Eleonora Patacchini
American economist
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Eleonora Patacchini's Degrees
- PhD Economics University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Economics University of California, Berkeley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Eleonora Patacchini is an economist specializing in applied economics and applied statistics who grew up in Italy with her mother who was also a professor. She is a professor and associate department chair at Cornell University in the Department of Economics. Her research focuses on the empirical analysis of behavioral models of strategic interactions for decision making. Patacchini is an associate editor at Journal of Urban Economics and Statistical Methods & Applications. She is a columnist at the VOX CEPR Policy Portal where research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists are published frequently. She is also a co-editor of E-journal Economics and associate editor of the Journal of Urban Economics.
Eleonora Patacchini's Published Works
Published Works
- Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education (2008) (816)
- Wages and the City - Evidence from Italy (2007) (246)
- Heterogeneous Peer Effects in Education (2014) (223)
- Are Muslim Immigrants Different in Terms of Cultural Integration? (2007) (223)
- Juvenile Delinquency and Conformism (2009) (199)
- Urban Sprawl in Europe (2009) (197)
- Ethnic Networks and Employment Outcomes (2012) (197)
- Neighborhood Effects and Parental Involvement in the Intergenerational Transmission of Education (2011) (188)
- Ethnic Identity and Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Europe (2011) (184)
- Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives (2007) (160)
- Formation and Persistence of Oppositional Identities (2011) (134)
- Social Ties and the Demand for Financial Services (2017) (130)
- Criminal Networks: Who is the Key Player? (2011) (129)
- Endogenous peer effects: local aggregate or local average? (2014) (128)
- Bend it Like Beckham: Ethnic Identity and Integration (2010) (122)
- Spatial Dependence in Local Unemployment Rates (2007) (118)
- The strength of weak ties in crime (2008) (117)
- Treatment Effects With Heterogeneous Externalities (2019) (110)
- Female labour market participation in Europe: novel evidence on trends and shaping factors (2014) (91)
- Unexplored dimensions of discrimination in Europe: homosexuality and physical appearance (2015) (89)
- Systemic Risk and Network Formation in the Interbank Market (2010) (87)
- Mismatch, Transport Mode and Search Decisions in England (2003) (83)
- 'Bend it Like Beckham': Identity, Socialization and Assimilation (2006) (70)
- Mothers, Peers, and Gender-Role Identity (2018) (66)
- Social Networks and Parental Behavior in the Intergenerational Transmission of Religion (2011) (66)
- Organized Crime Networks: an Application of Network Analysis Techniques to the American Mafia (2012) (65)
- Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education and Crime (2005) (60)
- Geography and Economic Performance: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis for Great Britain (2007) (59)
- Immigration, Housing Discrimination and Employment (2015) (47)
- Spatial Methods (2014) (46)
- Trading networks and liquidity provision (2014) (43)
- Mothers, Friends and Gender Identity (2013) (42)
- Intergenerational Education Transmission: Neighborhood Quality And/Or Parents' Involvement (2004) (41)
- Who is the Key Player? A Network Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency (2020) (36)
- Search activities, cost of living and local labor markets (2006) (36)
- Is There an Urban Wage Premium in Italy? (2006) (35)
- Racial identity and education in social networks (2016) (34)
- Peer effects in the demand for housing quality (2014) (33)
- Women’s Labour Market Performance in Europe: Trends and Shaping Factors (2012) (33)
- Endogenous Network Production Functions with Selectivity (2016) (32)
- Local analysis of economic disparities in Italy: a spatial statistics approach (2008) (31)
- Influencing Connected Legislators (2016) (30)
- Moving to Segregation: Evidence from 8 Italian Cities (2012) (30)
- Identification and Estimation of Outcome Response with Heterogeneous Treatment Externalities (2014) (29)
- Static and dynamic networks in interbank markets (2015) (27)
- Dynamic Aspects of Teenage Friendships and Educational Attainment (2011) (27)
- Peer Effects in Bedtime Decisions Among Adolescents: A Social Network Model with Sampled Data (2017) (24)
- Mothers, peers and gender identity (2016) (24)
- Migration, Friendship Ties, and Cultural Assimilation (2014) (23)
- Wages and the City. The Italian case (2005) (23)
- Peer Effects in Education, Sport, and Screen Activities: Local Aggregate or Local Average? (2011) (22)
- Effectiveness of Connected Legislators (2018) (22)
- Parametric and Semiparametric IV Estimation of Network Models with Selectivity (2015) (21)
- Chapter 3 – Spatial Methods (2015) (21)
- Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies and Electoral Accountability (2019) (19)
- The Allocation of Time in Sleep: A Social Network Model with Sampled Data (2013) (19)
- Sibling Gender Composition and Women's Wages (2017) (19)
- Women Labor Market Participation in Europe: Novel Evidence on Trends and Shaping Factors (2013) (19)
- Girls, Boys, and High Achievers (2019) (18)
- Self-Control and Peer Groups: An Empirical Analysis (2016) (16)
- Student Networks and Long-Run Educational Outcomes: The Strength of Strong Ties (2012) (15)
- Neighborhood Effects, Peer Classification, and the Decision of Women to Work (2016) (14)
- Understanding Organized Crime Networks: Evidence Based on Federal Bureau of Narcotics Secret Files on American Mafia (2010) (14)
- Racial Identity and Education (2006) (14)
- Urban Social Structure, Social Capital and Spatial Proximity (2015) (13)
- Endogenous Social Connections in Legislatures (2019) (13)
- Information, Mobile Communication, and Referral Effects (2019) (13)
- The brother earnings penalty (2019) (13)
- Study on the effectiveness of ALMPs: Research project for the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Final report (2005) (12)
- Crime and Conformism (2005) (12)
- Do Friendship Networks Improve Female Education? (2017) (11)
- On the sources of the black–white test score gap in Europe☆ (2009) (11)
- Neighborhood Effects in Education (2015) (11)
- Social Networks in Policy Making (2019) (11)
- Peer Effects: Social Multiplier or Social Norms? (2013) (10)
- Teams, Organization and Education Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh (2015) (10)
- The Word on Banking - Social Ties, Trust, and the Adoption of Financial Products (2014) (9)
- Handbook on Systemic Risk: Strategic Interactions on Financial Networks for the Analysis of Systemic Risk (2013) (9)
- Tax Professionals: Tax-Evasion Facilitators or Information Hubs? (2019) (8)
- Network Structure and Education Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh (2015) (8)
- How Your Counterparty Matters: Using Transaction Networks to Explain Returns in CCP Marketplaces (2011) (7)
- Residential Choices of Young Americans (2016) (7)
- The Hausman Test for Correlated Effects in Panel Data Models under Misspecification (2006) (7)
- Endogenous Social Interactions with Unobserved Networks (2021) (7)
- Work, Retirement, and Social Networks at Older Ages (2016) (7)
- Weight, reference points, and the onset of eating disorders. (2019) (6)
- Urban Crime and Ethnicity (2012) (6)
- Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination in Europe: Religion, Homosexuality and Physical Appearance (2012) (6)
- Are Networks Priced? Network Topology and Order Trading Strategies in High Liquidity Markets (2010) (6)
- The effectiveness of European ALMPs (2007) (5)
- Heterogeneous Peer E ff ects in Education ∗ (2013) (5)
- The Racial Test Score Gap and Parental Involvement in Britain (2007) (5)
- Spatial Interactions (2022) (5)
- Ethnic Identity , Residential Segregation , and Labor-Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Europe (2009) (5)
- Mothers, Peers and Gender-Role Identity (2018) (5)
- Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination (2015) (5)
- Friendship and Female Education: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Bangladeshi Primary Schools (2018) (5)
- Urban Interactions (2017) (4)
- Social Groups and the Effectiveness of Protests (2020) (4)
- Identification and Estimation of Network models with Heterogeneous Interactions (2020) (4)
- Dynamic Social Interactions and Health Risk Behavior (2019) (4)
- Tax Professionals and Tax Evasion ∗ (2020) (3)
- Professional Interactions and Hiring Decisions: Evidence from the Federal Judiciary (2020) (3)
- Parents, neighbors and youth crime (2020) (3)
- Occupationa pensions, wages and tenure wage profiles (2004) (3)
- The Asymmetric Gender Effects of High Flyers (2022) (3)
- A Study of the Effectiveness of Credit Subsidies: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Firms (2003) (3)
- Cultural Integration in Italy (2013) (3)
- Altruism, Insurance, and Costly Solidarity Commitments (2019) (3)
- Search Intensity , Cost of Living and Local Labor Markets in England ∗ (2003) (3)
- Leaders in Juvenile Crime (2018) (3)
- Testing the exogeneity assumption in panel data models with "non classical" disturbances (2003) (3)
- Review of Network Economics (2012) (3)
- Abstentions and Social Networks in Congress (2020) (2)
- Search Intensity, Cost of Living and Local Labour Markets in Britain (2003) (2)
- Urban Labor Economics. By Yves Zenou. Cambridge University Press, New York. 2009. xiii+509 pp. $34.95. (2012) (2)
- Strong versus Weak Ties in Education ∗ (2013) (2)
- Ethnicity and Spatial Externalities in Crime (2007) (2)
- econet: An R Package for Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures (2022) (2)
- Influencing Connected Legislators (2018) (2)
- Social Interaction Methods (2019) (2)
- Peer Effects in Education1 (2021) (1)
- Multidimensional diffusion processes in dynamic online networks (2020) (1)
- Unobserved Heterogeneity or Measurement Errors? Testing for Correlated Effects With Measurement Errors (2007) (1)
- How location affects friendship interactions (2015) (1)
- Hurricanes , Climate Change and Political Accountability ∗ (2018) (1)
- Similar is Good , not too Similar is Optimal : Peer Group Composition and Self-Control (2015) (1)
- Unobservable factors and panel data sets: an investigation in the labour market (2002) (1)
- Working Paper 313 - Altruism, Insurance, and Costly Solidarity Commitments (2019) (1)
- On the estimation of covariance matrices using panel data artificial regressions (2003) (0)
- Discrimination and labor market outcomes: theoretical mechanisms and existing empirical studies (2015) (0)
- 10674 Do Friendship Networks Improve Female Education ? (2017) (0)
- Other Dimensions of Discrimination (2015) (0)
- Crime and Ethnicity in London (2008) (0)
- Local Externalities in Real-World Networks: Does Network Topology Matter? (2009) (0)
- Refining Public Policies with Machine Learning: The Case of Tax Auditing (2022) (0)
- An overview of Active Labor Market Policies (2007) (0)
- Appendix for (cid:147)Who is the Key Player? A Network Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency(cid:148) (2020) (0)
- CReAM Discussion Paper No 14 / 08 Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education (2008) (0)
- Do Friends Improve Female Education? The Case of Bangladesh (2016) (0)
- A Graphical Lasso Approach to Estimating Network Connections: The Case of U.S. Lawmakers (2020) (0)
- Eleonora Patacchini Research Statement (2014) (0)
- No . 1295 , 2019 Mothers , Peers and Gender-Role Identity (2019) (0)
- Reports from selected EU25 member states (2007) (0)
- Editorial: into a third decade (2021) (0)
- WPCover 167.pub (2014) (0)
- Working Paper No . 607 , 2003 Search Activities , Cost of Living and Local Labor Markets by Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou IUI (2003) (0)
- Exploratory Analysis for Europe: Religion and Physical Appearance (2015) (0)
- Preprint Reference Immigration , Housing Discrimination and Employment (2017) (0)
- The methodology of program evaluation (2007) (0)
- Migration, Friendship Ties and Cultural Assimilation (2014) (0)
- Who benefits from credit subsidies (2007) (0)
- Multidimensional diffusion processes in dynamic online networks-Supporting information (2020) (0)
- Author ' s personal copy Formation and persistence of oppositional identities (2011) (0)
- Local Externalities in Real-World Networks: Does Topology Matter? (2009) (0)
- Interactions with Powerful Female Colleagues Promote Diversity in Hiring (2022) (0)
- Unexplored dimensions of discrimination in Europe: homosexuality and physical appearance (2014) (0)
- The Asymmetric Gender Effects of High Flyers ∗ Cools (2021) (0)
- Neighborhood Effects and the Decision of Women to Work (2015) (0)
- Estimation of Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures [R package econet version 0.1.92] (2020) (0)
- The European Employment Strategy (2007) (0)
- The Dynamics of the Racial Test Score Gap During the School Years in Britain (2006) (0)
- Do Employers Discriminate Against Physical Appearance and Sexual Preference? A Field Experiment (2015) (0)
- Logrolling in Congress (2023) (0)
- Social Ties and the Demand for Financial Services (2017) (0)
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