
Georges Chapouthier

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French neuroscientist and philosopher

Georges Chapouthier's Academic­ Rankings

Georges Chapouthier
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philosophy Degrees
Georges Chapouthier
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biology Degrees
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  • Philosophy
  • Biology

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Why Is Georges Chapouthier Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Georges Chapouthier is a French neuroscientist and philosopher. Biography Georges Chapouthier is the son of Odette Mazaubert and Fernand Chapouthier . Fernand Chapouthier was a classicist and archeologist who was deputy director of the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. Odette Mazaubert was known under the pseudonym of "Carquelin" for her Saintongeais writings. Chapouthier attended the Lycée Montaigne and the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris. He then followed the "Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles" at the Lycée Saint-Louis and subsequently enrolled at the Ecole normale supérieure in 1964. Chapouthier then studied biology and philosophy, obtaining a "doctorat d'état" in both .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Georges Chapouthier?

Georges Chapouthier is affiliated with the following schools: