
Florence M. Hawley

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Florence M. Hawley's Degrees

Why Is Florence M. Hawley Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Florence May Hawley Ellis was one of the first anthropologists to work extensively on dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating. She conducted archaeological and ethnographic research in the Southwestern United States; and undertook some of the first dendrochronological research in eastern North America in the mid 20th century, examining samples from a number of archaeological sites. She was also highly regarded as a passionate teacher who pushed her students toward greatness by encouraging them to think for themselves and work hard for what they wanted to achieve. Although faced with many challenges in her career, and discriminated against for being a woman, she persevered in her research and became a great influence both for her students and for other women in her field.

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Florence M. Hawley's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Florence M. Hawley?

Florence M. Hawley is affiliated with the following schools: