Edward H. Kaplan
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Edward H. Kaplan's Degrees
- PhD Operations Research Stanford University
- Masters Operations Research Stanford University
Why Is Edward H. Kaplan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Edward H. Kaplan is the William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research at the Yale School of Management, Professor of Public Health at the Yale School of Medicine, and Professor of Engineering in the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Edward H. Kaplan's Published Works
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Published Works
- Estimation of HIV incidence in the United States. (2008) (1043)
- Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater tracks community infection dynamics (2020) (538)
- ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age (1999) (499)
- Emergency response to a smallpox attack: The case for mass vaccination (2002) (447)
- No Time To Lose: Getting More from HIV Prevention (2001) (255)
- Emergency response to an anthrax attack (2003) (235)
- A model-based estimate of HIV infectivity via needle sharing. (1992) (218)
- Mixing Behavior in Cross-Country Diffusion (1997) (180)
- SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in primary municipal sewage sludge as a leading indicator of COVID-19 outbreak dynamics (2020) (159)
- Modeling HIV infectivity: must sex acts be counted? (1990) (147)
- Nature plays with dice - terrorists do not: Allocating resources to counter strategic versus probabilistic risks (2009) (143)
- Let the Needles Do the Talking! Evaluating the New Haven Needle Exchange (1993) (135)
- Needles that kill: modeling human immunodeficiency virus transmission via shared drug injection equipment in shooting galleries. (1989) (129)
- What Happened to Suicide Bombings in Israel? Insights from a Terror Stock Model (2005) (129)
- Analyzing bioterror response logistics: the case of smallpox. (2003) (108)
- Fcfs infinite bipartite matching of servers and customers (2009) (108)
- Needle exchange decreases the prevalence of HIV-1 proviral DNA in returned syringes in New Haven, Connecticut. (1993) (99)
- Optimizing Admissions to an Intensive Care Unit (2003) (97)
- Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Anti-Semitism in Europe (2006) (95)
- A circulation theory of needle exchange. (1994) (94)
- Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics: The illusion of learning from observational research (2004) (84)
- Estimating HIV incidence in the United States from HIV/AIDS surveillance data and biomarker HIV test results (2008) (83)
- Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion, 1250-1276 (1970) (83)
- Suicide Bombings and Targeted Killings in (Counter-) Terror Games (2007) (69)
- HIV prevalence among intravenous drug users: model-based estimates from New Haven's legal needle exchange. (1992) (67)
- Economic analysis of needle exchange. (1995) (67)
- OM Forum - COVID-19 Scratch Models to Support Local Decisions (2020) (64)
- HIV incidence among New Haven needle exchange participants: updated estimates from syringe tracking and testing data. (1995) (64)
- Allocating HIV-prevention resources: balancing efficiency and equity. (2002) (62)
- A decline in HIV-infected needles returned to New Haven's needle exchange program: client shift or needle exchange? (1994) (61)
- Snapshot Estimators of Recent HIV Incidence Rates (1999) (60)
- HIV incidence among needle exchange participants: estimates from syringe tracking and testing data. (1994) (59)
- The Case for Universal Cloth Mask Adoption and Policies to Increase Supply of Medical Masks for Health Workers (2020) (54)
- Operational effectiveness of suicide-bomber-detector schemes: a best-case analysis. (2005) (51)
- Containing 2019-nCoV (Wuhan) coronavirus (2020) (50)
- A method for evaluating needle exchange programmes. (1994) (50)
- What are the Risks of Risky Sex? Modeling the AIDS Epidemic (1989) (49)
- Estimating Time and Size of Bioterror Attack (2004) (48)
- The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia (1991) (45)
- Equity Maximizing Facility Location Schemes (1990) (44)
- Allocating HIV prevention resources (1998) (44)
- The number of undocumented immigrants in the United States: Estimates based on demographic modeling with data from 1990 to 2016 (2018) (44)
- Tactical Prevention of Suicide Bombings in Israel (2006) (42)
- Writing History: Essay on Epistemology (1987) (42)
- March Madness and the Office Pool (2001) (41)
- Analysis of a Strategic Terror Organization (2010) (41)
- How bad can it get? Bounding worst case endemic heterogeneous mixing models of HIV/AIDS. (1990) (40)
- Repeat SARS-CoV-2 testing models for residential college populations (2020) (39)
- Confronting Entrenched Insurgents (2010) (38)
- Aligning SARS-CoV-2 indicators via an epidemic model: application to hospital admissions and RNA detection in sewage sludge (2020) (38)
- Public Health Consequences of Screening Patients for Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (2001) (37)
- Detection by polymerase chain reaction of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviral DNA sequences in needles of injecting drug users. (1992) (35)
- OR Hits the Heights: Relocation Planning at the Orient Heights Housing Project (1988) (35)
- Nonrandom mixing models of HIV transmission (1989) (33)
- Probability Models of Needle Exchange (1995) (33)
- Modeling zidovudine therapy: a cost-effectiveness analysis. (1991) (33)
- Baseline, Placebo, and Treatment: Efficient Estimation for Three-Group Experiments (2010) (32)
- A fast feasibility test for relocation problems (1988) (32)
- Reducing Sexual Violence by Increasing the Supply of Toilets in Khayelitsha, South Africa: A Mathematical Model (2015) (31)
- Can bad models suggest good policies? Sexual mixing and the AIDS epidemic (1989) (31)
- Modeling a Presidential Prediction Market (2008) (30)
- Quantitative evaluation of HIV prevention programs (2001) (30)
- So What If the Program Ain't Perfect? (1989) (29)
- Treatment on demand: an operational model (2000) (28)
- Analyzing Tenant Assignment Policies (1987) (28)
- Economic Evaluation and HIV Prevention Community Planning A Policy Analyst's Perspective (1998) (27)
- Genealogy of the Way: The Construction and Uses of the Confucian Tradition in Late Imperial China (1996) (26)
- Tenant Assignment Models (1986) (25)
- Managing the demand for public housing (1984) (24)
- Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000–1700: Von Glahn, Richard: Berkeley: University of California Press, 350 pp., Publication Date: December 1996 (1997) (23)
- Tracking the Epidemic (2001) (23)
- Logistics of Aggressive Community Screening for Coronavirus 2019. (2020) (22)
- 'Dropouts' or 'drop-ins'? Client retention and participation in New Haven's needle exchange program. (1995) (22)
- Adventures in policy modeling! Operations research in the community and beyond (2008) (22)
- Detecting Bioterror Attacks by Screening Blood Donors: A Best-Case Analysis (2003) (21)
- A Markov Model for Hockey: Manpower Differential and Win Probability Added (2014) (21)
- OR Forum - Intelligence Operations Research: The 2010 Philip McCord Morse Lecture (2012) (21)
- Needle exchange or needless exchange? The state of the debate. (1992) (20)
- A New Approach to Estimating the Probability of Winning the Presidency (2003) (20)
- AIDS Impact on the Number of Intravenous Drug Users (1991) (20)
- Smallpox Bioterror Response (2003) (20)
- COVID-19 Scratch Models To Support Local Decisions (2020) (20)
- Economic Evaluation and HIV Prevention Community Planning (1998) (19)
- HIV incidence in Ethiopian immigrants to Israel. (1998) (19)
- A Flow-Based Model of the HIV Care Continuum in the United States (2017) (18)
- Patterns of Disengagement: The Practice and Portrayal of Reclusion in Early Medieval China (2001) (18)
- Evaluating the effectiveness of one-officer versus two-officer patrol units (1979) (18)
- Estimating the Duration of Jihadi Terror Plots in the United States (2012) (18)
- Preventing Second-Generation Infections in a Smallpox Bioterror Attack (2004) (18)
- Relocation problems are hard (1988) (17)
- Repeat Screening for HIV: When to Test and Why (2000) (17)
- Optimal control of a terror queue (2016) (17)
- Smallpox eradication in West and Central Africa: surveillance-containment or herd immunity? (2003) (16)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (2003) (15)
- How many drug injectors are there in New Haven? Answers from AIDS data (1993) (15)
- Israel's ban on use of Ethiopians' blood: how many infectious donations were prevented? (1998) (15)
- The Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Testing (1997) (14)
- Predicting daily COVID-19 case rates from SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations across a diversity of wastewater catchments (2021) (14)
- Queue inference from periodic reporting data (2010) (14)
- Mean-max bounds for worst-case endemic mixing models. (1991) (13)
- An overview of AIDS modeling (1990) (13)
- A Model-Based Evaluation of a Cultural Mediator Outreach Program for HIV+ Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel (2002) (13)
- No Time To Lose (2001) (12)
- Can Difficult-to-Reuse Syringes Reduce the Spread of HIV Among Injection Drug Users? (1998) (12)
- Encountering Chinese Networks: Western, Japanese and Chinese Corporations in China, 1880–1937 (2000) (12)
- Facility location and capacity planning with delay-dependent demand (1987) (12)
- A Heavy Traffic Approximation for Queues with Restricted Customer-Server Matchings (2007) (11)
- To be or not to be? That is conception!: Managing in vitro fertilization programs (1992) (11)
- How many HIV infections are there in Israel? Reconstructing HIV incidence from AIDS case reporting. (1995) (11)
- Counterterror intelligence operations and terror attacks (2011) (11)
- The epidemiological and economic consequences of AIDS clinical trials. (1993) (10)
- Socially efficient detection of terror plots (2015) (10)
- Prevalence of HIV-infected syringes during a syringe-exchange program. (1992) (10)
- What Happened to HIV Transmission among Drug Injectors in New Haven (1993) (9)
- Staffing models for covert counterterrorism agencies (2013) (8)
- Asymptotic worst-case mixing in simple demographic models of HIV/AIDS. (1992) (8)
- The Changing Epidemic (2001) (8)
- Mass Casualty Potential of Qassam Rockets (2014) (8)
- Approximating the First-Come, First-Served Stochastic Matching Model with Ohm's Law (2018) (8)
- Decision-oriented approaches to program evaluation (1981) (7)
- Economic Change in China, c. 1800–1950 (2000) (7)
- Modeling local coronavirus outbreaks (2021) (6)
- Opuscula Altaica : Essays Presented in Honor of Henry Schwarz (1994) (6)
- An Adaptive Approach to Locating Mobile HIV Testing Services (2017) (6)
- A Monetary History of China (Zhonqguo huobi shi). By Peng Xinwei. [P'eng Hsin-Wei]; translated by Edward H. Kaplan East Asian Research Aids and Translations. Bellingham, Wash.: Western Washington University, 19942 volumes. $50.00. (1997) (6)
- Implicit Valuation of a Blood-exclusion Decision (1999) (5)
- Self-Deferral, HIV Infection, and the Blood Supply (1990) (5)
- Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 10001700 (1997) (5)
- Worst Case Analysis of Sexual Mixing Models of HIV Transmission (1991) (5)
- Scaling SARS-CoV-2 wastewater concentrations to population estimates of infection (2021) (4)
- Inner obstacles to psychoanalysts' retirement: personal, clinical, and theoretical perspectives. (2000) (4)
- New approaches to HIV surveillance: means and ends. Summary report of conference held at Yale University, 21-22 May 1998, by the Law, Policy and Ethics Core, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS, Yale University. (1999) (4)
- Crisis? A brief critique of masters, Johnson and Kolodny (1988) (4)
- OM Forum - Perspectives on Policy Modeling: 2018 MSOM Fellow Award (2020) (4)
- Tenant assignment policies with time-dependent priorities (1987) (4)
- Differential Terror Queue Games (2017) (4)
- An economic history of China (1974) (3)
- Introduction to the special issue: Management Science in the Fight Against Covid-19 (2021) (3)
- Decision Making for Bioterror Preparedness: Examples from Smallpox Vaccination Policy (2005) (3)
- Aging and retirement: a difficult issue for individual psychoanalysts and organized psychoanalysis. (1997) (2)
- China in Our Time: The Epic Saga of the People's Republic, from the Communist Victory to Tiananmen Square and Beyond (1993) (2)
- To treat or not to treat? (1998) (2)
- A Cure for the Electoral College? (2007) (2)
- Hold everything! Holding policies for protecting plasma supplies. (1999) (2)
- Using the Clinical Setting (2001) (2)
- Introduction: Rethinking HIV Prevention (2001) (1)
- Estimating Aging Effects in Running Events (2017) (1)
- Detecting Bioterror Attack (2004) (1)
- The unseen dimensions of wealth Towards a generalized economic theory (1987) (1)
- Situational Awareness in a Bioterror Attack via Probability Modeling (2007) (1)
- Correction to: Repeat SARS-CoV-2 testing models for residential college populations (2021) (1)
- Statistical models and mental health: an analysis of records from a mental health center (1982) (1)
- Overcoming Social Barriers (2001) (1)
- Evaluating plasma holds in the presence of multiple infections. (2001) (1)
- Decomposing Pythagoras (2017) (1)
- Invited commentary (2005) (0)
- Author Response: Don't Forget the Terror in Bioterrorism (2004) (0)
- Containing 2019-nCoV (Wuhan) coronavirus (2020) (0)
- Edward H. Kaplan (2019) (0)
- Searching for New Tools (2001) (0)
- Federal Spending on HIV/AIDS (2001) (0)
- Roads Not Taken: The Struggle of Opposition Parties in Twentieth-Century China: Jeans, Roger B., ed.: Boulder, CO: Westview, 385 pp., Publication Date: December 1992 (1994) (0)
- Description and Mathematical Statement of the HIV Prevention Resource Allocation Model (2001) (0)
- Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology, and the World Market: Mazumdar, Sucheta: Cambridge: Harvard University Press 657 pp., Publication Date: October 1998 (1999) (0)
- About the Authors (2007) (0)
- AIDS education. (1988) (0)
- The Prevention Portfolio: Interventions to Prevent HIV Infection (2001) (0)
- Comment on Destination Independence and Separability In Origin‐Constrained Trip Distribution Models (2010) (0)
- Snapshot Models of Undocumented Immigration (2020) (0)
- Evaluating Israel's Ethiopian Blood Ban (2001) (0)
- Confronting Elusive Insurgents (2008) (0)
- 1. The Illusion of Learning from Observational Research (2020) (0)
- Adventures in Policy Modeling! (2016) (0)
- Model-based evaluations for criminal justice programs. (1979) (0)
- How Did the Needle Exchange Program Start and Evolve (2000) (0)
- China's Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism (review) (2011) (0)
- Response to Koopman (1990) (0)
- Data Gathering Activities (2001) (0)
- Anti-Israel Index (2018) (0)
- Don’t Forget the Terror in Bioterrorism (2004) (0)
- R0 bounds for worst-case endemic mixing models. (1992) (0)
- Agendas for Public Committee Meetings (2001) (0)
- Differential Terror Queue Games (2016) (0)
- Trip Distributions Revisited: A New Look At an Old Model (1981) (0)
- The Enlightened Judgments Ch'ing-ming Chi: The Sung Dynasty Collection (review) (2005) (0)
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