
Georg-Christof Bertsch

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German Design Consultant and University Lecturer

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Why Is Georg-Christof Bertsch Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Georg-Christof Bertsch is a German corporate identity and organizational behavior consultant . Background Georg-Christof Bertsch is the third son to Robert Bertsch , principal of a special education grammar school, and Anny Bertsch, née Herling . Beginning in the early 70s, Robert and Anny were initiating leaders in the reconciliation between their hometown and France , the UK and Israel, helping to establish a sister city or community relations in these three countries. In 1988, Robert Bertsch published "Juden in Seeheim und Jugenheim", the first historical account of Jewish life in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany. The book was launched to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Bertsch is a Rotary International member at RC Frankfurt Friedensbrücke. Paul Harris Fellow since 2022. He is an elected member of DDC German Designer Club. He is an atheist.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Georg-Christof Bertsch?

Georg-Christof Bertsch is affiliated with the following schools: