
Douglas V. Steere

Most Influential Person Now

American philosopher, theologian, translator

Douglas V. Steere's Academic­ Rankings

Douglas V. Steere
Religious Studies
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religious-studies Degrees
Douglas V. Steere
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Religious Studies
  • Philosophy

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Why Is Douglas V. Steere Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Douglas Van Steere was an American Quaker ecumenist. Biography He served as a professor of philosophy at Haverford College from 1928 to 1964 and visiting professor of theology at Union Theological Seminary from 1961 to 1962. Steere organized Quaker post-war relief work in Finland, Norway and Poland, was invited to participate as an ecumenical observer in the Second Vatican Council and co-founded the Ecumenical Institute of Spirituality. He authored, edited, translated and wrote introductions for many books on Quakerism, as well as other religions and philosophy.

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