
Edward Yourdon

Most Influential Person Now

American software engineer and pioneer in the software engineering methodology

Edward Yourdon's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Edward Yourdon
Computer Science
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Software Engineering
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USA Rank
computer-science Degrees
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  • Computer Science

Why Is Edward Yourdon Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Edward Nash Yourdon was an American software engineer, computer consultant, author and lecturer, and software engineering methodology pioneer. He was one of the lead developers of the structured analysis techniques of the 1970s and a co-developer of both the Yourdon/Whitehead method for object-oriented analysis/design in the late 1980s and the Coad/Yourdon methodology for object-oriented analysis/design in the 1990s.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Edward Yourdon?

Edward Yourdon is affiliated with the following schools: