
Curtis P. Berlinguette

Most Influential Person Now

Canadian biochemist

Curtis P. Berlinguette's Academic­ Rankings

Curtis P. Berlinguette
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Inorganic Chemistry
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Organic Chemistry
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chemistry Degrees
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  • Chemistry

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Why Is Curtis P. Berlinguette Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Curtis P. Berlinguette is a professor of chemistry. and chemical and biological engineering at the University of British Columbia. He is also a CIFAR Program Co-Director, a principal investigator at the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. His academic research group designs and builds electrochemical reactors for:Reactive CO2 capture ;Electro-catalytic hydrogenation; andLow-temperature nuclear fusion .His research group also builds self-driving laboratories that combine flexible automation and artificial intelligence

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Curtis P. Berlinguette's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Curtis P. Berlinguette?

Curtis P. Berlinguette is affiliated with the following schools: