
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

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Puerto Rican sociologist

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Why Is Eduardo Bonilla-Silva Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is an American sociologist and professor of sociology at Duke University. He was the 2018 president of the American Sociological Association. Early influences Bonilla-Silva was educated in Puerto Rico where he double majored in Sociology and Economics. In his work White Supremacy and Racism in the Post-civil Rights Era, he says that "Myriam Muniz, Arturo Torrecillas, Carlos Buitrago, Juan Jose Baldrich, Carlos Ramos [...] shaped my sociological imagination." Bonilla-Silva has stated that Jose A. Padin and Charles Camic were two mentors that influenced his development as a sociologist.

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Eduardo Bonilla-Silva's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Eduardo Bonilla-Silva?

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Eduardo Bonilla-Silva's Academic Contributions?

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is most known for their academic work in the field of sociology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has made the following academic contributions: