
Fernando Lázaro Carreter

Most Influential Person Now

Spanish journalist and linguist

Fernando Lázaro Carreter's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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Why Is Fernando Lázaro Carreter Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Fernando Lázaro Carreter was a Spanish linguist, journalist and literary critic. Carreter worked to improve the way the Spanish language is spoken and written, and penned the hugely popular 1997 book , a collection of articles he wrote on linguistic gaffes in the media. Lázaro Carreter was a member, occupying the Seat R, of the prestigious Royal Spanish Academy , the language's official referee, from 1972 until his death, and was its president for seven years, 1991–1998. He taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Fernando Lázaro Carreter?

Fernando Lázaro Carreter is affiliated with the following schools: