
Gayle Rubin

Most Influential Person Now

American cultural anthropologist, activist, and feminist

Gayle Rubin's Academic­ Rankings

Gayle Rubin
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Cultural Anthropology
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  • Anthropology

Why Is Gayle Rubin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gayle S. Rubin is an American cultural anthropologist, theorist and activist, best known for her pioneering work in feminist theory and queer studies. Her essay "The Traffic in Women" had a lasting influence in second-wave feminism and early gender studies, by arguing that gender oppression could not be adequately explained by Marxist conceptions of the patriarchy. Her 1984 essay "Thinking Sex" is widely regarded as a founding text of gay and lesbian studies, sexuality studies, and queer theory. She has written on a range of subjects including the politics of sexuality, gender oppression, sadomasochism, pornography and lesbian literature, as well as anthropological studies of urban sexual subcultures, and is an associate professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan.

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Gayle Rubin's Published Works

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