
Françoise Blime-Dutertre

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French philosopher

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philosophy Degrees
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Why Is Françoise Blime-Dutertre Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Françoise Blime was a French philosopher. She was a disciple of Raymond Aron and a lifelong admirer of Levi-Strauss’ s structural anthropology, Françoise Blime was one of the few French students to have been accepted in the United States on a Fulbright Scholarship at Brandeis University, where she was trained along some of the leading thinkers behind the US social revolution of the late 1960s such as Angela Davis. Back in France, she worked relentlessly to elaborate and apply new paradigms in the French state educational systems, initially by the insertion of institutional psychopedagogy in the training courses of school teachers and later as a prominent researcher and administrator of the National Centre for Pedagogical Documentation , the office within the French Ministry of Education that publishes teaching training materials. Françoise Blime was also member of a number of prestigious think-tanks in the field of education, such as the Teaching League and was awarded the Palmes Académiques.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Françoise Blime-Dutertre?

Françoise Blime-Dutertre is affiliated with the following schools: