
Derya Akkaynak

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Mechanical engineer and oceanographer

Derya Akkaynak's Academic­ Rankings

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engineering Degrees
Derya Akkaynak
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biology Degrees
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  • Biology

Derya Akkaynak's Degrees

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According to Wikipedia, Derya Akkaynak is a Turkish mechanical engineer and oceanographer at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. She was a 2019 finalist for the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists. Early life and education Akkaynak is from the Aegean coast of Turkey. After completing her primary and secondary education at TED Ankara College and graduating in 1998, she studied aerospace engineering at the Middle East Technical University, where she graduated top of her class in 2003. She moved to the United States after graduating, where she earned a master's degree in Aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2005. Her Master's dissertation involved investigations into fuel cells for the improvement of on-site emergency power availability in nuclear power plants. After graduating Akkaynak worked as a consultant in risk analysis. She decided to return to school, and started a doctoral degree in oceanography at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. For her doctoral work, Akkaynak worked on computational methods to model the camouflage of cephalopods under the supervision of Ruth Rosenholtz and Roger Hanlon. She developed a means to calibrate and correct underwater colour, introduced an equation that could quantify the spectral contamination, used in situ spectrometry to colour match cuttlefish to their background and created a new computational approach to quantify patterns. In 2011 Akkaynak founded Divers4Oceanography, a citizen science project that collects ocean temperature data from divers all around the world. She worked at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute throughout 2015.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Derya Akkaynak?

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