
François Thureau-Dangin

Most Influential Person Across History

French archaeologist

François Thureau-Dangin's Academic­ Rankings

François Thureau-Dangin
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  • Anthropology

Why Is François Thureau-Dangin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, François Thureau-Dangin was a French archaeologist, assyriologist and epigrapher. He played a major role in deciphering of the Sumerian and Akkadian languages. He studied under Julius Oppert in Paris, and from 1895, was associated with duties performed at the Louvre, where in 1908, he was appointed assistant curator of the Oriental Antiquities department, in french the département des Antiquités orientales where he spent most of his career and whom he led from 1925 to 1928. On behalf of the Louvre museum, he conducted then excavations at Arslan Tash and at Til Barsip .

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