David Kupfer
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American psychiatrist
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David Kupfer's Degrees
- Doctorate Medicine Harvard University
Why Is David Kupfer Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David Jerome Kupfer is head of the psychiatry department at the University of Pittsburgh and head of the DSM-5 planning committee. He was awarded the Joseph Zubin Award in 1999.
David Kupfer's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research (1989) (22722)
- Psychopharmacology: The Fourth Generation of Progress (1995) (2967)
- Acute and longer-term outcomes in depressed outpatients requiring one or several treatment steps: a STAR*D report. (2006) (2419)
- Acute and Longer- Term Outcomes in Depressed Outpatients Requiring One or Several Treatment Steps: A STAR*D Report (2006) (1928)
- Conceptualization and rationale for consensus definitions of terms in major depressive disorder. Remission, recovery, relapse, and recurrence. (1991) (1896)
- How do risk factors work together? Mediators, moderators, and independent, overlapping, and proxy risk factors. (2001) (1686)
- Coming to terms with the terms of risk. (1997) (1339)
- Five-year outcome for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression. (1990) (1140)
- Sequenced treatment alternatives to relieve depression (STAR*D): rationale and design. (2004) (933)
- Effects of gender and age on the levels and circadian rhythmicity of plasma cortisol. (1996) (930)
- Relapse prevention with antidepressant drug treatment in depressive disorders: a systematic review (2003) (823)
- Quantification of subjective sleep quality in healthy elderly men and women using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (1991) (813)
- DSM-5 field trials in the United States and Canada, Part II: test-retest reliability of selected categorical diagnoses. (2013) (778)
- Size of Treatment Effects and Their Importance to Clinical Research and Practice (2006) (742)
- A new approach to integrating data from multiple informants in psychiatric assessment and research: mixing and matching contexts and perspectives. (2003) (720)
- Amphetamine-induced dopamine release in human ventral striatum correlates with euphoria (2001) (702)
- Major depressive disorder: new clinical, neurobiological, and treatment perspectives (2012) (684)
- Complicated grief and bereavement-related depression as distinct disorders: preliminary empirical validation in elderly bereaved spouses. (1995) (681)
- Pet imaging of serotonin 1A receptor binding in depression (1999) (662)
- Functional neuroimaging evidence for hyperarousal in insomnia. (2004) (653)
- Nortriptyline and interpersonal psychotherapy as maintenance therapies for recurrent major depression: a randomized controlled trial in patients older than 59 years. (1999) (615)
- Report by the ACNP Task Force on Response and Remission in Major Depressive Disorder (2006) (593)
- How and why criteria defining moderators and mediators differ between the Baron & Kenny and MacArthur approaches. (2008) (584)
- Social zeitgebers and biological rhythms. A unified approach to understanding the etiology of depression. (1988) (575)
- Two-year outcomes for interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I disorder. (2005) (550)
- Drug therapy in the prevention of recurrences in unipolar and bipolar affective disorders. Report of the NIMH Collaborative Study Group comparing lithium carbonate, imipramine, and a lithium carbonate-imipramine combination. (1984) (550)
- A Research Agenda for DSM-V (2002) (545)
- Background and rationale for the sequenced treatment alternatives to relieve depression (STAR*D) study. (2003) (535)
- How can we learn about developmental processes from cross-sectional studies, or can we? (2000) (526)
- The DSM‐5: Classification and criteria changes (2013) (518)
- Healthy Older Adults’ Sleep Predicts All-Cause Mortality at 4 to 19 Years of Follow-Up (2003) (515)
- Circadian rhythm disturbances in depression (2008) (511)
- Serotonin in Aging, Late-Life Depression, and Alzheimer's Disease: The Emerging Role of Functional Imaging (1998) (504)
- Rationale, design, and methods of the systematic treatment enhancement program for bipolar disorder (STEP-BD) (2003) (499)
- The Pittsburgh Sleep Diary (1994) (482)
- The increasing medical burden in bipolar disorder. (2005) (481)
- Forebrain activation in REM sleep: an FDG PET study 1 Presented in abstract form at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 1996. 1 (1997) (478)
- Treatment of major depression with psychotherapy or psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy combinations. (1997) (475)
- Consensus criteria for traumatic grief (1999) (474)
- Neuropsychologic impairments in bipolar and unipolar mood disorders on the CANTAB neurocognitive battery (2000) (474)
- Self-reported sleep disturbance as a prodromal symptom in recurrent depression. (1997) (468)
- Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: managing the chaos of bipolar disorder (2000) (464)
- Three-year outcomes for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression. (1990) (460)
- Benzodiazepines and zolpidem for chronic insomnia: a meta-analysis of treatment efficacy. (1997) (448)
- REM latency: a psychobiologic marker for primary depressive disease. (1976) (445)
- Metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorder: findings from the Bipolar Disorder Center for Pennsylvanians. (2005) (444)
- Sleep research in affective illness: state of the art circa 1987. (1987) (442)
- Bipolar disorder diagnosis: challenges and future directions (2013) (442)
- The effects of age and gender on sleep EEG power spectral density in the middle years of life (ages 20-60 years old). (2001) (421)
- Efficacy of olanzapine in combination with valproate or lithium in the treatment of mania in patients partially nonresponsive to valproate or lithium monotherapy. (2002) (418)
- Maintenance treatment of major depression in old age. (2006) (410)
- Allelic Variation in the Serotonin Transporter Promoter Affects Onset of Paroxetine Treatment Response in Late-Life Depression (2000) (395)
- Can bipolar disorder be viewed as a multi-system inflammatory disease? (2012) (383)
- Obesity as a correlate of outcome in patients with bipolar I disorder. (2003) (382)
- Serotonin-1A receptor imaging in recurrent depression: replication and literature review. (2007) (377)
- The conceptual development of DSM-V. (2009) (371)
- Sleep-wake disorders based on a polysomnographic diagnosis. A national cooperative study. (1982) (366)
- Contributions of risk-factor research to developmental psychopathology. (1997) (352)
- Medication effects in neuroimaging studies of bipolar disorder. (2008) (331)
- Lifetime psychiatric disorders in school-aged offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: the Pittsburgh Bipolar Offspring study. (2009) (330)
- Interval between onset of sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep as an indicator of depression. (1972) (317)
- Long-term treatment of depression. (1991) (314)
- Treatment of bereavement-related major depressive episodes in later life: a controlled study of acute and continuation treatment with nortriptyline and interpersonal psychotherapy. (1999) (310)
- DSM-5 field trials in the United States and Canada, Part III: development and reliability testing of a cross-cutting symptom assessment for DSM-5. (2013) (310)
- Symptoms of Stress and Depression as Correlates of Sleep in Primary Insomnia (2000) (302)
- Circadian rhythms in human performance and mood under constant conditions (1997) (302)
- Elevated left and reduced right orbitomedial prefrontal fractional anisotropy in adults with bipolar disorder revealed by tract-based spatial statistics. (2008) (301)
- Sleep and morningness‐eveningness in the ‘middle’ years of life (20–59y) (1997) (293)
- Association study of eight circadian genes with bipolar I disorder, schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia (2006) (291)
- Full-Information Item Bifactor Analysis of Graded Response Data (2007) (289)
- Relapse prevention in bipolar I disorder: 18-month comparison of olanzapine plus mood stabiliser v. mood stabiliser alone (2004) (288)
- Autonomic reactivity and psychopathology in middle childhood (2001) (283)
- Continuation drug therapy for major depressive episodes: how long should it be maintained? (1986) (280)
- Demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals in a bipolar disorder case registry. (2002) (279)
- Human regional cerebral glucose metabolism during non-rapid eye movement sleep in relation to waking. (2002) (276)
- Stressful life events and social rhythm disruption in the onset of manic and depressive bipolar episodes: a preliminary investigation. (1998) (276)
- Abnormal Amygdala-Prefrontal Effective Connectivity to Happy Faces Differentiates Bipolar from Major Depression (2009) (276)
- Temporal profiles of the course of depression during treatment. Predictors of pathways toward recovery in the elderly. (1997) (272)
- Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy as a maintenance treatment of recurrent depression. Contributing factors. (1991) (272)
- Moderators of treatment outcomes: clinical, research, and policy importance. (2006) (265)
- Greater Cortical Gray Matter Density in Lithium-Treated Patients with Bipolar Disorder (2007) (264)
- Clinical diagnoses in 216 insomnia patients using the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), DSM-IV and ICD-10 categories: a report from the APA/NIMH DSM-IV Field Trial. (1994) (262)
- Comorbidity and Boundaries of Affective Disorders with Anxiety Disorders and Substance Misuse: Results of an International Task Force (1996) (258)
- Increased gray matter volume in lithium-treated bipolar disorder patients (2002) (256)
- The Social Rhythm Metric An Instrument to Quantify the Daily Rhythms of Life (1990) (253)
- Sex differences in recurrent depression: are there any that are significant? (1988) (245)
- Resting plasma catecholamine concentrations in patients with depression and anxiety. (1971) (243)
- Delta sleep ratio. A biological correlate of early recurrence in unipolar affective disorder. (1990) (237)
- Competence of depressed patients for consent to research. (1999) (235)
- The confluence of mental, physical, social, and academic difficulties in middle childhood. II: developing the Macarthur health and Behavior Questionnaire. (2002) (232)
- Cardiovascular disease and hypertension among adults with bipolar I disorder in the United States. (2009) (231)
- Anxiety as a correlate of response to the acute treatment of bipolar I disorder. (2000) (229)
- Using computerized adaptive testing to reduce the burden of mental health assessment. (2008) (227)
- Elevated striatal and decreased dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity in response to emotional stimuli in euthymic bipolar disorder: no associations with psychotropic medication load. (2008) (224)
- Incidence and signficiance of mixed affective states in a bipolar population. (1976) (224)
- The application of EEG sleep for the differential diagnosis of affective disorders. (1978) (221)
- Daytime symptoms in primary insomnia: a prospective analysis using ecological momentary assessment. (2007) (218)
- Elevated Amygdala Activity to Sad Facial Expressions: A State Marker of Bipolar but Not Unipolar Depression (2010) (218)
- Exploring risk factors for the emergence of children's mental health problems. (2006) (217)
- MRI investigation of temporal lobe structures in bipolar patients. (2003) (213)
- Exactly what does the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale measure? (1993) (212)
- Anatomical MRI study of hippocampus and amygdala in patients with current and remitted major depression (2004) (212)
- Clinical staging in psychiatry: a cross-cutting model of diagnosis with heuristic and practical value (2013) (212)
- Social rhythm disruption and stressful life events in the onset of bipolar and unipolar episodes (2000) (210)
- Management of insomnia. (1997) (210)
- Functional impairment in the remission phase of bipolar disorder. (2005) (208)
- The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (2016) (204)
- Serotonin type-1A receptor imaging in depression. (2000) (203)
- Anatomic evaluation of the orbitofrontal cortex in major depressive disorder (2004) (200)
- Prevalence of obesity and weight change during treatment in patients with bipolar I disorder. (2002) (200)
- Pain predicts longer time to remission during treatment of recurrent depression. (2005) (197)
- Diagnostic Precursors to Bipolar Disorder in Offspring of Parents With Bipolar Disorder: A Longitudinal Study. (2015) (197)
- Circadian Phase Variation in Bipolar I Disorder (2005) (197)
- EEG sleep in elderly depressed, demented, and healthy subjects (1985) (197)
- Screening for anxiety and depression in early adolescence. (2001) (193)
- Neuroscience, clinical evidence, and the future of psychiatric classification in DSM-5. (2011) (189)
- Electroencephalographic sleep in young, never-medicated schizophrenics. A comparison with delusional and nondelusional depressives and with healthy controls. (1987) (187)
- Inducing lifestyle regularity in recovering bipolar disorder patients: Results from the maintenance therapies in bipolar disorder protocol (1997) (187)
- Reduced left anterior cingulate volumes in untreated bipolar patients (2004) (185)
- Clinical significance of lifetime panic spectrum symptoms in the treatment of patients with bipolar I disorder. (2002) (184)
- Development of a computerized adaptive test for depression. (2012) (180)
- Delta sleep deficits in schizophrenia: evidence from automated analyses of sleep data. (1998) (180)
- Sleep and treatment prediction in endogenous depression. (1981) (179)
- The MacArthur Three-City Outcome Study: evaluating multi-informant measures of young children's symptomatology. (1999) (179)
- Napping and 24‐Hour Sleep/Wake Patterns in Healthy Elderly and Young Adults (1992) (179)
- How common is resistance to treatment in recurrent, nonpsychotic geriatric depression? (1998) (177)
- Developmental and contextual influences on autonomic reactivity in young children. (2003) (176)
- Abnormal Left and Right Amygdala-Orbitofrontal Cortical Functional Connectivity to Emotional Faces: State Versus Trait Vulnerability Markers of Depression in Bipolar Disorder (2010) (173)
- Assessment of sexual function in depressed, impotent, and healthy men: Factor analysis of a brief sexual function questionnaire for men (1988) (170)
- Mood disorders pharmacologic prevention of recurrences (1985) (170)
- Replicable differences in preferred circadian phase between bipolar disorder patients and control individuals (2009) (170)
- Influence of traumatic grief on suicidal ideation among young adults. (1999) (168)
- Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children (K-SADS-PL) for the assessment of preschool children--a preliminary psychometric study. (2009) (168)
- Bipolar disorder: new perspectives in health care and prevention. (2010) (165)
- Effects of age on delta and REM sleep parameters. (1989) (163)
- A descriptive analysis of minor depression. (2002) (162)
- Psychomotor activity in affective states. (1974) (162)
- Insurance expenditures on bipolar disorder: clinical and parity implications. (2003) (162)
- The definition and operational criteria for treatment outcome of major depressive disorder. A review of the current research literature. (1991) (161)
- All-night spectral analysis of the sleep EEG in untreated depressives and normal controls (1984) (161)
- Anatomical MRI Study of Subgenual Prefrontal Cortex in Bipolar and Unipolar Subjects (2002) (161)
- Hypersomnia and manic-depressive disease. (1972) (158)
- Which depressed patients will respond to interpersonal psychotherapy? The role of abnormal EEG sleep profiles. (1997) (157)
- Treatment of mixed mania. (1988) (154)
- Toward the Definition of a Bipolar Prodrome: Dimensional Predictors of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in At-Risk Youths. (2016) (153)
- Right Orbitofrontal Corticolimbic and Left Corticocortical White Matter Connectivity Differentiate Bipolar and Unipolar Depression (2010) (153)
- The advantage of early treatment intervention in recurrent depression. (1989) (152)
- DSM-5 field trials in the United States and Canada, Part I: study design, sampling strategy, implementation, and analytic approaches. (2013) (152)
- Phase relationships between core body temperature, melatonin, and sleep are associated with depression severity: Further evidence for circadian misalignment in non-seasonal depression (2010) (152)
- The role of interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in improving occupational functioning in patients with bipolar I disorder. (2008) (152)
- The social rhythm metric (SRM): Measuring daily social rhythms over 12 weeks (1991) (150)
- Screening for childhood mental health problems: outcomes and early identification. (2009) (149)
- Sleep stage physiology, mood, and vigilance responses to total sleep deprivation in healthy 80-year-olds and 20-year-olds. (1990) (149)
- Comparison of sleep-disordered breathing among healthy elderly in the seventh, eighth, and ninth decades of life. (1990) (148)
- DSM-5: how reliable is reliable enough? (2012) (147)
- Strengthening clinical effectiveness trials: Equipoise-stratified randomization (2001) (147)
- Circadian temperature rhythms of older people (1995) (146)
- Treatment outcome in recurrent major depression: a post hoc comparison of elderly ("young old") and midlife patients. (1996) (145)
- Association study of 21 circadian genes with bipolar I disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia. (2009) (145)
- The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizoaffective disorder--bipolar subtype. (2004) (144)
- Total prolonged drug-induced REM sleep suppression in anxious-depressed patients. (1971) (144)
- Effects of L-tryptophan (a natural sedative) on human sleep. (1970) (143)
- Morningness-Eveningness and Lifestyle Regularity (2004) (143)
- Early father involvement moderates biobehavioral susceptibility to mental health problems in middle childhood. (2006) (142)
- Relationship of birth cohort and early age at onset of illness in a bipolar disorder case registry. (2003) (140)
- The Study of Developmental Psychopathology in Adolescence: Integrating Affective Neuroscience with the Study of Context (2015) (138)
- Regularity of daily life in relation to personality, age, gender, sleep quality and circadian rhythms (1994) (137)
- Assessment and treatment of depression in patients with cardiovascular disease: National heart, lung, and blood institute working group report (2006) (137)
- EEG spectral analysis in primary insomnia: NREM period effects and sex differences. (2008) (136)
- Hypersomnia in bipolar depression: a comparison with narcolepsy using the multiple sleep latency test. (1991) (136)
- Psychiatric disorders in preschool offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: the Pittsburgh Bipolar Offspring Study (BIOS). (2010) (136)
- Which elderly patients with remitted depression remain well with continued interpersonal psychotherapy after discontinuation of antidepressant medication? (1997) (134)
- Depression and aging: a look to the future. (1999) (134)
- Depressive psychopathology in male sleep apneics. (1984) (132)
- EEG sleep changes as predictors in depression. (1976) (132)
- Life events and the research diagnostic criteria endogenous subtype. A confirmation of the distinction using the Bedford College methods. (1994) (130)
- Two roads to rapid eye movement latency. (1989) (130)
- Decreased pituitary volume in patients with bipolar disorder (2001) (130)
- Lifetime prevalence of substance or alcohol abuse and dependence among subjects with bipolar I and II disorders in a voluntary registry. (2000) (130)
- Reliable discrimination of elderly depressed and demented patients by electroencephalographic sleep data. (1988) (129)
- Towards a neurobiology of dysfunctional arousal in depression: the relationship between beta EEG power and regional cerebral glucose metabolism during NREM sleep (2000) (129)
- Elevated serum measures of lipid peroxidation and abnormal prefrontal white matter in euthymic bipolar adults: toward peripheral biomarkers of bipolar disorder (2012) (128)
- The Relationship Between Lifestyle Regularity and Subjective Sleep Quality (2003) (126)
- Reduced gray matter volume in ventral prefrontal cortex but not amygdala in bipolar disorder: Significant effects of gender and trait anxiety (2009) (126)
- The mood spectrum in unipolar and bipolar disorder: arguments for a unitary approach. (2004) (126)
- EEG sleep in outpatients with generalized anxiety: A preliminary comparison with depressed outpatients (1983) (125)
- Sleep spindle deficits in antipsychotic-naïve early course schizophrenia and in non-psychotic first-degree relatives (2014) (125)
- Electroencephalographic sleep correlates of episode and vulnerability to recurrence in depression (1997) (123)
- Cerebral glucose metabolic response to combined total sleep deprivation and antidepressant treatment in geriatric depression. (1999) (122)
- Which depressive symptoms are related to which sleep electroencephalographic variables? (1997) (122)
- REM sleep enhancement by bupropion in depressed men. (1995) (122)
- Suicide over the life cycle : risk factors, assessment, and treatment of suicidal patients (1990) (121)
- Sleep research in depressive illness: Clinical implications —a tasting menu (1995) (121)
- Sleep of healthy seniors: a revisit. (1985) (121)
- Sleep as a Mediator of the Stress-Immune Relationship (1998) (121)
- Comparison of full-dose versus half-dose pharmacotherapy in the maintenance treatment of recurrent depression. (1993) (121)
- Insomnia and objectively measured sleep disturbances predict treatment outcome in depressed patients treated with psychotherapy or psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy combinations. (2012) (121)
- C-reactive protein alterations in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis. (2015) (120)
- PET Measures of Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Ventral versus Dorsal Striatum (1999) (120)
- Assessment of a Person-Level Risk Calculator to Predict New-Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in Youth at Familial Risk (2017) (120)
- Prodromal and residual symptoms in bipolar I disorder. (1996) (120)
- Biological rhythms and depression: The role of zeitgebers and zeitstorers (1993) (119)
- Sleep onset abnormalities in depressed adolescents (1996) (118)
- Polysomnographic characteristics of young manic patients. Comparison with unipolar depressed patients and normal control subjects. (1992) (118)
- Treatment of imipramine-resistant recurrent depression, III: Efficacy of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. (1992) (117)
- Sleep-disordered breathing in normal and pathologic aging. (1986) (116)
- Adjunctive psychotherapy for bipolar disorder: effects of changing treatment modality. (1999) (116)
- EEG sleep of normal healthy children. Part I: Findings using standard measurement methods. (1984) (115)
- Daily social rhythms in the elderly and their relation to objectively recorded sleep. (1992) (115)
- Measuring the potency of risk factors for clinical or policy significance. (1999) (115)
- MRI study of posterior fossa structures and brain ventricles in bipolar patients. (2001) (114)
- Anatomical MRI study of basal ganglia in major depressive disorder (2003) (114)
- Predictors and moderators of time to remission of major depression with interpersonal psychotherapy and SSRI pharmacotherapy (2010) (114)
- Is treatment-resistant depression a unique subtype of depression? (2003) (114)
- Features associated with suicide attempts in recurrent major depression. (1990) (113)
- The confluence of mental, physical, social, and academic difficulties in middle childhood. I: exploring the "head waters" of early life morbidities. (2002) (113)
- Empirical note: self-report versus recorded sleep in healthy seniors. (1987) (113)
- National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association consensus statement on the use of placebo in clinical trials of mood disorders. (2002) (112)
- Subcortical gray matter volume abnormalities in healthy bipolar offspring: potential neuroanatomical risk marker for bipolar disorder? (2008) (112)
- The use of the sleep laboratory in the diagnosis of affective disorders. (1983) (111)
- Personality features and response to acute treatment in recurrent depression. (1987) (110)
- Presenting characteristics of depressed outpatients as a function of recurrence: preliminary findings from the STAR*D clinical trial. (2006) (110)
- Influence of panic-agoraphobic spectrum symptoms on treatment response in patients with recurrent major depression. (2000) (110)
- Relationship between social rhythms and mood in patients with rapid cycling bipolar disorder (1999) (110)
- Cognitive functioning in late-life bipolar disorder. (2004) (109)
- Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders: A Meta-analysis (1992) (109)
- The longitudinal course of cognition in older adults with bipolar disorder. (2009) (109)
- Psychotropic drug prescription patterns among patients with bipolar I disorder. (2000) (109)
- Magnetic resonance imaging study of corpus callosum abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder (2003) (109)
- Sleep, depression, and suicide (1991) (108)
- Assessment and treatment of depression in patients with cardiovascular disease: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group Report. (2006) (108)
- Bipolar depression: An underestimated treatment challenge (1997) (108)
- Electroencephalographic sleep diagnosis of primary depression. (1976) (107)
- Slower treatment response in bipolar depression predicted by lower pretreatment thyroid function. (2002) (107)
- Application of automated REM and slow wave sleep analysis: II. Testing the assumptions of the two-process model of sleep regulation in normal and depressed subjects (1984) (107)
- Electroencephalographic sleep in mania. (1988) (106)
- An objective measure of physical activity for epidemiologic research. (1979) (106)
- Innovative solutions to novel drug development in mental health (2013) (106)
- Anatomical MRI study of basal ganglia in bipolar disorder patients (2001) (106)
- Are there two types of unipolar depression? (1975) (106)
- State-dependent microstructural white matter changes in bipolar I depression (2009) (105)
- Sleep disturbance in acute schizophrenic patients. (1970) (105)
- Sleep apnea in Alzheimer's dementia: correlation with mental deterioration. (1985) (105)
- Sleep, gender, and depression: An analysis of gender effects on the electroencephalographic sleep of 302 depressed outpatients (1990) (104)
- Addressing depression in obstetrics/gynecology practice. (2003) (104)
- Nocturnal penile tumescence is diminished in depressed men (1988) (104)
- Validation of a Hamilton subscale for endogenomorphic depression. (1983) (104)
- Sleep matters: sleep functioning and course of illness in bipolar disorder. (2011) (103)
- Do depressed men and women respond similarly to cognitive behavior therapy? (1994) (103)
- Intrusive thoughts and avoidance behaviors are associated with sleep disturbances in bereavement‐related depression (1997) (103)
- Reduced cortisol latency in depressive illness. (1983) (103)
- Electroencephalographic sleep in schizophrenia: a critical review. (1990) (103)
- Possible role of antidepressants in precipitating mania and hypomania in recurrent depression. (1988) (103)
- Suicide attempts in patients with bipolar I disorder during acute and maintenance phases of intensive treatment with pharmacotherapy and adjunctive psychotherapy. (2002) (103)
- Differential Effects of Age on Brain Gray Matter in Bipolar Patients and Healthy Individuals (2001) (102)
- Increased activation of anterior paralimbic and executive cortex from waking to rapid eye movement sleep in depression. (2004) (102)
- Sleep after spousal bereavement: A study of recovery from stress (1993) (102)
- 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in bipolar disorder patients. (2005) (102)
- The Mood Spectrum in Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder: Arguments for a Unitary Approach (2004) (101)
- Computerized Adaptive Diagnosis and Testing of Mental Health Disorders. (2016) (100)
- EEG sleep evaluation of depression in borderline patients. (1984) (99)
- Effects of age at onset of first lifetime episode of recurrent major depression on treatment response and illness course in elderly patients. (1998) (98)
- Inositol as an add-on treatment for bipolar depression. (2000) (98)
- A simple way to measure daily lifestyle regularity (2002) (98)
- Clinical significance of reversed vegetative subtypes of recurrent major depression. (1991) (98)
- Sleep deprivation in healthy elderly men and women: effects on mood and on sleep during recovery. (1986) (98)
- Abnormally increased effective connectivity between parahippocampal gyrus and ventromedial prefrontal regions during emotion labeling in bipolar disorder (2009) (98)
- Suicide attempts and ideation in patients with bipolar I disorder. (2004) (97)
- Rapid eye movement sleep density. An objective indicator in severe medical-depressive syndromes. (1976) (97)
- Hypothalamic peptide modulation of EEG sleep in depression: A further application of the S-process hypothesis (1987) (97)
- Randomized trial of weekly, twice-monthly, and monthly interpersonal psychotherapy as maintenance treatment for women with recurrent depression. (2007) (97)
- Exercise as a treatment for depression: An update (1985) (96)
- Direction of weight change in recurrent depression. Consistency across episodes. (1990) (96)
- Longitudinal changes in diary- and laboratory-based sleep measures in healthy "old old" and "young old" subjects: a three-year follow-up. (1997) (96)
- Amitriptyline plasma levels and clinical response in primary depression (1977) (96)
- Anatomical MRI study of corpus callosum in unipolar depression. (2005) (95)
- Toward the standardization of life stress assessment: Definitional discrepancies and inconsistencies in methods (1992) (95)
- Electroencephalographic sleep in psychotic depression. A valid subtype? (1986) (95)
- Alliance not compliance: a philosophy of outpatient care. (1995) (95)
- Regional brain glucose metabolism during morning and evening wakefulness in humans: preliminary findings. (2004) (93)
- Circadian characteristics of healthy 80-year-olds and their relationship to objectively recorded sleep. (1991) (92)
- Sexual function in depressed men. Assessment by self-report, behavioral, and nocturnal penile tumescence measures before and after treatment with cognitive behavior therapy. (1993) (92)
- Nature of life events and difficulties in depressed adolescents. (1998) (91)
- Changes in forebrain function from waking to REM sleep in depression: preliminary analyses [of 18F]FDG PET studies (1999) (91)
- Family history in recurrent depression. (1989) (91)
- Interpersonal psychotherapy and antidepressant medication: evaluation of a sequential treatment strategy in women with recurrent major depression. (2000) (90)
- A longitudinal study of laboratory- and diary-based sleep measures in healthy "old old" and "young old" volunteers. (1994) (90)
- Social rhythm stability following late-life spousal bereavement: associations with depression and sleep impairment (1996) (90)
- Age at onset in geriatric bipolar disorder. Effects on clinical presentation and treatment outcomes in an inpatient sample. (1999) (89)
- Subtyping DSM-III-R primary insomnia: a literature review by the DSM-IV Work Group on Sleep Disorders. (1991) (89)
- The phenomenology of bipolar disorder: what drives the high rate of medical burden and determines long‐term prognosis? (2009) (89)
- A comparison of two life stress assessment approaches: prospective prediction of treatment outcome in recurrent depression. (2000) (89)
- Recruiting and retaining future generations of physician scientists in mental health. (2002) (88)
- Mood changes in behavioral weight loss programs. (1984) (88)
- Electroencephalographic sleep in spousal bereavement and bereavement-related depression of late life (1992) (87)
- Life stress and treatment course of recurrent depression: 1. Response during index episode. (1992) (87)
- Controlled comparison of electrophysiological sleep in families of probands with unipolar depression. (1998) (87)
- Methodologic issues in maintenance therapy clinical trials. (1991) (86)
- Acute and Longer-Term Outcomes in Depressed Outpatients Requiring One or Several Treatment Steps: A STAR*D Report (2008) (85)
- Inducing jet‐lag in older people: Directional asymmetry (2000) (85)
- Recent developments in the pharmacotherapy of mood disorders. (1996) (85)
- The future of psychiatry as clinical neuroscience. (2009) (85)
- Altered development of white matter in youth at high familial risk for bipolar disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study. (2010) (85)
- Polysomnographic parameters in first-degree relatives of unipolar probands (1989) (84)
- Fluvoxamine versus desipramine: Comparative polysomnographic effects (1991) (84)
- Is there a first night effect? (a revisit). (1974) (84)
- The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of mood disorders (2006) (84)
- Clinical, demographic, and familial correlates of bipolar spectrum disorders among offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. (2010) (84)
- Recurrent depression: an assessment of family burden and family attitudes. (1987) (83)
- Recurrent depression is associated with a persistent reduction in sleep-related growth hormone secretion. (1990) (83)
- Stressful life events, bipolar disorder, and the "kindling model". (2000) (83)
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- 342. Anatomical MRI study of basal ganglia in bipolar disorder patients (2000) (1)
- The Use and Misuse of Sleeping Pills: A Clinical Guide (1980) (1)
- Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) improves occupational functioning in patients with bipolar I disorder (2007) (1)
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- Age at Onset in Bipolar I Affective Disorder in the USA and Europe: Differences in Risk Factors? (2012) (1)
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- Effects of race on EEG sleep in major depression (1995) (1)
- Comment on: “The national institute of mental health: prospects and promises” (1989) (1)
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- Recruitment and screening strategies for bipolar clinical trials (2005) (1)
- Academic Highlights: Emerging Therapies for Bipolar Depression. [CME] (2006) (1)
- A Word From Our Moderator. Authors' reply (2007) (0)
- Contents Vol. 43, 2001 (2001) (0)
- ize of Treatment Effects and Their Importance o Clinical Research and Practice (2005) (0)
- Abstracts of the Eighth International Conference on Bipolar Disorder. June 25-27, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (2009) (0)
- Bibliography for Bipolar Disorder (2003) (0)
- Public Feedback onDSM-5Provides Crucial Piece of the Puzzle (2011) (0)
- Sleep Structure and Neuroendocrine Rhythms (1985) (0)
- Response to: Relationship between sleep and disease activity in pediatric depressed patients with Crohn disease (2014) (0)
- The vesicorenal reflex in the pathogenesis of uremia (1965) (0)
- Biological Rhythms in psychiatry: Order and disorder (1990) (0)
- REACTIVITY SPECIAL SECTION Healthy Older Adults’ Sleep Predicts All-Cause Mortality at 4 to 19 Years of Follow-Up (2003) (0)
- Current Opinion in Psychiatry: Editorial introductions (2010) (0)
- Reply to "High Frequency of Residual Depressive Symptoms in Bipolar II Disorder The Need for a Better Treatment" (2002) (0)
- Preface to Current Opinion in Psychiatry volume 26. (2013) (0)
- Are There Any That Are Significant (1988) (0)
- Psychological and biological vulnerability to depression in high-risk relatives (1989) (0)
- Contents of the American Journal of Psychiatry (1994) (0)
- C.05.03 The sleep-wake cycle and vulnerability to recurrence in depression (2009) (0)
- QUESTION AND ANSWER Open Access (2013) (0)
- Association analysis of successive events data in the presence of competing risks (2018) (0)
- Reduced REM Latency in Depression: Mechanical Considerations-Reply (1991) (0)
- New directions in biological psychiatry. Introduction. (1986) (0)
- Treatment and outcome of bipolar patients who are depressed and psychotic (2005) (0)
- Welcome and Overview (2003) (0)
- Response to "Conflicts of Interest" (2007) (0)
- Expect Higher Standards in Research (2005) (0)
- Long Day’s Journey into Sleep (2023) (0)
- 2013 Daniel H. Efron Research Award (2012) (0)
- Subject Index Vol. 43, 2001 (2001) (0)
- A neuroscience-based nomenclature for psychotropic drugs (2020) (0)
- 11 Large Institutions Chosen forDSM-5Field Trials (2010) (0)
- Sleep-Physiological Characteristics as Potential Biological Markers in Affective Disorders (1990) (0)
- Notes on the consensus development process. (1985) (0)
- A Descriptive Analysis of Minor Depression (2005) (0)
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- Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D., 136th President, 2009-2010. (2010) (0)
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- Sleep disturbances in the remission phase of bipolar disorder (2005) (0)
- Smart & Savvy: Negotiation Strategies in Academia (2017) (0)
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- Recommendations for depression publications. (1983) (0)
- TestingDSM-5inRoutineClinicalPractice Settings:FeasibilityandClinicalUtility (2013) (0)
- Relapse prevention and antidepressants. Authors' reply (2003) (0)
- Corrigendum: Personalized digital intervention for depression based on social rhythm principles adds significantly to outpatient treatment (2023) (0)
- Response to Hasin et al. letter. (2013) (0)
- Computerized Adaptive Test–Depression Inventory (2014) (0)
- An Interview with David Kupfer on the New DSM-5 (2014) (0)
- MacArthur Health and Behavior Questionnaire (2018) (0)
- UpdatedDSM-5Web Site Has New Comment Period (2011) (0)
- 345. MRI study of the cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder patients (2000) (0)
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- Game changer in the diagnosis of bipolar disorder using RNA editing-based blood biomarkers (2021) (0)
- Why Patients' Input Crucial to Success of Field Trials (2010) (0)
- Course and mood symptoms presentation in pre-, peri-, and postmenopausal women with bipolar disorder (2007) (0)
- Course and Outcome: Definitional Dilemmas (1993) (0)
- Comprar Oxford American Handbook of Psychiatry | David Kupfer | 9780195308846 | Oxford University Press (2010) (0)
- EEG Sleep in Elderly Healthy Subjects Depressed, Demented, and (1985) (0)
- Effect of age on escitalopram exposure. (2009) (0)
- High Resolution Sodium MRI and Abnormal Sodium Ion Pump in the Bipolar Brain (2011) (0)
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- Tolerability of a combined treatment with lithium and paroxetine in bipolar depressed patients (2001) (0)
- Blood Cholinergic Parameters as a Potential Index of Central Cholinergic Function (1979) (0)
- Placebo in Clinical Trials for Depression (2017) (0)
- Training of diagnostician/ evaluators in the Bipolar Disorder Center for Pennsylvanians Study . (2005) (0)
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- The journal Current Opinion in Psychiatry and its impact on mental health in China. (2020) (0)
- 290. PIP2 platelet membrane levels: a marker of relevance for the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder? (2000) (0)
- Reducing Medical Risks in Individuals with Bipolar Disorder (2008) (0)
- Contents of the American Journal of Psychiatry (1988) (0)
- Contents of the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1991) (0)
- Application of research diagnostic criteria in EEG sleep research [proceedings]. (1978) (0)
- Mood Disorder Burden Index (2016) (0)
- Publishing & Business Staff (2015) (0)
- Minute-by-Minute Anaiysis of REM Timing ;n Major Depression (1990) (0)
- Research in Psychiatry as a Career (1992) (0)
- 284. Predicting suicidal ideation from individual items on the BDI and HRS-D (2000) (0)
- Prognostic Significance of EEG Sleep Changes in Late-Life Depression (1991) (0)
- Improving medication adherence among adolescents with bipolar disorder (2008) (0)
- Acute continuation and maintenance treatment of mood disorders (1995) (0)
- Editorial introductions. (2021) (0)
- Abstracts of poster presentations (2006) (0)
- The Challenges of Modern Day Work Schedules : Effects on Alertness , Performance , Safety , and Health (2007) (0)
- 242 – Voxel-based study of diffusion tensor imaging in bipolar i disorder: Exploratory analysis and focus on frontal white matter and corpus callosum (2008) (0)
- Topiramate in bipolar disorder: effects on weight and mood, a retrospective study (2005) (0)
- to Know and Practical Applications (2013) (0)
- A Word From Our Moderator—Reply (2007) (0)
- Research experience in psychiatric training--interference or enhancement? (1980) (0)
- What kind of psychosocial intervention should be used with medically burdened patients? Findings from the Pittsburgh Study of Maintenance Therapies in Bipolar Disorder (2005) (0)
- Polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium pattern at the serotonin transporter gene locus (SLC6A4) (2004) (0)
- Contents of the American Journal of Psychiatry (1991) (0)
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- Treatment recommendations for psychiatric outpatients (1972) (0)
- Pharmacotherapy correlates of suicidality in bipolar disorder (2007) (0)
- Psychopharmacologic management of patients: a method for recording treatment decisions. (1975) (0)
- Thomas P Detre (2011) (0)
- Dr. Gibbons et al. Reply. (2020) (0)
- Precision Digital Intervention for Depression Based on Social Rhythm Principles Adds Significantly to Outpatient Treatment (2022) (0)
- Development and application of the KDS TM -1 in patient and outpatient settings. (1971) (0)
- Index of Book Reviews (1989) (0)
- Why All of Medicine Should Care (2017) (0)
- Authors' response. (2014) (0)
- Relapse prevention and antidepressants - Reply (2003) (0)
- Mentoring early-career scientists in academic psychiatry during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022) (0)
- DSM-5 Dimensional Cross-Cutting Symptom Assessment for Adult Patients (2019) (0)
- Sleep spindle deficits in young non-psychotic relatives of patients with schizophrenia (2014) (0)
- Cerebral blood flow and connectivity differences between bipolar depression and unipolar depression (2017) (0)
- Life Events and the Research Diagnostic Criteria (2016) (0)
- 343. MRI investigation of cerebellar abnormalities in bipolar disorder (2000) (0)
- Drs. Kupfer and Rush Reply (1984) (0)
- Brain Lithium and Sodium Concentration in Lithium-treated Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Subjects (2010) (0)
- Current Opinion in Psychiatry (2010) (0)
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