
David C. Hardesty Jr.

Most Influential Person Now

American academic administrator and lawyer

David C. Hardesty Jr.'s Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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David C. Hardesty Jr.
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Why Is David C. Hardesty Jr. Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David Carter Hardesty Jr. is an American lawyer and educator who was the 21st president of West Virginia University from 1995 to 2007. As an undergraduate student at West Virginia University, Hardesty was student body president, a member of Phi Kappa Psi, and a Rhodes Scholar. Hardesty earned a B.A. from Oxford University in 1969 which was redesignated an M.A. in 1983. He received a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1973. and He was a partner with Bowles, Rice, McDavid, Graff & Love from 1973 to 1995, and served as the Tax Commissioner of West Virginia from 1977 to 1980. Hardesty then began his twelve-year tenure as president of WVU. He is currently president emeritus and professor of law at West Virginia University.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With David C. Hardesty Jr.?

David C. Hardesty Jr. is affiliated with the following schools: