
Fatma Chamakh-Haddad

Most Influential Person Now

Tunisian academic, philosopher, feminist and activist

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  • Philosophy

Why Is Fatma Chamakh-Haddad Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Fatma Chamakh-Haddad or Fatma Haddad-Chamakh was a professor, philosopher, feminist and Tunisian activist. Early life and education Born in 1936 in Tunis, Fatma Chamakh-Haddad came from a family of Muslim and nationalist intellectuals. She was educated as a child in Tunis, notably in the Russian high school. As a teenager, she became a member of the Neo Destour and the General Union of Tunisian Students . She then went to university in Paris, where she joined her brothers.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Fatma Chamakh-Haddad?

Fatma Chamakh-Haddad is affiliated with the following schools: