
Francis Kelsey

Most Influential Person Across History

American classical philologist and archaeologist

Francis Kelsey's Academic­ Rankings

Francis Kelsey
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anthropology Degrees
Francis Kelsey
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Classical Studies
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literature Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Literature

Why Is Francis Kelsey Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Francis Willey Kelsey was an American classicist, professor, and archaeologist that would go on to lead the first expedition to the Near-East done by the University of Michigan . His papyrus findings and the collection of antiquities he acquired for the university brought him fame not only among University of Michigan faculty but around the world. Originally hailing from New York, he would teach at Lake Forest University, in Illinois, eventually coming to the University of Michigan. He was the secretary of the Archaeological Institute of America, Vice President, and eventually President, of the American Philological Association while he was at U of M.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Francis Kelsey?

Francis Kelsey is affiliated with the following schools: