
Daniel Kane

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Australian linguist

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Why Is Daniel Kane Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Daniel Kane was an Australian diplomat and linguist, and one of the world's foremost authorities on the extinct Jurchen and Khitan languages and their scripts. Biography Daniel Kane was born in January 1948 in Melbourne. Bereaved of his father when young, circumstances of extreme poverty constrained him to cut his education short and enter the work force at 16. He left school and joined a bank, working as a teller at a branch in Lygon Street, Carlton. There the then Dean of Arts at the university noticed he had a remarkable talent for languages, appearing to speak to Greek and Italian clients fluently - he had picked up Italian, for one, listening and talking to the sons of immigrants at school in his preteen years - and invited him to finish high school and take up studies at the nearby university. He undertook further education in his spare time and matriculated to Melbourne University with high honours.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Daniel Kane ?

Daniel Kane is affiliated with the following schools: