
Fausto Cercignani

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Italian scholar, essayist and poet

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Why Is Fausto Cercignani Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Fausto Cercignani is an Italian scholar, essayist and poet. Biography Born to Tuscan parents, Fausto Cercignani studied in Milan, where he graduated in foreign languages and literatures with a dissertation dealing with English at Shakespeare’s time. His career as a university professor was at first characterized by philological investigations in the fields of English studies and Germanic studies. In 1983, after teaching at the Universities of Bergamo , Parma , and Pisa , he returned to Milan and carried on his activity at the University of Milan, where he intensified his researches on German literature, a field that he had been cultivating for years.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Fausto Cercignani?

Fausto Cercignani is affiliated with the following schools: