Gian Luca Foresti
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Orcid: 0000-0002-8425-6892; University of Udine, IT
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Computer Science
Gian Luca Foresti's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science University of Udine
- Masters Computer Engineering University of Udine
- Bachelors Computer Engineering University of Udine
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Gian Luca Foresti's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Trajectory-Based Anomalous Event Detection (2008) (475)
- On-line trajectory clustering for anomalous events detection (2006) (258)
- Ambient Intelligence: A New Multidisciplinary Paradigm (2005) (240)
- Object recognition and tracking for remote video surveillance (1999) (154)
- Wide-Slice Residual Networks for Food Recognition (2016) (147)
- The Eighth Visual Object Tracking VOT2020 Challenge Results (2020) (139)
- Active video-based surveillance system: the low-level image and video processing techniques needed for implementation (2005) (136)
- Special issue on video communications, processing, and understanding for third generation surveillance systems (2001) (133)
- A real-time system for video surveillance of unattended outdoor environments (1998) (133)
- A distributed probabilistic system for adaptive regulation of image processing parameters (1996) (117)
- Exploiting Recurrent Neural Networks and Leap Motion Controller for the Recognition of Sign Language and Semaphoric Hand Gestures (2018) (105)
- Trajectory clustering and its applications for video surveillance (2005) (105)
- Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks (2010) (103)
- Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning (2015) (102)
- Visual inspection of sea bottom structures by an autonomous underwater vehicle (2001) (102)
- Biometric Liveness Detection: Challenges and Research Opportunities (2015) (97)
- Distributed architectures and logical-task decomposition in multimedia surveillance systems (2001) (94)
- A clustering fuzzy approach for image segmentation (2004) (88)
- Multimedia Video-Based Surveillance Systems (2000) (86)
- Real-time thresholding with Euler numbers (2003) (83)
- Multimedia Video-Based Surveillance Systems: Requirements, Issues and Solutions (2000) (83)
- A network of co-operative cameras for visual surveillance (2005) (81)
- Dynamic Reconfiguration in Camera Networks: A Short Survey (2016) (74)
- Vehicle recognition and tracking from road image sequences (1999) (73)
- Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks (2014) (72)
- Automatic detection and indexing of video-event shots for surveillance applications (2002) (66)
- Active Video-Based Surveillance System (2005) (63)
- A Vision Based System for Object Detection in Underwater Images (2000) (62)
- Ambient Intelligence: A Novel Paradigm (2004) (60)
- Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identification (2017) (59)
- Multisensor surveillance systems : the fusion perspective (2003) (58)
- Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images (2010) (55)
- Growing Hierarchical Tree SOM: An unsupervised neural network with dynamic topology (2006) (55)
- Saliency Weighted Features for Person Re-identification (2014) (55)
- Situational awareness in smart environments: socio-mobile and sensor data fusion for emergency response to disasters (2015) (54)
- VT-ADL: A Vision Transformer Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization (2021) (53)
- Quality-Based Fusion of Multiple Video Sensors for Video Surveillance (2007) (50)
- Sensor Fusion for Video Surveillance (2004) (50)
- Novel concepts and challenges for the next generation of video surveillance systems (2007) (49)
- Occlusion-aware multiple camera reconfiguration (2010) (48)
- Automatic visual recognition of deformable objects for grasping and manipulation (2004) (47)
- Incoherent Frequency Fusion for Broadband Steered Response Power Algorithms in Noisy Environments (2014) (43)
- PTZ camera network reconfiguration (2009) (43)
- Group Re-identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding (2017) (43)
- Exploiting CNNs for Improving Acoustic Source Localization in Noisy and Reverberant Conditions (2018) (41)
- An adaptive high-order neural tree for pattern recognition (2004) (41)
- Object detection and tracking in time-varying and badly illuminated outdoor environments (1998) (41)
- Person Reidentification in a Distributed Camera Network Framework (2017) (40)
- A Vision-Based System for Internal Pipeline Inspection (2019) (40)
- A balanced neural tree for pattern classification (2012) (38)
- A change-detection method for multiple object localization in real scenes (1994) (37)
- Diversity-aware classifier ensemble selection via f-score (2016) (37)
- Event classification for automatic visual-based surveillance of parking lots (2004) (37)
- Face Spoof Attack Recognition Using Discriminative Image Patches (2016) (37)
- Generalized neural trees for pattern classification (2002) (37)
- A UAV Video Dataset for Mosaicking and Change Detection From Low-Altitude Flights (2020) (37)
- Detecting moving people in video streams (2005) (36)
- Meta Random Forests (2008) (36)
- A keypoint-based method for background modeling and foreground detection using a PTZ camera (2017) (36)
- Real-time image processing for active monitoring of wide areas (2006) (36)
- A distributed sensor network for video surveillance of outdoor environments (2002) (35)
- A voting-based approach for fast object recognition in underwater acoustic images (1997) (35)
- Deep Generative Adversarial Residual Convolutional Networks for Real-World Super-Resolution (2020) (35)
- Surveillance-Oriented Event Detection in Video Streams (2011) (35)
- An interactive and low-cost full body rehabilitation framework based on 3D immersive serious games (2019) (35)
- Aggregating Deep Pyramidal Representations for Person Re-Identification (2019) (34)
- A robust feature tracker for active surveillance of outdoor scenes (2003) (34)
- A hierarchical classification system for object recognition in underwater environments (2002) (33)
- Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface (2014) (33)
- 2-D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition via Two-Branch Stacked LSTM-RNNs (2020) (33)
- A Structured Committee for Food Recognition (2015) (32)
- Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification (2016) (32)
- MoBio_LivDet: Mobile biometric liveness detection (2014) (32)
- Aerial video surveillance system for small-scale UAV environment monitoring (2017) (31)
- Automatic camera selection and fusion for outdoor surveillance under changing weather conditions (2003) (31)
- Multisensor data fusion for autonomous vehicle navigation in risky environments (2002) (31)
- Exploiting neural trees in range image understanding (1998) (30)
- VRheab: a fully immersive motor rehabilitation system based on recurrent neural network (2018) (30)
- An Autonomous Vehicle for Video Surveillance of Indoor Environments (2007) (29)
- A weighted MVDR beamformer based on SVM learning for sound source localization (2016) (29)
- Anomalous trajectory detection using support vector machines (2007) (28)
- Adaptive camera regulation for investigation of real scenes (1996) (28)
- Representing and recognizing complex events in surveillance applications (2007) (28)
- Multisensor Surveillance Systems (2003) (28)
- A cooperative multicamera system for video-surveillance of parking lots (2003) (27)
- Fusing depth and colour information for human action recognition (2018) (27)
- Visual Tracking by Means of Deep Reinforcement Learning and an Expert Demonstrator (2019) (27)
- Markov Logic Networks for context integration and situation assessment in maritime domain (2012) (26)
- MS-Faster R-CNN: Multi-Stream Backbone for Improved Faster R-CNN Object Detection and Aerial Tracking from UAV Images (2021) (26)
- A vision-based system for autonomous underwater vehicle navigation (1998) (26)
- Grouping of rectilinear segments by the labeled Hough transform (1994) (25)
- Automatic reconfiguration of video sensor networks for optimal 3D coverage (2011) (25)
- Automatic Deception Detection in RGB videos using Facial Action Units (2019) (25)
- A Low-Complexity Robust Beamforming Using Diagonal Unloading for Acoustic Source Localization (2018) (25)
- A hierarchical approach to feature extraction and grouping (2000) (24)
- Face detection for visual surveillance (2003) (24)
- Domain knowledge for surveillance applications (2007) (23)
- Grouping as a Searching Process for Minimum-Energy Configurations of Labelled Random Fields (1996) (23)
- On the use of machine learning in microphone array beamforming for far-field sound source localization (2016) (23)
- A pool of multiple person re-identification experts (2016) (22)
- Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-identification (2014) (22)
- High-resolution in situ holographic recording and analysis of marine organisms and particles (HOLOMAR) (1998) (21)
- Distributed spatial reasoning for multisensory image interpretation (1993) (21)
- Exploiting a geometrically sampled grid in the steered response power algorithm for localization improvement. (2015) (21)
- Context in fusion: Some considerations in a JDL perspective (2013) (20)
- Adaptive bootstrapping management by keypoint clustering for background initialization (2017) (20)
- Liveness detection for biometric authentication in mobile applications (2014) (19)
- Knowledge representation for ambient security (2007) (19)
- A multipurpose autonomous robot for target recognition in unknown environments (2016) (19)
- An integrated surveillance system for outdoor security (2005) (18)
- Deep Temporal Analysis for Non-Acted Body Affect Recognition (2019) (18)
- Circular arc extraction by direct clustering in a 3D Hough parameter space (1995) (18)
- Human body modelling for people localization and tracking from real image sequences (1995) (17)
- Acoustic Source Localization From Multirotor UAVs (2020) (17)
- Person Re-Identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Learned Visual Representations (2017) (17)
- A distributed approach to 3D road scene recognition (1994) (17)
- Contexts, co-texts and situations in fusion domain (2011) (16)
- Methodologies and tools for audio digital archives (2009) (16)
- Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding (2007) (16)
- Deep Pyramidal Pooling With Attention for Person Re-Identification (2020) (16)
- Ensembling Classifiers - An application to image data classification from Cherenkov telescope experiment (2007) (16)
- A neural tree for classification using convex objective function (2015) (16)
- A Practical Framework for the Development of Augmented Reality Applications by using ArUco Markers (2016) (16)
- A multi-camera approach to sensor evaluation in video surveillance (2005) (16)
- Zoom on target while tracking (2005) (16)
- Audio-video biometric recognition for non-collaborative access granting (2009) (16)
- Correlation based fingerprint liveness detection (2015) (16)
- Real-Time Incremental and Geo-Referenced Mosaicking by Small-Scale UAVs (2017) (15)
- Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Traffic Monitoring (2005) (15)
- Visual Sensor Technology for Advanced Surveillance Systems: Historical View, Technological Aspects and Research Activities in Italy (2009) (15)
- Outdoor Environment Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2013) (15)
- Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality (2013) (15)
- 2D into 3D Hough-space mapping for planar object pose estimation (1997) (15)
- Outdoor Scene Classification by a Neural Tree-Based Approach (1999) (15)
- The Evolution of Neural Learning Systems: A Novel Architecture Combining the Strengths of NTs, CNNs, and ELMs (2015) (15)
- A Real-Time Hough-Based Method for Segment Detection in Complex Multisensor Images (2000) (14)
- Coverage Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Short Review (2018) (14)
- Multi-signature based person re-identification (2012) (14)
- Sound Source and Microphone Localization From Acoustic Impulse Responses (2016) (14)
- Data Fusion in Modern Surveillance (2011) (14)
- Fusing multiple video sensors for surveillance (2012) (14)
- Real‐time detection of multiple moving objects in complex image sequences (1999) (14)
- A Neural Network for Image Anomaly Detection with Deep Pyramidal Representations and Dynamic Routing (2020) (14)
- Real-time approach to 3-D object tracking in complex scenes (1994) (14)
- Soft data issues in fusion of video surveillance (2008) (14)
- LieToMe: Preliminary study on hand gestures for deception detection via Fisher-LSTM (2020) (13)
- Learning and Classification of Suspicious Events for Advanced Visual-Based Surveillance (2000) (13)
- Sensitivity-based region selection in the steered response power algorithm (2018) (12)
- Guest Editorial: Video Processing and Communications in Real-Time Surveillance Systems (2001) (12)
- A security assistance system combining person tracking with chemical attributes and video event analysis (2008) (12)
- Beamforming-Based Acoustic Source Localization and Enhancement for Multirotor UAVs (2018) (12)
- Low-Altitude Aerial Video Surveillance via One-Class SVM Anomaly Detection from Textural Features in UAV Images (2021) (12)
- Real-Time video-surveillance by an Active Camera (2002) (12)
- Mobile Food Recognition with an Extreme Deep Tree (2016) (12)
- Master and Rookie Networks for Person Re-identification (2019) (12)
- Statistical morphological filters for binary image processing (1994) (12)
- Dynamic Models for People Detection and Tracking (2008) (12)
- Low-Level Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Smart Image and Video Analysis: A Comparative Study (2018) (12)
- Activity Analysis for Video Security Systems (2006) (12)
- Adaptive neural tree exploiting expert nodes to classify high-dimensional data (2020) (11)
- Fast good features selection for wide area monitoring (2003) (11)
- Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes (2008) (11)
- Acoustic Target Tracking Through a Cluster of Mobile Agents (2019) (11)
- Drone patrolling with reinforcement learning (2019) (11)
- Power Method for Robust Diagonal Unloading Localization Beamforming (2019) (11)
- Distributed hierarchical regularization system for recognition of planar surfaces (1993) (11)
- A Distributed Sensor Network for Video Surveillance of Outdoors (2003) (11)
- A holographic system for subsea recording and analysis of plankton and other marine particles (HOLOMAR) (2003) (10)
- Online separation of handwriting from freehand drawing using extreme learning machines (2019) (10)
- Image Anomaly Detection with Capsule Networks and Imbalanced Datasets (2019) (10)
- Feature-Based SLAM Algorithm for Small Scale UAV with Nadir View (2019) (10)
- Biometric template update under facial aging (2014) (10)
- Ultrasound Medical Imaging Techniques (2021) (10)
- Active Tuning of Intrinsic Camera Parameters (2009) (10)
- Combining Keypoint Clustering and Neural Background Subtraction for Real-time Moving Object Detection by PTZ Cameras (2018) (10)
- On filter banks of texture features for mobile food classification (2015) (9)
- Multi-sensor Multi-cue Fusion for Object Detection in Video Surveillance (2009) (9)
- Learning by Means of an Interactive Multimodal Environment (2014) (9)
- Remote feature learning for mobile re-identification (2013) (9)
- Frequency map selection using a RBFN-based classifier in the MVDR beamformer for speaker localization in reverberant rooms (2015) (9)
- Monitoring motorway infrastructures for detection of dangerous events (1999) (9)
- Diagonal Unloading Beamforming in the Spherical Harmonic Domain for Acoustic Source Localization in Reverberant Environments (2020) (9)
- Image acquisition enhancement for active video surveillance (2004) (9)
- Cascaded online boosting (2010) (9)
- Deep Super-Resolution Network for Single Image Super-Resolution with Realistic Degradations (2019) (9)
- A Line Segment Based Approach for 3D Motion Estimation and Tracking of Multiple Objects (1998) (9)
- A modified fuzzy ART for image segmentation (2001) (9)
- From person to group re-identification via unsupervised transfer of sparse features (2019) (9)
- Fusion of trajectory clusters for situation assessment (2006) (9)
- Adaptive high order neural trees for pattern recognition (2002) (8)
- Accurate glottal model parametrization by integrating audio and high-speed endoscopic video data (2015) (8)
- Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (2010) (8)
- A particle imaging and analysis system for underwater holograms (2002) (8)
- Properties of binary statistical morphology (1996) (8)
- A new feature clustering method for object detection with an active camera (2004) (8)
- Toward event recognition using dynamic trajectory analysis and prediction (2005) (8)
- 3D object recognition by neural trees (1997) (8)
- Computer vision methods for ambient intelligence (2009) (8)
- Anomalous trajectory patterns detection (2008) (8)
- Image processing applications to airport surface movements radar surveillance and tracking (1994) (8)
- A Belief-Based Approach for Adaptive Image Processing (1997) (7)
- Diversity-Based Classifier Selection for Adaptive Object Tracking (2009) (7)
- Few-Shot Object Detection: A Survey (2022) (7)
- Temporal Analysis Of Adaptive Face Recognition (2014) (7)
- Bodyprint—A Meta-Feature Based LSTM Hashing Model for Person Re-Identification (2020) (7)
- The UMCD Dataset (2017) (7)
- Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs (2009) (7)
- A Machine Learning Approach for the Online Separation of Handwriting from Freehand Drawing (2017) (7)
- A Multilevel Fusion Approach to Object Identification in Outdoor Road Scenes (1995) (7)
- A Preliminary Study on Identifying Fabrication Material From Fake Fingerprint Images (2015) (7)
- Incorporating linear discriminant analysis in neural tree for multidimensional splitting (2013) (7)
- Autonomous underwater vehicle guidance by integrating neural networks and geometric reasoning (1999) (7)
- Deep interactive encoding with capsule networks for image classification (2020) (7)
- Moving Object Recognition from an Image Sequence for Autonomous Vehicle Driving (1994) (7)
- A Network of Audio and Video Sensors for Monitoring Large Environments (2012) (6)
- An ADAS Design based on IoT V2X Communications to Improve Safety - Case Study and IoT Architecture Reference Model (2017) (6)
- An Intelligent Auto-Organizing Aerial Robotic Sensor Network System for Urban Surveillance (2021) (6)
- A Multimodal Learning System for Individuals with Sensorial, Neuropsychological, and Relational Impairments (2013) (6)
- Shape representation from image sequences by using binary statistical morphology (1994) (6)
- Deep Iterative Residual Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution (2020) (6)
- A Shape Comparison Reinforcement Method Based on Feature Extractors and F1-Score (2019) (6)
- Object pose estimation in underwater acoustic images (1997) (6)
- Localisation and tracking of multiple unknown objects in real environments (1995) (6)
- A real-time model-based method for 3-D object orientation estimation in outdoor scenes (1997) (6)
- On-line boosted cascade for object detection (2008) (6)
- Toward the Future of Surgery: An Immersive, Virtual-Reality-Based Endoscopic Prototype (2018) (6)
- Lord of the Rings: Hanoi Pooling and Self-Knowledge Distillation for Fast and Accurate Vehicle Reidentification (2022) (6)
- An augmented reality system for technical staff training (2018) (5)
- Real-time deep learning method for automated detection and localization of structural defects in manufactured products (2022) (5)
- Statistical morphological skeleton for representing and coding noisy shapes (1999) (5)
- Video Analysis in PTZ Camera Networks From master-slave to cooperative smart cameras (2010) (5)
- Real-time detection of multiple moving objects in complex image sequences (1999) (5)
- Interactive Reception Desk with Face Recognition-Based Access Control (2007) (5)
- Fusing Self-Organized Neural Network and Keypoint Clustering for Localized Real-Time Background Subtraction (2020) (5)
- Dynamic ensemble for target tracking (2008) (5)
- Visual Cryptography for Detecting Hidden Targets by Small-Scale Robots (2018) (5)
- Progressive image coding for visual surveillance applications based on statistical morphological skeleton (1996) (5)
- Modelling and Managing Domain Context for Automatic Surveillance Systems (2009) (5)
- Structuring relations for fusion in intelligence (2009) (5)
- Mobile ocular biometrics in visible spectrum using local image descriptors: A preliminary study (2016) (5)
- Real-time adaptive regulation of a visual camera for automatic investigation of changing environments (1993) (5)
- Cloth-Changing Person Re-identification with Self-Attention (2022) (5)
- End-to-End Speaker Identification in Noisy and Reverberant Environments Using Raw Waveform Convolutional Neural Networks (2019) (5)
- A Hough-Based Matching of 2D Line Segments in a Monocular Image Sequence (1996) (5)
- An adaptive probabilistic model for straight edge-extraction within a multilevel MRF framework (1995) (5)
- Fitting a biomechanical model of the folds to high-speed video data through bayesian estimation (2020) (4)
- An integrated low-cost system for object detection in underwater environments (2022) (4)
- Statistical Pattern Spectrum for Binary Pattern Recognition (1994) (4)
- Joint Identification and Localization of a Speaker in Adverse Conditions Using a Microphone Array (2018) (4)
- Homography vs similarity transformation in aerial mosaicking: which is the best at different altitudes? (2020) (4)
- An Exploration of the Interaction Between capsules with ResNetCaps models (2019) (4)
- Associative and symbolic algorithms for viewpoint-independent object recognition (1991) (4)
- Machine learning for video event recognition (2021) (4)
- LieToMe: An Ensemble Approach for Deception Detection from Facial Cues (2020) (4)
- Tracking Human Motion from Monocular Sequences (2008) (4)
- Support vector machines for robust trajectory clustering (2008) (4)
- Map-Driven Image Interpretation by Associative Model Indexing (1990) (4)
- Combining Deep Phenotyping of Serum Proteomics and Clinical Data via Machine Learning for COVID-19 Biomarker Discovery (2022) (4)
- Multiple acoustic sources localization using incident Signal Power comparison (2011) (4)
- Multiresolution approach for image coding and transmission for traffic scene monitoring via the Web (1999) (4)
- Tuning Asymboost Cascades Improves Face Detection (2007) (4)
- Localization and Tracking of an Acoustic Source using a Diagonal Unloading Beamforming and a Kalman Filter (2018) (4)
- Teaching by Means of a Technologically Augmented Environment: The Stanza Logo-Motoria (2011) (4)
- Automatic estimation of optimal UAV flight parameters for real-time wide areas monitoring (2021) (4)
- Noise-Robust and Invariant Object Classification by the High-Order Statistical Pattern Spectrum (1999) (4)
- Diagonal Unloading Beamforming for Source Localization (2016) (4)
- Distributed and Unsupervised Cost-Driven Person Re-Identification (2016) (4)
- Time-varying delay measurement of video capture-to-display components with application to visual servoing (2015) (4)
- Human Silhouette and Skeleton Video Synthesis through Wi-Fi signals (2022) (3)
- Use of neural networks for behaviour understanding in railway transport monitoring applications (2001) (3)
- Image Processing Supports HCI in Museum Application (2013) (3)
- A real-time image-processing system for visual inspection of real environments (1994) (3)
- Sensor quality evaluation in a multi-camera system (2005) (3)
- Distributed Sensor Networks and Neural Trees for Multisensor Data Fusion in Computer Vision (2002) (3)
- Sensor Management: A New Paradigm for Automatic Video Surveillance (2010) (3)
- Automatic Video Surveillance of Harbour Structures (2009) (3)
- A Novel GAN-Based Anomaly Detection and Localization Method for Aerial Video Surveillance at Low Altitude (2022) (3)
- A Smart Visual Information Tool for Situational Awareness (2016) (3)
- CNN-based processing of radio frequency signals for augmenting acoustic source localization and enhancement in UAV security applications (2021) (3)
- Mobile Re-Identification Based on Local Features Analysis (2014) (3)
- 3D hand pose and shape estimation from RGB images for keypoint-based hand gesture recognition (2021) (3)
- Selection of Temporal Features for Event Detection in Smart Security (2015) (3)
- Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors (2007) (3)
- Revisiting the role of abductive inference in fusion domain (2010) (3)
- How a visual surveillance system hypothesizes how you behave (2006) (3)
- A Rover-based System for Searching Encrypted Targets in Unknown Environments (2018) (3)
- A microphone array Interface for Real-Time Interactive Music Performance (2012) (3)
- Multi-sensor registration for objects motion detection (2010) (3)
- A New Descriptor for Keypoint-Based Background Modeling (2019) (3)
- Twitter Data Mining for Situational Awareness (2019) (3)
- Advanced Emergency Response Management in Smart Environments (2015) (3)
- Mobile Applications for Automatic Object Recognition (2019) (3)
- An Efficient UAV-based Artificial Intelligence Framework for Real-Time Visual Tasks (2020) (3)
- Where Did I See It? Object Instance Re-Identification with Attention (2021) (3)
- Distributed person re-identification through network-wise rank fusion consensus (2019) (3)
- Masked Transformer for Image Anomaly Localization (2022) (3)
- Selecting classifiers by F-score for real-time video tracking (2010) (3)
- Two-Microphone End-to-End Speaker Joint Identification and Localization Via Convolutional Neural Networks (2020) (3)
- Multiple geometrical filters for 3D scale-invariant image representation of planar objects (1992) (3)
- Editorial: Novel concepts and challenges for the next generation of video surveillance (2007) (3)
- A robust face detection system for real environments (2003) (3)
- Image Anomaly Detection by Aggregating Deep Pyramidal Representations (2020) (3)
- Event recognition with PTZ cameras (2009) (2)
- Data-driven vocal folds models for the representation of both acoustic and high speed video data (2015) (2)
- Drone swarm patrolling with uneven coverage requirements (2020) (2)
- Artifact “Metaphors”: Gaining capability using “Wrong” tools (2015) (2)
- Iterative Diagonal Unloading Beamforming for Multiple Acoustic Sources Localization Using Compact Sensor Arrays (2021) (2)
- Kernel-based unsupervised trajectory clusters discovery (2008) (2)
- Detecting elliptical structures in underwater images (2002) (2)
- A neural tree-based image understanding system for advanced visual surveillance (1999) (2)
- A scalable system for the monitoring of video transmission components in delay-sensitive networked applications (2020) (2)
- Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural Tree (2011) (2)
- Detecting multiple objects under partial occlusion by integrating classification and tracking approaches (2000) (2)
- Advanced Artificial Vision and Mobile Devices for New Applications in Learning, Entertainment and Cultural Heritage Domains (2013) (2)
- Exploiting a Geometrically Sampled Grid in the SRP-PHAT for Localization Improvement and Power Response Sensitivity Analysis (2015) (2)
- Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2011 - 16th International Conference, Ravenna, Italy, September 14-16, 2011, Proceedings, Part II (2011) (2)
- Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier (2010) (2)
- Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2011 (2011) (2)
- Application of balanced neural tree for classifying tentative matches in stereo vision (2012) (2)
- Stereo Vision in a Network of Co-operative Cameras (2009) (2)
- Enhanced videokymographic data analysis based on vocal folds dynamics modeling (2015) (2)
- Unsupervised Hashing with Neural Trees for Image Retrieval and Person Re-Identification (2018) (2)
- Context Representation and Fusion via Likelihood Masks for Target Tracking (2011) (2)
- 3D object recognition by integration of associative and symbolic techniques (1992) (2)
- Towards User Recognition by Shallow Web Traffic Inspection (2019) (2)
- Generalized neural trees for outdoor scene understanding (2000) (2)
- PTZ network configuration for optimal 3D coverage (2011) (2)
- A numerical and symbolic fusion method for interpretation of image sequence (1991) (2)
- Kernel-based clustering (2013) (2)
- Integration of Optical and Acoustical Imaging Sensors for Underwater Applications (1997) (2)
- Invariant feature extraction and neural trees for range surface classification (2002) (2)
- Supervised Anomaly Detection with Highly Imbalanced Datasets Using Capsule Networks (2021) (2)
- Fixed simplex coordinates for angular margin loss in CapsNet (2021) (2)
- Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation (2006) (2)
- Automatic Layered video-shot detection and indexing for surveillance applications (2002) (1)
- Time Delay Estimation for Speaker Localization Using CNN-Based Parametrized GCC-PHAT Features (2021) (1)
- A Time-series Classification Approach to Shallow Web Traffic De-anonymization (2021) (1)
- Balancing Neural Trees to Improve Classification Performance (2009) (1)
- Hough-based recognition of complex 3-D road scenes (1992) (1)
- Indexing by shape of image databases based on extended grid files (1999) (1)
- An Efficient Artificial Intelligence Framework for UAV Systems (2019) (1)
- Expert environments: machine intelligence methods for ambient intelligence (2007) (1)
- Focusing on Target’s Features while Tracking (2006) (1)
- Distributional memory explainable word embeddings in continuous space (2019) (1)
- Pro-CCaps: Progressively Teaching Colourisation to Capsules (2022) (1)
- Context-Based Goal-Driven Reasoning for Improved Target Tracking (2018) (1)
- Editorial: From Pioneering Artificial Neural Networks to Deep Learning and Beyond (2021) (1)
- Security and building intelligence: from people detection to action analysis (2005) (1)
- Is It a Plausible Colour? UCapsNet for Image Colourisation (2020) (1)
- A Continuous Learning Approach for Real-Time Network Intrusion Detection (2021) (1)
- Adaptive Facial Recognition Under Ageing Effect (2015) (1)
- Integrated Perception and Tactical Behaviours in an Auto-Organizing Aerial Sensor Network (2020) (1)
- A Markovian model for perceptual grouping of different shape primitives (1993) (1)
- Shadow Removal in Outdoor Video Sequences by Automatic Thresholding of Division Images (2009) (1)
- An Underwater Holography System for the Study of Plankton (2000) (1)
- Describing Capability Through Lexical Semantics Exploitation: Foundational Arguments (2018) (1)
- Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition (2009) (1)
- A camera to record underwater particles using simultaneous in-line and off-axis hologrammetry and its associated replay facility (2000) (1)
- A Gibbs Markov random field model for active imaging at microwave frequencies (1995) (1)
- Security and Building Intelligence (2005) (1)
- A Modified FuzzyART for Image Segmentation (2001) (1)
- Indexing and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Music Documents (1)
- A hierarchical multi-sensor framework for event detection in wide environments (2006) (1)
- Generating Domain and Pose Variations between Pair of Cameras for Person Re-Identification (2019) (1)
- 3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation from RGB Images for Improved Keypoint-Based Hand-Gesture Recognition (2021) (1)
- 3D pose estimation and shape coding of moving objects based on statistical morphological skeleton (1995) (1)
- CNN-Based Processing of Acoustic and Radio Frequency Signals for Speaker Localization from MAVs (2021) (1)
- Encoding context likelihood functions as classifiers in particle filters for target tracking (2016) (1)
- An Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking (2005) (1)
- Quality-Based Multisensor Fusion (2009) (0)
- Spatio-Temporal Attention for Cloth-Changing ReID in Videos (2022) (0)
- A Shallow System Prototype for Violent Action Detection in Italian Public Schools (2023) (0)
- Event Analysis and Understanding for Situational Awareness Support (2010) (0)
- Efficient Detection and Localization of Acoustic Sources with a low complexity CNN network and the Diagonal Unloading Beamforming (2022) (0)
- Forward-looking sonar image compression by integrating keypoint clustering and morphological skeleton (2020) (0)
- Situational awareness in smart environments: socio-mobile and sensor data fusion for emergency response to disasters (2014) (0)
- Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2011: 16th International Conference, Ravenna, Italy, September 14-16, 2011, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics) (2011) (0)
- An integrated system for object tracking and progressive coding based on statistical morphology (1998) (0)
- VRheab: a fully immersive motor rehabilitation system based on recurrent neural network (2018) (0)
- A Novel Transformer-Based IMU Self-Calibration Approach through On-Board RGB Camera for UAV Flight Stabilization (2023) (0)
- Online separation of handwriting from freehand drawing using extreme learning machines (2019) (0)
- Siche riding element and printing method (2004) (0)
- Dynamic Instance Generation for Few-Shot Handwritten Document Layout Segmentation (short paper) (2022) (0)
- Mosaicking of Images from Small-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2014) (0)
- Real-time Image Processing Manuscript No. Cascaded Online Boosting (2010) (0)
- An Underwater Holography System for in-situ Plankton Studies (2001) (0)
- Coupling multi-view dynamics with mixtures of Gaussians (2003) (0)
