
Gabriel Barkay

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Israeli archaeologist

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Why Is Gabriel Barkay Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gabriel Barkay is an Israeli archaeologist. Biography Gabriel Barkay was born in the Budapest Ghetto, Hungary, he immigrated to Israel in 1950. He studied archaeology, comparative religion and geography at Tel Aviv University, graduated summa cum laude, and received his PhD in archaeology from the same university in 1985. His dissertation was about LMLK seal impressions on jar handles. He participated in the Lachish excavations with David Ussishkin. His academic areas of interest include the archaeology of Jerusalem, biblical archaeology, burials and burial customs, art, epigraphy, and glyptics in the Iron Age.

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Gabriel Barkay's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gabriel Barkay?

Gabriel Barkay is affiliated with the following schools: