
David Buckingham

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Media, communication and education scholar

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David Buckingham
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Why Is David Buckingham Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David Dennis Buckingham, is a media, communications and education scholar and retired academic. Career David Dennis Buckingham was born on 6 October 1954. He completed his undergraduate studies at Clare College, Cambridge, graduating in 1975. He worked at the Inner London Education Authority from 1978 to 1984, during which time he also completed film studies master's degree at the Polytechnic of Central London . In 1984, he joined the Institute of Education as a lecturer, and completed a doctorate there in 1993 . Three years later, he was promoted to a readership at the institute, and in 1999 was promoted again to Professor of Education. He remained in that post until taking up a professorship at Loughborough University in 2012; he retired in 2014 and was appointed an emeritus fellow at Loughborough.

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David Buckingham 's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With David Buckingham ?

David Buckingham is affiliated with the following schools: