
Dorothy Edgington

Most Influential Person Now

British philosopher

Dorothy Edgington's Academic­ Rankings

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  • Philosophy

Why Is Dorothy Edgington Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dorothy Margaret Doig Edgington FBA is a philosopher active in metaphysics and philosophical logic. She is particularly known for her work on the logic of conditionals and vagueness. Life and education Dorothy Edgington was born on 29 April 1941 to Edward Milne and his wife Rhoda née Blair. She attended St Leonards School before going to St Hilda's College, Oxford to read PPE. She obtained her BA in 1964, followed in 1967 by a BPhil at Nuffield College, Oxford.

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Dorothy Edgington's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Dorothy Edgington?

Dorothy Edgington is affiliated with the following schools: