
Francisco Lacueva

Most Influential Person Now

Dogmatic theologian and writer from Spain

Francisco Lacueva's Academic­ Rankings

Francisco Lacueva
Religious Studies
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  • Religious Studies

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Why Is Francisco Lacueva Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Francisco Lacueva was a Spanish missionary, writer, theologian, teacher, pastor, and canon. He was born on 28 September 1911 in Sant Celoni. He studied at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. His field of work included dogmatic theology and Christian eschatology. He was coadjutor bishop until 1962 for Tarazona Cathedral. He worked for Strict Baptist Mission in 1969. He married Enid-Beryl Beard. His children are Francesca White, Raquel Shaddick, and Alison Cave.

Other Resources About Francisco Lacueva

What Schools Are Affiliated With Francisco Lacueva?

Francisco Lacueva is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Francisco Lacueva's Academic Contributions?

Francisco Lacueva is most known for their academic work in the field of religious studies. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Francisco Lacueva has made the following academic contributions: