
Cristina Lafont

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Spanish philosopher

Cristina Lafont's Academic­ Rankings

Cristina Lafont
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Social Philosophy
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Cristina Lafont Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Cristina Lafont is Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy at Northwestern University. Biography Lafont graduated 'cum laude' with a Licenciatura in philosophy from the Universidad de Valencia in 1987. From there, she moved to Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt , where she obtained her PhD in philosophy 'summa cum laude' in 1992 under the supervision of Jürgen Habermas. At the same university, she was awarded the Habilitation in the year 2000. Cristina Lafont has held numerous positions as a distinguished lecturer or visiting professor in the English-speaking, Spanish-speaking and German-speaking academic world. She was Visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico , Universidad Carlos III Madrid , Universidad de Oviedo , Lehrbeauftragte at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt. In 2008, she held a Secularity and Value Lecture at the London School of Economics, in 2009 the García Máynez Lectures at the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico , in 2011 she held the Spinoza chair at the University of Amsterdam, and in 2012–13, she was a Fellow at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study

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Cristina Lafont's Published Works

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