
Elio Di Rupo

Most Influential Person Now

Belgian politician

Why Is Elio Di Rupo Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Elio Di Rupo is a Belgian politician who has served as the minister-president of Wallonia since 2019. He is affiliated with the Socialist Party. Di Rupo previously served as the prime minister of Belgium from 6 December 2011 to 11 October 2014, heading the Di Rupo Government. He was the first francophone to hold the office since Paul Vanden Boeynants in 1979, and the country's first socialist prime minister since Edmond Leburton left office in 1974. Di Rupo was also Belgium's first prime minister of non-Belgian descent, and the world's second openly gay person and first openly gay man to be head of government in modern times.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Elio Di Rupo?

Elio Di Rupo is affiliated with the following schools: