Ellis Paul Torrance
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American psychologist
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Ellis Paul Torrance's Degrees
- Bachelors Psychology Mercer University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ellis Paul Torrance was an American psychologist best known for his research in creativity. After completing his undergraduate degree at Mercer University, Torrance acquired a Master's degree at the University of Minnesota and then a doctorate from the University of Michigan. His teaching career spanned from 1957 to 1984. First, he taught at the University of Minnesota and then later at the University of Georgia, where he became professor of Educational Psychology in 1966.
Ellis Paul Torrance's Published Works
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Published Works
- The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (2012) (1676)
- Guiding creative talent (1962) (1244)
- The nature of creativity as manifest in its testing. (1988) (750)
- Can We Teach Children To Think Creatively (1972) (429)
- Predictive Validity of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (1972) (407)
- Education and the Creative Potential (1964) (369)
- A Longitudinal Examination of the Fourth Grade Slump in Creativity (1968) (267)
- Predicting the Creativity of Elementary School Children (1958-80) —and the Teacher Who "Made a Difference" (1981) (186)
- Rewarding Creative Behavior: Experiments in Classroom Creativity. (1965) (170)
- Your Style of Learning and Thinking, Forms a and B (1977) (128)
- Creative Learning And Teaching (1970) (127)
- Group Decision-Making and Disagreement (1957) (124)
- Discovery and Nurturance of Giftedness in the Culturally Different. (1977) (120)
- Are the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Biased Against or in Favor of “Disadvantaged” Groups? (1971) (113)
- Creative functioning of monolingual and bilingual children in Singapore. (1970) (109)
- Gifted children in the classroom (1965) (107)
- Spiritual Intelligence : Developing Higher Consciousness (2001) (106)
- Prediction of Adult Creative Achievement Among High School Seniors (1969) (90)
- Understanding Creativity: Where to Start? (1993) (90)
- Hemisphericity and Creative Functioning. (1982) (89)
- Creativity: Its Educational Implications (1981) (88)
- The Role of Creativity in Identification of the Gifted and Talented (1984) (86)
- Growing Up Creatively Gifted: A 22-Year Longitudinal Study. (1980) (82)
- Insights about creativity: Questioned, rejected, ridiculed, ignored (1995) (79)
- Career Patterns and Peak Creative Achievements of Creative High School Students Twelve Years Later (1972) (70)
- Some Creativity and Style of Learning and Thinking Correlates of Guglielmino's Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (1978) (69)
- Creativity in the Classroom; What Research Says to the Teacher. (1977) (66)
- An Instructional Model for Enhancing Incubation (1979) (64)
- "What Kind of Person Are You ?" (1970) (64)
- Influence of Dyadic Interaction on Creative Functioning (1970) (63)
- Current research on the nature of creative talent. (1959) (60)
- The Minnesota Studies of Creative Behavior: National and International Extensions (1967) (60)
- The beyonders in a thirty year longitudinal study of creative achievement (1993) (59)
- The Manifesto: A Guide To Developing a Creative Career. Publications in Creativity Research Series. (2002) (59)
- The Behavior of Small Groups Under the Stress Conditions of "Survival" (1954) (56)
- Are Children Becoming More Creative (1986) (55)
- Creativity. What Research Says to the Teacher, Series, No. 28. (1969) (55)
- The criteria of success used in 242 recent experimental studies of creativity. (1984) (54)
- Thinking Creatively with Pictures, Test Booklets and Manuals, Form A, Form B (1968) (47)
- Assessing the Further Reaches of Creative Potential (1980) (46)
- Non-Test Ways of Identifying the Creatively Gifted (1962) (45)
- The Search for "Satori" & Creativity (1979) (44)
- Examples and Rationales of Test Tasks for Assessing Creative Abilities (1968) (42)
- Letters from the field (1998) (42)
- Role of mentors in creative achievement. (1983) (41)
- Creative Positives of Disadvantaged Children and Youth (1969) (40)
- Fostering Academic Creativity in Gifted Students. ERIC Digest #E484. (1990) (39)
- Verbal Originality and Teacher Behavior: A Predictive Validity Study (1970) (39)
- The Long Range Predictive Validity of the Just Suppose Test. (1989) (38)
- Combining Creative Problem-Solving with Creative Expressive Activities in the Education of Disadvantaged Young People* (1972) (37)
- Perceived Changes in Styles of Learning and Thinking (Hemisphericity) through Direct and Indirect Training. (1978) (37)
- Non-Test Indicators of Creative Talent Among Disadvantaged Children (1973) (37)
- Styles of Thinking and Creativity (1986) (36)
- Sex Differences in Levels of Performance and Test-Retest Reliability on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Ability. (1969) (36)
- A National Climate for Creativity and Invention (1992) (35)
- Stimulation, enjoyment, and originality in dyadic creativity. (1971) (35)
- Sociodrama as a Creative Problem-Solving Approach to Studying the Future (1975) (34)
- Nurture of creative talents (1966) (34)
- The influence on creative thinking of locus of control, cooperation, and sex (1978) (34)
- Priming Creative Thinking in the Primary Grades (1961) (33)
- Assessment of creativity in children and adolescents. (2003) (32)
- Role of Style of Learning and Thinking and Self Directed Learning Readiness in the Achievement of Gifted Students (1984) (32)
- Cultural Discontinuities and the Development of Originality of Thinking (1962) (32)
- Giftedness in Solving Future Problems (1978) (31)
- Broadening Concepts of Giftedness in the 70'S (1970) (31)
- Finding Hidden Talents Among Disadvantaged Children (1968) (31)
- Further Examination of the Quality of Changes in Creative Functioning Resulting from Meditation (Zazen) Training. (1982) (29)
- Lessons about Giftedness and Creativity From a Nation of 115 Million Overachievers (1980) (29)
- Creativity and Futurism in Education: Retooling. (1980) (29)
- Creative Young Women in Today's World (1972) (29)
- The Millennium: A Time for Looking Forward and Looking Back (2003) (29)
- Great Expectations: Creative Achievements of the Sociometric Stars in a 30-Year Study (2004) (28)
- Constructive behavior : stress, personality, and mental health (1965) (28)
- Relationships Between Creative Thinking Abilities and a Measure of the Creative Personality (1974) (28)
- Multicultural Mentoring of the Gifted and Talented (1997) (27)
- Curiosity of Gifted Children and Performance On Timed and Untimed Tests of Creativity (1969) (25)
- Images of the Future of Gifted Adolescents: Effects of Alienation and Specialized Cerebral Functioning (1978) (25)
- Educating the ablest: A book of readings on the education of gifted children (1979) (24)
- Creativity Testing in Education. (1976) (23)
- Future Career Image as a Predictor of Creative Achievement in a 22-Year Longitudinal Study (1987) (23)
- Role of Hemisphericity in Performance on Selected Measures of Creativity (1979) (23)
- The Question-Asking Behavior of Highly Creative and Less Creative Basic Business Teachers Identified by a Paper-and-Pencil Test (1965) (22)
- Implications of Whole-Brained Theories of Learning and Thinking for Computer-Based Instruction. (1981) (22)
- The Creative Personality and the Ideal Pupil (1963) (22)
- Assessing Children, Teachers, and Parents Against the Ideal Child Criterion (1975) (22)
- Differences in Japanese and United States Styles of Thinking. (1979) (22)
- Implicaciones educativas de la creatividad (1976) (22)
- Future Problem Solving: National Interscholastic Competition and Curriculum Project (1978) (21)
- Some Validity Studies of Two Brief Screening Devices for Studying the Creative Personality. (1971) (21)
- Why Should the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking be Used to Assess Creativity (1999) (21)
- Construct Validity of the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (1979) (21)
- Effects of blindness on creative thinking abilities of children. (1973) (21)
- The Influence of Experienced Members of Small Groups on the Behavior of the Inexperienced (1959) (20)
- Adventuring in Creativity (1963) (20)
- Aspirations and Dreams of Three Groups of Creatively Gifted High School Seniors and a Comparable Unselected Group (1965) (20)
- Mental Health Problems of Three Groups of Highly Creative High School Seniors (1965) (20)
- Toward the More Humane Education of Gifted Children- (1963) (19)
- Some Practical Uses of a Knowledge of Self-Concepts in Counseling and Guidance (1954) (19)
- Identifying the Creatively Gifted Among Economically and Culturally Disadvantaged Children (1964) (18)
- Peer Influences on Preschool Children's Willingness to try Difficult Tasks (1969) (18)
- Methods of conducting critiques of group problem-solving performance. (1953) (18)
- Originality of Imagery in Identifying Creative Talent in Music (1969) (17)
- Self-Directed Learning Readiness Skills of Gifted Students and Their Relationship To Thinking Creatively About the Future (1978) (17)
- Levels of Originality at Earlier and Later Stages of Creativity Test Tasks (1977) (17)
- Changing reactions of preadolescent girls to tasks requiring creative scientific thinking. (1963) (16)
- Achieving Socialization Without Sacrificing Creativity (1970) (16)
- A Children's Form of Your Style of Learning and Thinking: Preliminary Norms and Technical Data (1979) (15)
- What is Honored: Comparative Studies of Creative Achievement and Motivation* (1969) (15)
- Interscholastic Brainstorming and Creative Problem Solving Competition for the Creatively Gifted (1974) (15)
- Vol22#3_Some Products of Twenty Five Years of Creativity Research (1984) (15)
- Intcrscliolastic Futuristic Creative Problem‐Solving (1976) (15)
- The Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking. (1962) (15)
- Tendency to Produce Unusual Visual Perspective as a Predictor of Creative Achievement (1972) (14)
- Education for "Quality Circles" in Japanese Schools. (1982) (14)
- S.E.A.M.: A Training Program for Developing Problem Identification Skills (1986) (14)
- Creativity and Its Educational Implications for the Gifted (1968) (14)
- Identity: the Gifted Child's Major Problem (1971) (14)
- Sociometric Studies of Combat Air Crews in Survival Training (1954) (14)
- Discovering Developing & Giftedness through Mentoring (1999) (14)
- Ten Ways of Helping Young Children Gifted in Creative Writing and Speech (1962) (13)
- Perception of group functioning as a predictor of group performance (1955) (13)
- Can Grouping Control Social Stress in Creative Activities? (1961) (13)
- Sensitization versus adaptation in preparation for emergencies: Prior experience with an emergency ration and its acceptability in a stimulated survival situation. (1958) (13)
- CHAPTER 6 – Group Dynamics and Creative Functioning (1972) (12)
- Mental health and constructive behavior (1965) (12)
- Creative Reading and the Questioning Abilities of Young Children P 15-19. (1974) (12)
- Is Creativity Teachable? Phi Delta Kappa Foundation Fastback 20. (1973) (12)
- Developing Creativity Instructional Materials According to the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving Model. (1978) (12)
- Instructor effort to influence: An experimental evaluation of six approaches. (1958) (12)
- Future Careers for Gifted and Talented Students (1976) (12)
- Predictive Validity of “Bonus” Scoring for Combinations on Repeated Figures Tests of Creative Thinking (1972) (12)
- Healing Qualities of Imagery & Creativity* (1991) (11)
- Dyadic Interaction of Preschool Children and Performance on a Construction Task (1972) (11)
- Culture and Tendencies to Draw Objects in Internal Visual Perspective (1978) (11)
- Dyadic Interaction As A Facilitator Of Gifted Performance (1970) (11)
- Teacher Attitude and Pupil Perception (1960) (11)
- Ways Gifted Children Can Study the Future (1974) (11)
- Creative teaching of mathematics in the elementary school (1967) (11)
- Causes for concern. (1962) (10)
- Group Size and Question Performance of Preprimary Children. (1970) (10)
- Some Evidence regarding Development of Cerebral Lateralization (1987) (10)
- Training Teachers and Leaders to Recognize and Acknowledge Creative Behavior Among Disadvantaged Children (1972) (10)
- Figural Creative Thinking Abilities of United States and Japanese Majors in Education. (1979) (10)
- Mind-Body Learning among the Elderly: Arts, Fitness, Incubation (1990) (10)
- Creatively Gifted and Disadvantaged Gifted Students (1976) (9)
- On the edge and keeping on the edge : the University of Georgia annual lectures on creativity (2000) (9)
- Is Bias Against Job Changing Bias Against Giftedness? (1971) (9)
- Must Creative Development Be Left To Chance? (1962) (9)
- Assessment of Disadvantaged Minority Group Children. (1974) (9)
- A Bibliography for Interdisciplinary Research On Lateral Cerebral Specialization and Interhemispheric Integration and Processing of Information (1977) (9)
- Attitude Patterns of Creatively Gifted High School Seniors (1966) (9)
- Creative Intelligence and "An Agenda for the 80's.". (1980) (8)
- Seven Guides to Creativity (1965) (8)
- A Cross-Cultural Study of the Perception of Situational Causality (1971) (8)
- Minnesota Studies of Creative Behavior: 1958-1966. (1968) (8)
- Issues and advances in educational psychology : a book of readings (1969) (8)
- How Favorable Are the Values of Art Educators to the Creative Person (1965) (8)
- Dare We Hope Again? (1978) (8)
- Creativity and the Older Adult. (1977) (8)
- Analysis of Complex Contingency Data (1959) (8)
- Healing Qualities of Creative Behavior. (1978) (8)
- Freedom to Manipulate Objects and Question-Asking Performance of Six-Year-Olds. (1970) (7)
- Assessing the creative thinking abilities. (1962) (7)
- Improving Predictions of the Adult Creative Achievement of Gifted Girls By Using Autobiographical Information (1973) (7)
- Divergent Thinking, Remote Associations, and Concept Attainment Strategies (1971) (7)
- Readiness of Teachers of Gifted to Learn From Culturally Different Gifted Children (1974) (7)
- Mental health and achievement : increasing potential and reducing school dropout (1965) (7)
- Creative Thinking of Children (1962) (7)
- Teaching Gifted Elementary Pupils Research Concepts and Skills (1962) (6)
- Testing the Educational and Psychological Development of Students from Other Cultures and Subcultures (1968) (6)
- Reaching the Creatively Gifted. (1972) (6)
- Influence of Alternate Approaches to Pre-Primary Educational Stimulation and Question-Asking Skills. (1972) (6)
- What Gifted Disadvantaged Children Can Teach Their Teachers (1973) (6)
- Education for affective achievement (1973) (6)
- Are Low Career Expectations Shortchanging Girls (2002) (5)
- What Might We Learn from the Japanese about Giftedness and Creativity? (1983) (5)
- Some Implications for Art Education from the Minnesota Studies of Creative Thinking (1961) (5)
- On the Shoulders of Giants (1989) (5)
- An experimental evaluation of "no-pressure" influence. (1959) (5)
- Genesa as an Aid To Incubation/Imagery (1979) (5)
- Independent study as an instructional tool (1966) (5)
- Educating the Gifted in the 1980's: Removing Limits on Learning (1980) (5)
- Retooling Education for Creative Talent: How Goes It? (1974) (4)
- Dyadic Interaction in Creative Thinking and Problem Solving. (1973) (4)
- Glimpses of the “promised land” (1986) (4)
- Creativity and Intelligence (1963) (4)
- The Development of Causal Thinking of Children in Mexico and the United States (1972) (4)
- Creativity and Infinity. (1971) (4)
- Comparative Studies of Creativity in Children. (1969) (4)
- A Creativity Workshop for Disadvantaged Children. (1970) (4)
- Effectiveness of New Materials Developed for Training the Streamlined Scoring of the TTCT, Figural A and B Forms (1980) (4)
- Helping Gifted Children Read Creatively (1963) (4)
- Effects of Increasing the Time Limits of the Just Suppose Test (1978) (4)
- Experimental Grouping on the Basis of Creative Abilities and Motivations (1966) (4)
- Comparison of Creative Thinking Abilities of Blind and Deaf Children (1973) (4)
- Attitude Patterns and the Production of Original Verbal Images: A Study in Construct Validity (1971) (4)
- Talent and education : present status and future directions : papers presented at the 1958 Institute on Gifted Children (1960) (3)
- Personal Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (1997) (3)
- Guidelines For Training Creativity Test Administrators and Scorers (1980) (3)
- Which Gifted Students Apply What They Learn in Special Programs? (1979) (3)
- Gifted Thirteen-Year-Olds in Two Cultures: Greater London and Greater Twin Cities (USA) (1966) (3)
- Motivating the Creatively Gifted Among Economically and Culturally Disadvantaged Children (1965) (3)
- Comparison between Regular and Streamlined Versions of Scoring of Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (2001) (3)
- Small Group Behavior of 5-Year-Old Children under Three Kinds of Educational Stimulation (1970) (3)
- Developmental Changes in Sources of Consensual Validation in Preadolescence (1971) (3)
- Helping Gifted Children Through Mental Health Information and Concepts (1967) (3)
- Gifted Students want to be on the Latest Frontiers (1979) (3)
- Five Models for Constructing Creativity Instructional Materials. (1978) (3)
- "Structure" Can Improve the Group Behavior of Five-Year-Old Children (1971) (3)
- What Kind of a Person Do You Want Your Gifted Child to Become? (1963) (3)
- Creative Development in a Segregated Negro School in the South. (1967) (3)
- Race and Sex Bias in Interpreting Creativity Test Results of Children (1977) (3)
- Evaluation of Some of the Effects Of a Teen Drama Program on Creativity (1982) (3)
- The Sounds and Images Test As A Predictor of Musical Talent (1977) (3)
- Racial and Sex Differences in “Images of the Future” (1980) (3)
- Teacher Education for Career Education of the Gifted and Talented (1977) (3)
- What Next?: Futuristic Scenarios for Creative Problem Solving (1994) (3)
- Accuracy, task effectiveness, and emergence of a social-emotional resolver as a function of one- and two-expert groups. (1965) (3)
- We Know Enough to Teach More Creatively Than We Do (1965) (2)
- Psychologic and sociologic aspects of survival ration acceptability. (1957) (2)
- “Sounds and Images” Imagery as a Potential Indicator of Style of Learning and Thinking (1981) (2)
- Role of Creative Ability and Style in The Production of Humor Among Adults (1981) (2)
- An Alternative to Compensatory Education. (1972) (2)
- Comparison of Children's Performance on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and Selected Piagetian Tasks. (1979) (2)
- Styles of Learning and Thinking of College Students in the Japanese, United States and Kuwait Cultures. (1986) (2)
- Creativity in a Cage. (1967) (2)
- Are We Teaching Our Children to Think about the Future? (1989) (2)
- Realistic Re-Creation of Models of Creatively Gifted Persons1 (1964) (2)
- Development of Ego Control Through Creative Activities (1972) (2)
- Helping Your G/C/T Child Learn about the Future (1978) (2)
- Discovering Man in Psychology (1976) (2)
- Experiences in Historical Research and Changes in Self Evaluations of Gifted Children (1966) (2)
- Invited reaction: “Hidden” information in corporate creativity in Japan (1992) (2)
- Creatively Gifted, Learning Disabled Individuals (1992) (2)
- It's Time You Learned To Eat Peas with a Fork. (1969) (2)
- Future Problem Solving and Quality Circles in Schools. (1982) (2)
- Sociometric Techniques for Diagnosing Group Ills (1955) (2)
- Further Verification of High Creative Potential Among Emotionally Disturbed and Behavior Disordered Children (1978) (2)
- What It Means to Become Human. (1970) (1)
- Gifted Children Can Read Statistics (1970) (1)
- Identifying the creative personality. (1962) (1)
- Stress-Seeking as a Factor in High Achievement (1966) (1)
- Interpersonal Aggression and Submission in Ability to Endure Pain and Discomfort (1958) (1)
- Creativity Research and Higher Education. (1969) (1)
- Developing Creativity Instructional Materials According to the Sociodrama Model. (1979) (1)
- Abstract: Teacher Effect in Using Creative Thinking Exercises with Sixth Graders (1978) (1)
- How Gifted High School Students Can Continue Growing Intellectually (1968) (1)
- Evaluating the Elusive Aspects of Career Education. (1979) (1)
- Resistance to Premature Gestalt Closure as a Possible Indicator of Incubation Ability (1979) (1)
- A Three-Year Study of the Influence of a Creative-Aesthetic Approach to School Readiness and Beginning Reading and Arithmetic on Creative Development. (1969) (1)
- Individual Differences in Creativity among Secondary School Students. (1970) (1)
- Originality on the Rorschach Ink Blot Test and The Creative Personality (1977) (1)
- Effects of a Career Development Institute on the Images of the Future of Gifted Adolescents. (1977) (1)
- Goals for guiding creative talent. (1962) (1)
- Ability to Use Freedom Allowed Under Rules by Advantaged and Disadvantaged Children (1977) (1)
- More Than the Ten Rational Thinking Processes. (1980) (1)
- Beyond learning theory. (1969) (1)
- Creativity in Communication with Young Children. (1971) (1)
- Multiphasic study of creativity. (1964) (1)
- Alternative Procedures for Assessing Intellectual Strengths of Young Children (1980) (1)
- The Relationship of Attitudes and Changes in Attitudes toward Survival Adequacy to the Achievement of Survival Knowledge (1954) (1)
- Organizing Educational Research: An Exploration (1965) (1)
- Ten Lessons on the Development of Giftedness and Talent from Japan (1982) (1)
- Compensatory Education Versus Education Based Upon Creative Positives. (1973) (0)
- Chapter VIII: Testing the Educational and Psychological Development of Students from Other Cultures and Subcultures (1968) (0)
- Problems when creativity is repressed. (1962) (0)
- Effects of Sex, Race, and Age on Creative Thinking Abilities of Blind Children (1973) (0)
- First-hand reading urged. (1972) (0)
- Curriculum Frontiers for the Elementary Gifted Pupil… Flying Monkeys and Silent Lions (1961) (0)
- What Groups Constitute the Psychology of Small Group Behavior (1972) (0)
- Films and Other Media: Is Stimulation Enough? (1973) (0)
- Food Prejudices and Survival (1955) (0)
- Scenario of G/C/T Education: 2004 (1979) (0)
- More About Using Part IV, D. O. T. (1946) (0)
- How Isolated and Confined is Isolation and Confinement Research (1974) (0)
- A Strange Road to the Truth. (1966) (0)
- Adaptation to Living and Working in the Arctic (1955) (0)
- Counselors, teachers, and administrators for guiding creative talent. (1962) (0)
- Chapter XXII: Unique Needs of the Creative Child and Adult (1979) (0)
- Personnel and Training Problems in Survival Equipment (1955) (0)
- Continuing Intellectual Development After High School (1967) (0)
- Identification of Gifted and Creative Children and Youth Among Black Disadvantaged Groups. A Symposium/Workshop Presented by Members of the Bi-Racial Identification Committee. (1972) (0)
- Some Issues Regarding Power Roles in Emergencies and Extreme Conditions (1955) (0)
- Complex topic complex talk. (1963) (0)
- TAYLOR, CALVIN W., and WILLIAMS, FRANK E., editors. Instructional Media and Crea tivity. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966. 397 pp. Cloth, $8.95; paper, $3.95 (1967) (0)
- Are Creatively Gifted Children Different (1975) (0)
- A Personal Communication From E. Paul Torrance (1973) (0)
- Abstract: Performance and Hedonic Differences Under Dyadic and Individual Conditions in Taking the Remote Associates Test (1978) (0)
- A Cross-Cultural Study of Children's Conceptions of Situational Causality in India, Western Samoa, Mexico, and the United States (1973) (0)
- A Three-Year Study of Continuity of Creative Growth under a Cognitive-Structured Approach to Educational Stimulation. (1969) (0)
- Needed Research on Creativity. A Special Report of the USOE-Sponsored Grant Study: Critical Appraisal of Research in the Personality-Emotions-Motivation Domain. (1973) (0)
- Linking Brain Research to Educational Policy : Pitfalls or Promise ? III . WHO ' S DOING WHAT ? SOME SELECTED RESEARCH PROJECTS (2011) (0)
- Spiritual Intelligence… (2002) (0)
- The Plea of the Gifted - - for Teachers To Teach (1967) (0)
- Book Reviews: Singer, Jerome L. The Child’s World of Make-Believe: Experimental Studies of Imaginative Play. New York: Academic Press, 1973. 294 + xvi pp. $11.75. (1974) (0)
- Books, Tests, and Instructional Materials (1973) (0)
- Scoring Originality in Creativity Tests for Culturally Different Samples (1977) (0)
- What happens to sociometric structure in emergencies and extreme conditions (1959) (0)
- Problems in maintaining creativity. (1962) (0)
- The Effects of Psychomotor Warm-Up upon Creative Thinking in Second Grade. (1978) (0)
- Book reviews (1969) (0)
- A Proposal for Assessing 'Attitude' in Survival Training (1955) (0)
- Something old, something new. (1966) (0)
- Suspended Evaluation on Imagination. (1973) (0)
- Those Worried, Hopeful, Gifted Children of the World (1984) (0)
- Book Reviews Section 4 (1972) (0)
- A step toward survival. (1963) (0)
- TITLE Dyadic Interaction in Creative Thinking and Problem (2011) (0)
- Learning about the Future through Language Arts. (1976) (0)
- The Chosen Few@@@Talent and Education (1962) (0)
- Relationships with creative talent. (1962) (0)
- Interaction with a Textbook. (1975) (0)
- Summer: A Time for Self-Initiated Learning (1964) (0)
- Differences Are Not Deficits (1974) (0)
- Synthesizing About the "Magic Synthesis". (1977) (0)
- Personality Adaption in Survival: Case Studies of USAF Survivor-Evadees in Korea (1956) (0)
- Book reviews (1969) (0)
- Educational Psychology: The Crux of an Interdisciplinary Field-Based Approach to Teacher Education (1977) (0)
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