
Erwin Bälz

Most Influential Person Across History

German physician and anthropologist

Erwin Bälz's Academic­ Rankings

Erwin Bälz
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
Erwin Bälz
Historical Rank
philosophy Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Philosophy

Erwin Bälz's Degrees

Why Is Erwin Bälz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Erwin Otto Eduard von Bälz , often simply known as Erwin Bälz without the noble "von" particle, was a German internist, anthropologist, and personal physician to the Japanese Imperial Family and cofounder of modern western medicine in Japan.

Other Resources About Erwin Bälz

What Schools Are Affiliated With Erwin Bälz?

Erwin Bälz is affiliated with the following schools: