
Gaylord Starin White

Most Influential Person Across History

American social worker

Gaylord Starin White's Academic­ Rankings

Gaylord Starin White
Social Work
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social-work Degrees
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  • Social Work

Why Is Gaylord Starin White Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gaylord Starin White was an American social reformer and activist who was prominent in the settlement movement. He was the second and long-serving director of New York City's Union Settlement and, at his death, the dean of students at Union Theological Seminary. A New York City Housing Authority center for the elderly bears his name, as did a summer camp in Arden, New York for inner-city children.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gaylord Starin White?

Gaylord Starin White is affiliated with the following schools: