
Gareth Jones

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Gareth Jones 's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Gareth Jones Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gareth Hywel Jones, QC, FBA was a Welsh academic and longtime fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Professor of Law at the University of Cambridge. Biography Jones was born in 1930 in Tylorstown, in the Rhondda. He was educated at the Rhondda County School for Boys, University College London, St Catharine's College, Cambridge and Harvard College. He became a teaching fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1961, becoming Senior Tutor in 1972, and was appointed Downing Professor of the Laws of England in 1974. Jones was Vice-Master of Trinity from 1986 to 1992, and from 1996 to 1999. He is a fellow of the British Academy. He became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1991.

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Gareth Jones 's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gareth Jones ?

Gareth Jones is affiliated with the following schools: