
Eva Verona

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Croatian librarian and information scientist

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Why Is Eva Verona Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Eva Verona was the most eminent Croatian librarian and information scientist and is well known among information scientists around the world. She was born in Trieste in 1905. Her early childhood was spent in Vienna and eventually moved to Zagreb, Croatia where she attended grammar school. She graduated with a degree in mathematics and physics from Zagreb University in 1928 and was immediately employed in the National and University Library in Zagreb. She worked in different departments of the Library as her career progressed. She reorganized the natural sciences section in the classified catalogue and also worked on the foreign periodicals collection. She also was in charge of choosing and purchasing works dealing with the natural sciences, technology, and librarianship. Verona remained at the University Library until retiring in 1967. Starting in 1968 she was a professor at the University of Zagreb for students of librarianship.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Eva Verona?

Eva Verona is affiliated with the following schools: