
Dong Tichen

Most Influential Person Across History

Chinese anthropologist and educator

Dong Tichen's Academic­ Rankings

Dong Tichen
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Dong Tichen's Degrees

Why Is Dong Tichen Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dong Tichen or Ti-Chen Tung was a Chinese anthropologist and educator. He was a pioneer in physical anthropology in China. He was educated in Fu Jen Catholic University in the 1940s, then attended Moscow State University in 1957. In the 1960s, He was invited to Fudan University by Wu Dingliang. Dong, Wu, and Liu Xian created the first department of physical anthropology at Fudan University in mainland China.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Dong Tichen?

Dong Tichen is affiliated with the following schools: