
Donald Cooksey

Most Influential Person Across History

American physicist

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physics Degrees
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Why Is Donald Cooksey Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Donald Cooksey , was an American physicist who was associate director of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. Biography Cooksey was the son of George Cooksey from Birmingham, England and Linda Dows from New York. After High School at the Thacher School in California, Donald Cooksey followed his brother Charlton Cooksey and attended Yale and where he too became a physicist specializing in designing and building scientific instruments, especially detectors for measuring sub-atomic particles such as neutrons. When Ernest O. Lawrence was at Yale during the 1920s, Cooksey and Lawrence became friends. In 1932, after Lawrence had moved to Berkeley, California to set up the Radiation Laboratory there, Lawrence asked Cooksey to come to Berkeley to make detectors for use with Lawrence's cyclotrons. Cooksey continued to be a close associate of Lawrence and became associate director of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Donald Cooksey?

Donald Cooksey is affiliated with the following schools: