Don Brothwell
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British archaeologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Donald Reginald Brothwell, was a British archaeologist, anthropologist and academic, who specialised in human palaeoecology and environmental archaeology. He had worked at the University of Cambridge, the British Museum, and the Institute of Archaeology of University of London, before ending his career as Professor of Human Palaeoecology at the University of York. He has been described as "one of the pioneers in the field of archaeological science".
Don Brothwell's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Digging up bones: The excavation, treatment and study of human skeletal remains (1972) (432)
- Neanderthal medics? Evidence for food, cooking, and medicinal plants entrapped in dental calculus (2012) (318)
- Dates as Data: An Examination of the Peruvian Preceramic Radiocarbon Record (1987) (312)
- Handbook of archaeological sciences (2001) (245)
- Science In Archaeology (1963) (220)
- Animal diseases in archaeology (1980) (194)
- The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis: Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation [and Comments and Reply] (1988) (180)
- The Fate of the "Classic" Neanderthals: A Consideration of Hominid Catastrophism [and Comments and Reply] (1964) (169)
- Prehistoric Hunters of the High Andes (1980) (128)
- Downslope Movement and Archaeological Intrasite Spatial Analysis (1976) (114)
- Food in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples (1971) (92)
- Studies on amerindian dogs, 1: Carbon isotopes in relation to maize in the diet of domestic dogs from early Peru and Ecuador (1978) (84)
- Paleoradiology: Imaging Mummies and Fossils (2007) (78)
- Science in archaeology: A survey of progress and research; (1969) (73)
- Paleopathology. (Book Reviews: Diseases in Antiquity. A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries, and Surgery of Early Populations) (1967) (67)
- Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog (1986) (67)
- Journal of Archaeological Science (62)
- Diversity, Organization, and Behavior in the Material Record: Ethnographic and Archaeological Examples [and Comments and Replies] (1989) (57)
- The Palaeopathology of Early British Man: An Essay on the Problems of Diagnosis and Analysis (1961) (56)
- A Method for Evaluating the Amount of Dental Calculus on Teeth from Archaeological Sites (1987) (55)
- Viking age combs, comb making and comb makers: In the light of finds from Birka and Ribe (1981) (54)
- Teeth in earlier human populations (1959) (53)
- The Evolution of Authority and Power at Chavín de Huántar, Peru (2008) (52)
- Possible evidence of a cultural practice affecting head growth in some late pleistocene east Asian and Australasian populations (1975) (50)
- A Late Upper Pleistocene Proto-West African Negro from Nigeria (1971) (49)
- Context, Construction, and Ritual in the Development of Authority at Chavín de Huántar (2008) (48)
- Probable human hair found in a fossil hyaena coprolite from Gladysvale cave, South Africa (2009) (47)
- Radiocarbon dating and marine reservoir correction of Viking Age Christian burials from Orkney (2000) (45)
- Palaeodemography and earlier British populations. (1972) (44)
- The Skeletal biology of earlier human populations (1968) (44)
- Some food offerings from Ur, excavated by sir leonard woolley, and previously unpublished (1978) (42)
- Further evidence of bone chewing by ungulates: the sheep of North Ronaldsay, Orkney (1976) (40)
- 132. Evidence of Early Population Change in Central and Southern Africa: Doubts and Problems (1963) (39)
- The Sociopolitical Structure of Prehistoric Southwestern Societies (1989) (39)
- Heat-altered cherts of the lower Illinois Valley : an experimental study in prehistoric technology (1978) (36)
- Thermal Alteration of Silica Materials in Technological and Functional Perspective (1983) (36)
- Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire: Excavations at the Neolithic Tomb in 1962–63 by R. J. C. Atkinson and S. Piggott (1991) (33)
- 133. Contributions on Trepanning or Trephination in Ancient and Modern Times (1959) (31)
- A scanning electron microscope study of archaeological dental calculus (1988) (30)
- Lindow Man. The Body in the Bog@@@The Bog Man and the Archaeology of People (1986) (30)
- Palaeopathology of Danish skeletons (1987) (29)
- Human biological observations on a Guanche mummy with anthracosis. (1969) (29)
- The Evolution of Authority and Power at Chavin de Huantar, Peru (2005) (28)
- Adaptive growth rate changes as a possible explanation for the distinctiveness of the neanderthalers (1975) (28)
- Disease in Antiquity (1967) (28)
- A possible case of mongolism in a Saxon population (1959) (27)
- Roman evidence of a crested form of domestic fowl, as indicated by a skull showing associated cerebral hernia (1979) (27)
- Cottam: An Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds (1999) (27)
- On the Causes of Perforations in Archaeological Domestic Cattle Skulls (1996) (26)
- Food In Antiquity (1969) (25)
- A regression-time stone-workers' camp, 33ft OD, Lussa River, Isle of Jura (1974) (24)
- Studies On Amerindian Dogs, 2: Variation in Early Peruvian Dogs (1979) (24)
- Food in Antiquity: a Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples. Ancient Peoples and Places (1969) (23)
- Science in archaeology: a comprehensive survey of progress and research (1964) (23)
- 166. North Africa and Mount Carmel: Recent Developments (1961) (23)
- Medio-historical aspects of a very early case of mutilation. (1963) (22)
- On the Acoustics of the Underground Galleries of Ancient Chavín de Huántar, Peru (2008) (22)
- Micromorphological and chemical investigation of late-Viking age grave fills at Hofstaðir, Iceland (2017) (22)
- Tumors: Problems of Differential Diagnosis in Paleopathology (2012) (22)
- Ancient avian osteopetrosis: the current state of knowledge (2002) (21)
- Taphonomic and Forensic Aspects of Bog Bodies (2001) (21)
- Vitrified forts in Scotland: A problem in interpretation and primitive technology (1974) (21)
- Geological landscape of the pre-Inca archeological site at Chavin de Huantar, Peru (1999) (19)
- Man the Hunter. The First Intensive Survey of a Single, Crucial Stage of Human Development— Man's Once Universal Hunting Way of Life . Edited by Richard B. Lee and Irven De Vore. pp. xvi+415. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago. Price $6.95. (1970) (18)
- 244. A Possible Case of Amputation, Dated to c. 2000 B. C. (1963) (17)
- Evidence of biological differences between early British populations from neolithic to medieval times, as revealed by eleven commonly available cranial vault measurements (1974) (17)
- Ancient salt mining and salt men: the interdisciplinary Chehrabad Douzlakh project in north-western Iran (2012) (16)
- Drugs in ancient populations (1993) (15)
- Below the Salt: A Preliminary Study of the Dating and Biology of Five Salt-Preserved Bodies from Zanjan Province, Iran (2008) (15)
- Tumours and Tumour‐Like Processes (2007) (14)
- Radiographic and Forensic Aspects of the Female Huldremose Body (1990) (14)
- Metric and non-metric studies of archaeological human bone (2004) (13)
- Congenital Malformations of the Skeleton in Earlier Man: In: the Skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Population (Dr. Brothwell - Editor) (1968) (13)
- Rhodesian Man: Notes on a New Femur Fragment (1968) (13)
- The People of Mount Carmel (1961) (13)
- Projectile Points, Style, and Social Process in the Preceramic of Central Peru (1996) (13)
- Tuberculosis in Ancient Egypt1 (2015) (12)
- A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands (2012) (12)
- Environmental Aspects of Coasts and Islands (1981) (12)
- Radiocarbon dates and the history of treponematoses in man. (1975) (12)
- A Barrow-Cemetery of the Second Millennium B.C. in Wiltshire, England (1968) (12)
- A system of complete medical police. Selections from Johann Peter Frank (1977) (12)
- Food, ecology and culture. Readings in the anthropology of dietary practices (1983) (11)
- On problems of differential diagnosis in palaeopathology, as illustrated by a case from prehistoric Indiana (2009) (11)
- On a Mycoform Stone Structure in Orkney, and Its Relevance to Possible Further Interpretations of So-Called Souterrains (1977) (11)
- Osteological evidence of the use of a surgical modiolus in a Romano-British population: an aspect of primitive technology. (1974) (11)
- Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians (1975) (11)
- Lerna. A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. II. The People (1971) (10)
- Forensic aspects of the so-called Neolithic skeleton Q1 from Maiden Castle, Dorset. (1971) (10)
- Evidence for ancient meningiomas and a probable case from Medieval Tarbat, Scotland. (2016) (10)
- Skeletal atrophy and the problem of the differential diagnosis of conditions causing paralysis (2002) (10)
- Cannibalism in Early Britain (1961) (9)
- Die anfänge des neolithikums vom orient bis nordeuropa: Edited by I. Schwidetzky. 1973. xii + 308 pp. Illustrations. Fundamenta B/3—Anthropologie VIIIa. Köln: Böhlau Verlag (1974) (9)
- Signatures of degraded body tissues and environmental conditions in grave soils from a Roman and an Anglo-Scandinavian age burial from Hungate, York (2018) (9)
- European bog bodies: current state of research and preservation (1996) (9)
- Bring out your dead: people, pots and politics (2004) (9)
- Acoustic analysis of the Chavín pututus (Strombus galeatus marine shell trumpets). (2010) (9)
- 'Interred with their bones': soil micromorphology and chemistry in the study of human remains (2014) (9)
- Establishing a minimum damage procedure for the gut sampling of intact human bodies: the case of the Huldremose Woman (1990) (8)
- Establishing radiogenic strontium isotope signatures for Chavín de Huántar, Peru (2018) (8)
- Stress as an Aspect of Environmental Studies (1997) (8)
- NOTES: Microevolutionary Change in the Human Pathogenic Treponemes: An Alternative Hypothesis (1981) (8)
- Early history of agriculture (1975) (7)
- "Die Geweihverarbeitung in Haithabu", I. Ulbricht, Neumünster 1978; "Viking Age Combs, Comb Making and Comb Makers in the Light of Finds from Birka and Ribe", K. Ambrosiani, Stockholm 1981 : [recenzja] / Lech Leciejewicz. (1983) (7)
- On sinking Otavalo man (1977) (7)
- Interpreting the immature chicken bones from the Romano-British ritual complex on West Hill, Uley (1997) (7)
- A healed femoral fracture of Threskiornis aethiopicus (Sacred Ibis) from the Animal Cemetery at Abydos, Egypt. (2012) (6)
- The problem of the interpretation of child mortality in earlier populations (2014) (6)
- Salvaging the term “domestication” for certain types of man-animal relationship: the possible value of an eight-point scoring system (1975) (6)
- Some Problems and Objectives Related to the Study of Dental Variation in Human Populations (1967) (6)
- A modular computational acoustic model of ancient Chavín de Huántar, Perú. (2010) (6)
- Some comments on a continuing debate (1996) (6)
- Comprar Paleoradiology · Imaging Mummies and Fossils | Chhem, Rethy | 9783540488323 | Springer (2008) (6)
- Characteristics and speculations on the uses of Strombus trumpets found at the ancient Peruvian center Chavín de Huántar (2002) (6)
- Biosocial aspects of Ainu hirsuteness (1969) (5)
- Contributions on Trepanning or Trepanation in Ancient and Modern Times (1959) (5)
- The Amerindians of Guyana: a biological review. (1967) (5)
- Paleoradiology in the Service of Zoopaleopathology (2008) (5)
- Malocclusion and methodology: The problem and relevance of recording dental malalignment in archaeology (1991) (5)
- The frequency of middle phalangeal hair in Britain: A pilot survey with comments on some methodological problems. (1965) (5)
- The Evaluation of Metrical Data in the Comparison of Ancient and Modern Bones (2008) (4)
- Organic Residue Analysis in Soils (2014) (4)
- Cribra orbitalia: health indicator in the late Roman population of Cannington (Sommerset, Great Britain) (2015) (4)
- The Nature of Ritual Space at Chavín de Huántar (2017) (3)
- Facial variation, with special reference to the people of Tristan Da Cunha. (1965) (3)
- A Report on the Pollen Analyses of the Muds from the Medulla Tissue of two Fossil Human Skeletons: Tilbury Man and Thatcham Man (1963) (3)
- Micromorphology of two prehistoric ritual burials from Yemen, and considerations on methodological aspects of sampling the burial matrix - work in progress (2010) (3)
- The human cranium from Punin, Ecuador, with particular reference to morphology and dating (1980) (3)
- Ancient trephining: multi-focal evolution or trans-World diffusion? (2015) (3)
- Palaeoethnobotany—The prehistoric food plants of the near east and Europe: By Jane M. Renfrew. 1973. xviii + 248 pp. Illustrations. Index. London: Methuen. £6·50 (1974) (3)
- Further evidence of treponematosis in a pre-European population from Oceania. (1976) (3)
- Ancient hair analysis and the question of diet and disease (1993) (3)
- Assessment of the Middle Saxon animal bone assemblage from Cottam, North Yorkshire (site code COT93) (1994) (2)
- The Taphonomic Process, Biological Variation, and X-ray Studies (2008) (2)
- Beyond Aesthetics: Investigations into the Nature of Visual Art (1976) (2)
- 86. Congenital Absence of the Basi-Occipital in a Romano-Briton (1958) (2)
- Chapter Thirteen. The Human Bones (1986) (2)
- The use of large numbers of variables to measure the shape of a restricted area of bone (1974) (2)
- Research problems in zooarchaeology (2016) (2)
- Pauline Asingh & Niels Lynnerup (ed.). Grauballe Man: An Iron Age Bog Body Revisited (Jutland Archaeological Society Publications 49). 352 pages, 240 b& w & colour illustrations. 2007. Højbjerg/Moesgård: Jutland Archaeological Society & Moesgård Museum; 978-87-88415-29-2 hardback DKkr.350. (2008) (2)
- Environmental and Experimental Studies in the history of archaeology (1990) (2)
- Childe, His Student, and Archaeological Science: An Epilogue (2009) (2)
- Avian osteopathology and its evaluation (2017) (2)
- On biological exchanges between the two worlds (1993) (2)
- THE ANTECEDENTS OF MAN. An Introduction to the Evolution of the Primates. By W. E. Le Gross Clark. Edinburgh University Press, 1959, pp. 374, 152 figures. 21s. (1960) (2)
- The Muscovy Duck, Cairina moschata, domestica. Origins, dispersal, and associated aspects of the geography of domestication: R. A. Donkin, (Rotterdam: Balkema, 1989. Pp. viii+186. £21·50) (1991) (2)
- Interred with their bones” linking soil micromorphology and chemistry to unlock the hidden archive of hidden archive of archaeological human burial (2010) (1)
- Laying Siege to Parabolic Understanding. (2009) (1)
- A report on the human skeleton recovered from an archaeological watching brief at Willerby Parish, Staxton, North Yorkshire (1994) (1)
- The earliest populations of man in Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa (1966) (1)
- A biosocial perspective of peace and war. (1985) (1)
- Guitarrero Cave: Early man in the Andes. Edited by Thomas F. Lynch Studies in Archaeology Series. Academic Press, New York, 1980. xviii + 328 pp., $24.00 (cloth). (1981) (1)
- The Simulation of Prehistoric Hunting Practices. (1986) (1)
- The Biology of Early British Populations (2014) (1)
- Archeology in the andes: telarmachay. (1987) (1)
- "Lindow man : the body in the bog", I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, D. Brothwell, London 1986 : [recenzja] / Teresa Rysiewska. (1991) (1)
- A Faith in Archaeological Science: Reflections on a Life (2016) (1)
- The Tyrolean Iceman and questions of taphonomy and tissue identification (2005) (1)
- On Human Nature. By Edward O. Wilson. Pp. 260. (Harvard University Press, 1978.) Price $12.50.The Genetics of the Jews. By A.E Mourant, Ada C. KopÉc Kazimiera Domaniewska-Sobczak. Pp. viii + 122. (Oxford University Press, 1978.) Price $12.50. (1979) (1)
- An evaluation of biological remains from excavations at Thirsk Castle, North Yorkshire (site code: TC94) (1995) (1)
- On the possible ritual marking of a young XVIIIth dynasty pig skull from Tell el‐Amarna, Middle Egypt (2007) (1)
- Human remains from Gortnacargy, Co. Cavan. (1967) (1)
- Science, Archaeology, and the Historian@@@Science in Archaeology: A Survey of Progress and Research@@@Shipwrecks and Archaeology: The Unharvested Sea (1971) (1)
- Canonical analysis of facial variation (1972) (1)
- An evaluation of biological remains from excavations at Blue Bridge Lane, York (site code: 94.2288) (1994) (1)
- Deposited in DRO : 02 June 2011 Version of attached le : Published Version Peer-review status of attached (2014) (0)
- Reviews (1963) (0)
- New World Dogs:: Theory and Practice (2018) (0)
- Acknowledgements (2006) (0)
- Geography of Disease (1973) (0)
- Pia Bennike, Palaeopathology of Danish skeletons , Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1985, 8vo, pp. 272, DKr. 195.00. (1987) (0)
- JBS volume 13 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1981) (0)
- JBS volume 3 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1971) (0)
- Southern Skulls (1968) (0)
- The animals of vindolanda: G. W. I. Hodgson. 1976. 28 pp. Haltwhistle: Barcombe Publications. 50p (1976) (0)
- JBS volume 7 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1975) (0)
- Drugs in ancient populations. (1993) (0)
- 146. An Upper Palaeolithic Skull from Whaley Rock Shelter No. 2, Derbyshire (1961) (0)
- Book reviewAtlas of radiographs of early man. By SkinnerMark F. and SperberGeoffrey H., xiv + 346 pp. 1982 (Alan R. Liss Inc., New York), £54.00. ISBN 0–8451–0218–4 (1984) (0)
- Guide to fossil man. A handbook of human palaeontology. (1966) (0)
- "Interred with their bones" - linking soil micromorphology and chemistry to unlock the hidden archive of archaeological human burials (2010) (0)
- 1965 Mesencephalon 2:5. Primatologia, Handbook of Primatology. (1967) (0)
- A massive cist with multiple burials of Iron Age date at Lochend, Dunbar (1967) (0)
- Human evolution: from broad-brush to tooth-brush (2012) (0)
- Appendix: Memorandum on Further Osteometric Studies Relating to the Origin of the Etruscans (2008) (0)
- Southern Nigerian Anthropometry (1963) (0)
- JBS volume 4 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1972) (0)
- The bones of palaeopathology (1982) (0)
- Heredity and human life (1964) (0)
- Science and Archaeology. Edited by Robert H. Brill (1972) (0)
- Evidence from burial sediments for prehistoric burial practice and ritual in Monte Claro chambered tombs: Micromorphology, mineralogy and geochemistry (2018) (0)
- The Genetics of the Jews. By A.E. Mourant, Ada C. KopÉc and Kazimiera Domaniewska-Sobczak. Pp. viii + 122. (Oxford Iniversity Press, 1978.) Price £12.50 (1979) (0)
- Mark Nathan Cohen & Gillian M.M. Crane-Kramer (ed.). Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification . xxiv+432 pages, 80 illustrations, 130 tables. 2007. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida; 978-0-8130-3082-1 hardback $75. (2008) (0)
- On Entering the Small World of Molecules and Micromorphology (1970) (0)
- SHARE, a Collaborative Open Dataset of Linked Metadata about Scholarly Research Outputs (2016) (0)
- Archaeological Research on the Islands of the Sun and Moon, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia: Final Results from the Proyecto Tiksi Kjarka. Charles Stanish , Brian S. Bauer (2005) (0)
- VIVO plus SHARE: Closing the loop on scholarly activity (2016) (0)
- Early Highland Andean Archaic (2001) (0)
- An Early Look at SHARE Link- SHARE, VIVO, Fedora.pdf (2016) (0)
- Tasmanian Journal (1967) (0)
- List of Contributors (1976) (0)
- Dietary variation and the biology of earlier human populations (2017) (0)
- JBS volume 5 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1973) (0)
- Who’s Who? Investigating Historic Burials at Chavín de Huantar Peru Using Radiogenic Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Analysis (2018) (0)
- An Introduction to Environmental Archaeology. By John G. Evans. 21·5 × 14 cm. Pp. xiv + 154 + 52 figs. + 6 tables. London: Elek, 1978. £2·95.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must be supplied. (1979) (0)
- Home Cures (1970) (0)
- Archeology: The Preceramic Excavations at the Huaca Prieta Chicama Valley, Peru. Junius B. Bird, John Hyslop, and Milico Dimitrijevic Skinner (1990) (0)
- JBS volume 4 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1972) (0)
- Mark S. Aldenderfer. Montane foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic. xv+327 pages, numerous plates & illustration. 1998. Iowa (IA: University of Iowa Press; 0-87745-621-6 hardback £36.95 & $39.95 (1999) (0)
- JBS volume 8 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1976) (0)
- Punas, Pundits, and Prehistory: Comment on Wheeler's Review of “Prehistoric Hunters of the High Andes” (1984) (0)
- A.T. “Sandy” Sandison (1923–1982) (2012) (0)
- Total Station (2018) (0)
- Archaeological studies. Papers of the archaeological conference 1974, held at the biologisch-archaeologisch instituut of the state university of Groningen: Edited by A. T. Clason, 1975 xv + 477 pp. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. Dfl. 135 (1976) (0)
- Neanderthal medics? Evidence for food, cooking, and medicinal plants entrapped in dental calculus (2012) (0)
- a 1 Roman and an Anglo-Scandinavian age burial from Hungate , York 2 (2020) (0)
- Stress and Warfare among the Kayenta Anasazi of the Thirteenth Century A.D.Jonathan Haas and Winifred Creamer (1994) (0)
- Tradition Summary: Highland Andean Archaic (2003) (0)
- Evolution of Man in Africa (1962) (0)
- Nils‐Gustaf Gejvall 1911–1991 (1991) (0)
- The Chronology of Chavín de Huántar and its Implications for the Formative Period (2009) (0)
- Monitoring Earth and Sun by Satellite (1987) (0)
- Amerindian Prehistory (1970) (0)
- Tuerculosis in Ancient Egypt (1964) (0)
- Investigations of Ancient Human Tissues: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology . Edited by Mary K. Sandford. 223mm. Pp. xx + 431, 56 figs., 49 tables. Langhorne (USA): Gordon and Breach, 1993. ISBN 2-88124-527-7. £58.00. (1994) (0)
- Biosocial man: studies related to the interaction of biological and cultural factors in human populations (1977) (0)
- Normal Variations in Fossils and Recent Human Groups (2008) (0)
- J. R. K. Robson (editor), Food, ecology and culture. Readings in the anthropology of dietary practices, New York, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 1981, 8vo, pp. ix, 143, illus., $30.25. (1983) (0)
- JBS volume 5 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1973) (0)
- JBS volume 6 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1974) (0)
- JBS volume 4 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1972) (0)
- JBS volume 14 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1982) (0)
- JBS volume 7 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1975) (0)
- JBS volume 5 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1973) (0)
- The biology of ancient Egyptians and Nubians (2016) (0)
- Loretta A. Cormier. The ten-thousand year fever: rethinking human and wild primate malaria . 239 pages, 7 tables. 2011. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast; 978-1-59874-482-8 hardback $89; 978-1-59874-483-5 paperback $29.95; 978-1-61132-797-7 e-book. (2012) (0)
- Diseases (2005) (0)
- Science in archeology : a comprehensive survey of progress and research / edited by Don Brothwell, Eric Higgs (1963) (0)
- Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science , edited by Rosalie David, 2008. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN 978-0-521-86579-1 hardback £60 & US$100; xxi + 304pp., 19 col. pls., 43 figs. (2009) (0)
- DiseasesCharlotte Roberts & Margaret Cox. Health & disease in Britain from prehistory to the present day. xix+476 pages, 114 figures, 197 tables. 2003. Stroud: Sutton; 0-7509-1844-6 hardback £25. (2005) (0)
- Does Man Make Himself? and what have we done? (2005) (0)
- Melinda A. Zeder, Daniel G. Bradley, Eve Emshwiller & Bruce D. Smith (ed.). Documenting Domestication: New Genetic and Archaeological Paradigms . xiv+362 pages, 136 Illustrations, 56 tables. 2006. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press; 0-520-24638-1 hardback £45. (2007) (0)
- JBS volume 13 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1981) (0)
- ADVENTURES WITH THE MISSING LINK. By Raymond A. Dart with Dennis Craig. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1959, pp. 251, 20 half-tone plates, 21 line drawings. 25s. (1960) (0)
- JBS volume 13 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1981) (0)
- JBS volume 8 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1976) (0)
- The Human Skull. A Cultural History. By F. Henschen. 8¾ × 5¾. Pp. 168 + 76 pls. + 22 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1965. 42s. (1969) (0)
- Humans: a not so modest affair (2009) (0)
- Reviews of books (1975) (0)
- Examining Formative Ceremonial Centers: The View from Chavín de Huántar (2006) (0)
- Keynote address Some thoughts on the neanderthalers (2005) (0)
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Paleopathology. By Arthur C. Aufderheide and Conrado Rodriquez-Martin (1999) (0)
- Andrew Chamberlain. Demography in Archaeology . xx+236 pages, 45 illustrations, 19 tables. 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-59651-3 paperback £17.99 & $29.99; 0-521-59367-0 hardback £45 & $85. (2007) (0)
- Report on the single human inhumation from Norman Court, Grape Lane, York. (1996) (0)
- Guidelines on the use of space maintainers--author's reply. (1998) (0)
- Evolving a good bedside manner (1977) (0)
- JBS volume 7 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1975) (0)
- The Archaeology of Human Bones. By Simon Mays (1999) (0)
- JBS volume 6 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (1974) (0)
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