
Emmanuel Gonzalez

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Filipino engineer

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Why Is Emmanuel Gonzalez Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Emmanuel A. Gonzalez is a Filipino educator and engineer. He became the Existing Installation Business Director at Jardine Schindler Elevator Corporation in 2015, a joint venture between Jardine Matheson and Schindler Group, until he moved to Holland, Ohio in the United States as the Reliability Manager for the Existing Installation Department of Schindler Elevator Corporation in 2017. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers through the IEEE Toledo Section, a member of the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals , and an associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines under the Department of Science and Technology . He is a recipient of the IEEE Education Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award in 2009 and the IEEE Education Society Student Leadership Award in 2010. Gonzalez currently serves as member-at-large for the IEEE Toledo Section,.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Emmanuel Gonzalez?

Emmanuel Gonzalez is affiliated with the following schools: