalization: more remarks. (1984) (1)
- Resenting AIDS: Paranoia, Punishment, Performativity (2000) (1)
- Preface (2004) (1)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for Youth--German Version (2014) (1)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths—German Version and Peer Rating Form (2011) (1)
- The Gravity of Melancholia (2016) (1)
- The Perceived Spiritual Support Scale (PSSS): Measuring Support from the Deep Connection with Diverse Sacred Entities (2020) (1)
- Possessed by Poe: Reading Poe in an age of intellectual guilt (2001) (1)
- Race, Religion, and Justice: From Privilege to Solidarity in the Mid-South Food Movement (2017) (1)
- The Character strengths in organizations Incubator (2006) (1)
- Monkey Trouble (2017) (1)
- Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire (2012) (1)
- Clouds and silver linings: Depressive symptoms and causal attributions about ostensibly “good” and “bad” events (1983) (1)
- Canoptimismdecreasetheriskofillness anddiseaseamongtheelderly? "…more longitudinal studies are necessary to learn more about when, why, how and for whom optimism plays a role in good health and whether interventions that enhance optimism will yield health benefits. " (2012) (0)
- The motivational significance of cognition (1988) (0)
- Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety: International Influences and the “New” Epidemics (2018) (0)
- A contested disease state : chronic fatigue syndrome (2003) (0)
- Thinking Outside the Disability Management Box: The Case for Modified Duty Off-Site in Nebraska (2012) (0)
- MentalHealthPromotioninPublicHealth:PerspectivesandStrategies FromPositivePsychology (2011) (0)
- Sociopathy as a Predictor of Childhood Sexual Abuse (2006) (0)
- Spiritual Support Scale (2017) (0)
- Use of Private Prayer Measure (2015) (0)
- Strength of Faith Scale (2017) (0)
- Neighborhood Social Cohesion Scale (2014) (0)
- Conclusion: OHS risk management in the health care industry (2005) (0)
- notes on the contributors (2013) (0)
- Important Papers on Well-Being: Assessment, Science, and Culture (2010) (0)
- Attribution theory in clinical psychology (1990) (0)
- Anger of Women Incest (1996) (0)
- Purpose in Life Questionnaire (2014) (0)
- Animal (2019) (0)
- The Attributional Style Questionnaire 1 (2004) (0)
- "Our Leaders Were Mighty": Identifying Modern Leadership Philosophies in the Book of Mormon (2019) (0)
- BRIEF R EPORT Strengths of Character and Posttraumatic Growth (2008) (0)
- What are the occupational health and safety risks faced by health care workers (2005) (0)
- notes on the contributors (2011) (0)
- NORMAL MONSTERS AND MONSTROUS MONSTROSITIES: a response to cary wolfe (2013) (0)
- On the Death of the Informal Organisation: Some Comments from a Mourner (with Apologies to Mayo, 1946 and Krasner, 1976) (2008) (0)
- Attribution theory in clinical psychology : By F. Forsterling. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1988. 202 pp. $54.95 (hardcover) (1990) (0)
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What Are Christopher Peterson 's Academic Contributions?
Christopher Peterson is most known for their academic work in the field of psychology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Christopher Peterson has made the following academic contributions: