
Frans Blom

Most Influential Person Across History

Danish Mesoamericanist

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Frans Blom Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Frans Blom was a Danish explorer and archaeologist. He was most associated with his research of the Maya civilization of Mexico and Central America. Biography Frans Ferdinand Blom was born in Copenhagen, Denmark to a middle-class family of antique merchants. He passed a matriculation exam at Rungsted and received a trade education in Germany and Belgium. He started travelling, eventually reaching Mexico in 1919, where he found work in the oil industry conducting map and geologically survey the states of Veracruz, Tabasco, and Chiapas. Travelling to remote locations in the Mexican jungle, he became interested in the Maya ruins which he encountered where he was working. He started drawing and documenting these ruins. After he showed his work to the National Museum of Anthropology , it financed some of his expeditions.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Frans Blom?

Frans Blom is affiliated with the following schools: