
Constanza Ceruti

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Argentinian anthropologist

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  • Anthropology

Why Is Constanza Ceruti Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, María Constanza Ceruti is an anthropologist and mountaineer from Argentina, who has done more than 80 field surveys, most of them as part of National Geographic teams in Andean regions of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Her most important finding are the Children of Llullaillaco, considered the best preserved mummies in the world by the Guinness World Records. She is also the first woman worldwide to specialize in high-altitude archaeology, studying Inca ceremonial centers on the summits of Andean peaks above 6000 meters. She is a pioneer in the anthropological study of sacred mountains around the world, and in the emerging field of glacial archaeology.

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Constanza Ceruti's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Constanza Ceruti?

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