
Eiji Osawa

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Japanese chemist

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chemistry Degrees
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  • Chemistry

Eiji Osawa's Degrees

Why Is Eiji Osawa Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, is a former professor of computational chemistry, noted for his prediction of the C60 molecule in 1970. Osawa received his Master's of Engineering in chemistry from Kyoto University's Department of Industrial Chemistry and then became an engineer at Teijin Co., Ltd. In 1964, he returned to Kyoto University and earned a Doctorate of Engineering in chemistry under Professor M. Yoshida. After three years of postdoctoral work at the University of Wisconsin, Princeton University, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook, in 1970 he became an assistant professor at Hokkaido University. In 1990, Osawa became a full professor at Toyahashi University of Technology, where he retired in 2001. Upon his retirement, assisted by Futaba, Co., Ltd., headquartered in Chiba, Osawa started the research and development company Nano-Carbon Research Institute, Ltd.

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Eiji Osawa's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Eiji Osawa?

Eiji Osawa is affiliated with the following schools: