
Cigall Kadoch

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American cancer biologist

Cigall Kadoch's Academic­ Rankings

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biology Degrees
Cigall Kadoch
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philosophy Degrees
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Why Is Cigall Kadoch Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Cigall Kadoch is an American biochemist and cancer biologist who is Associate Professor of Pediatric Oncology at the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School and an Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Her research is focused in chromatin regulation and how changes in cellular structure can lead to human diseases, such as Cancer, Neurodevelopmental disorders, and others. She is internationally recognized for her work on the mammalian SWI/SNF complex, a large molecular machine known as a Chromatin remodeling complex. She was named as one of the world's leading scientists by MIT Technology Review, 35 Under 35 and Forbes 30 Under 30, and a Finalist for the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists. In 2019, she received the Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2020, the American Association for Cancer Research Outstanding Achievement in Basic Cancer Research Award. Kadoch was also recognized as one of the 100 Influential Women in Oncology by OncoDaily.

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Cigall Kadoch's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Cigall Kadoch?

Cigall Kadoch is affiliated with the following schools: