
David Glen Mick

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American academic

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Why Is David Glen Mick Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David Glen Mick is the Robert Hill Carter Professor in Marketing in the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. He is former editor of the Journal of Consumer Research , past President of the Association for Consumer Research , and an elected fellow of the Society for Consumer Psychology. He is credited with being a co-founder in 2005 of Transformative Consumer Research at the Association for Consumer Research. In general, Mick's research has focused on the nature and role of meaning and communication in consumer behavior. More specifically, he has addressed semiotics and consumer behavior, consumer motivations, self-gifts, advertising, materialism, satisfaction, technological products, and, more recently, wisdom and well-being. Mick has been recognized for his research in varied ways. He was awarded the Best Article Award for 1986–1988 in the Journal of Consumer Research. He is also a recipient of the 1999 Harold H. Maynard Award for research in the Journal of Marketing. He has been ranked as one of the top 50 most prolific scholars in the leading marketing journals from 1982 to 2006. He has also been ranked as one of the top-10 most published consumer researchers in the Journal of Consumer Research for the 25-year period of 1977–2002. Mick has been invited to conduct seminars at universities across the world, including Harvard, Duke, Stanford, Oxford, Erasmus , Trinity , and the Stockholm School of Economics, among others.

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David Glen Mick's Published Works

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