- A Secure Real-time Multimedia Streaming through Robust and Lightweight AES Encryption in UAV Networks for Operational Scenarios in Military Domain (2022) (0)
- Biometric antispoofing on mobile devices (2017) (0)
- SIRe-Networks: Convolutional neural networks architectural extension for information preservation via skip/residual connections and interlaced auto-encoders (2021) (0)
- High-Order Statistical Pattern Spectrum: an Invariant and Noise-robust Shape Descriptor (2000) (0)
- Performance evaluation of a Wi-Fi-based multi-node network for distributed audio-visual sensors (2023) (0)
- A late fusion deep neural network for robust speaker identification using raw waveforms and gammatone cepstral coefficients (2023) (0)
- Swarm-FHE: Fully Homomorphic Encryption based Swarm Learning for Malicious Clients (2023) (0)
- A Sentiment Analysis Anomaly Detection System for Cyber Intelligence (2022) (0)
- Fusing depth and colour information for human action recognition (2018) (0)
- A probabilistic approach to object classification by neural trees (1999) (0)
- Video-Based Convolutional Attention for Person Re-Identification (2019) (0)
- Analyzing EEG Data with Machine and Deep Learning: A Benchmark (2022) (0)
- Affective Action and Interaction Recognition by Multi-View Representation Learning from Handcrafted Low-Level Skeleton Features (2022) (0)
- Three-dimensional line segment extraction and grouping from image sequences (1994) (0)
- Spherical Harmonic Diagonal Unloading Beamforming with Ego-Noise Reduction for DOA Estimation from Autonomous Systems (2021) (0)
- Importance of binaural cues of depth in low-resolution audio-visual 3D scene reproductions (2018) (0)
- Accurate glottal model parametrization by integrating audio and high-speed endoscopic video data (2014) (0)
- Impairments in decoding facial and vocal emotional expressions in high functioning autistic adults and adolescents (2020) (0)
- Sensor network reconfiguration and big multimedia data fusion for situational awareness in smart environments (2014) (0)
- Efficient few-shot learning for pixel-precise handwritten document layout analysis (2022) (0)
- Video time lag analysis in a remote collaborative framework (2016) (0)
- Editorial (2004) (0)
- Data fusion and abductive inference for metaphor resolution: a bridging discussion (2016) (0)
- MISS EU project -An integrated approach to road safety (2006) (0)
- A scalable system for the monitoring of video transmission components in delay-sensitive networked applications (2020) (0)
- Automatic Identification and Geo-Validation of Event-Related Images for Emergency Management (2023) (0)
- Few-Shot Pixel-Precise Document Layout Segmentation Via Dynamic Instance Generation and Local Thresholding (2023) (0)
- Medicinal Boxes Recognition on a Deep Transfer Learning Augmented Reality Mobile Application (2022) (0)
- A Forward-Looking Sonar Progressive Coding Using Morphological Skeleton Representation (2018) (0)
- A vision system for flexible objects analysis (1999) (0)
- Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Image analysis and processing: Part I (2011) (0)
- 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2016, Poitiers, France, July 19-21, 2016 (2016) (0)
- STI - Sistema per la teledidattica interattiva (2004) (0)
- Situation Graph Trees (2014) (0)
- Experiencing Contemporary Art at a Distance (2021) (0)
- Homography vs similarity transformation in aerial mosaicking: which is the best at different altitudes? (2020) (0)
- Acoustic Source Localization Using a Geometrically Sampled Grid SRP-PHAT Algorithm With Max-Pooling Operation (2022) (0)
- 3D Road Scene Interpretation for Autonomous Vehicle Driving (1999) (0)
- CVGAN: Image Generation with Capsule Vector-VAE (2022) (0)
- Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2019 Challenge URBAN ACOUSTIC SCENE CALSSIFICATION USING RAW WAVEFORM CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS Technical Report (2019) (0)
- SIRe-Networks: Skip Connections over Interlaced Multi-Task Learning and Residual Connections for Structure Preserving Object Classification (2021) (0)
- Advanced Neural-Based Systems for 3D Scene Understanding (2002) (0)
- Onboard Audio and Video Processing for Secure Detection, Localization, and Tracking in Counter-UAV Applications (2022) (0)
- Editorial for the special issue on the DAFNE project (DigitalAnastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE) (2021) (0)
- A Novel 4D Reconstruction Method of Organs and Tissues Acquired by High Frequency Scans (2015) (0)
- Introduction of New Associate Editors (2019) (0)
- Blockchain-Based Swarm Learning for the Mitigation of Gradient Leakage in Federated Learning (2023) (0)
- Bringing Attention to Image Anomaly Detection (2022) (0)
- Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Image analysis and processing - Volume Part II (2011) (0)
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