
Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker

Most Influential Person Across History

German classical philologist and archaeologist

Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker's Academic­ Rankings

Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker
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literature Degrees
Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
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  • Literature
  • Anthropology

Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker's Degrees

Why Is Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker was a German classical philologist and archaeologist. Biography Welcker was born at Grünberg, Hesse-Darmstadt. Having studied classical philology at the University of Giessen, in 1803 he was appointed master in the high school, an office which he combined with that of lecturer at the university. In 1806 he journeyed to Italy, and was for more than a year private tutor at Rome in the family of Wilhelm von Humboldt, who became his friend and correspondent.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker?

Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker is affiliated with the following schools: