
Francisc Rainer

Most Influential Person Across History

Romanian pathologist, physiologist and anthropologist

Francisc Rainer's Academic­ Rankings

Francisc Rainer
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anthropology Degrees
Francisc Rainer
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biology Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Biology

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Why Is Francisc Rainer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Francisc Iosif Rainer was an Austro-Hungarian-born Romanian pathologist, physiologist and anthropologist. From an immigrant family, he earned early recognition for his experimental work in anatomy, and helped reform Romanian medical science. He spent much of his youth training himself in anatomical pathology and the various areas of natural science, gaining direct experience as a microbiologist, surgeon, and military physician. With teaching positions at the University of Iași and the University of Bucharest, where he established specialized sections, Rainer became a noted promoter of science and an innovator in his field. He notably favored and introduced the anatomical study of "functional structures", and was in particular preoccupied with issues pertaining to ontogenesis and kinesiology. An intellectual influence on several generations of doctors, his wife was Marta Trancu-Rainer, Romania's first female surgeon.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Francisc Rainer?

Francisc Rainer is affiliated with the following schools: